Monday, April 8, 2019


1. APR. 8, 2019  (12:30 A.M.)
The CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only Politician) is a traitor to our Catholic Faith and an enemy of our U.S.A. Constitution. Indirectly, via the wisdom that God's law is the foundation on which this nation was founded and that He alone is the True Source of our cherished rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Be informed that Leftism and the Culture of Death are atheists. 

The Leftist will use the CINOP in your diocese for successful electioneering purposes. They tried last month in Orange County with CINOP Democrat Loretta Sanchez. She failed in winning the seat on the OCBoard of Supervisors. She was the only Democrat running against several other Republicans running. Irvine Mayor Don Wagner won. 

Catholic voters were successfully duped in voting for Obama and CINOP Biden for president twice. Without the misinformed majority Catholic vote, President Obama would not have been elected. All the other American Christian voters voted against Obama. Today is the desperate attempt and rehab for CINOP Biden to run. He has a better chance than Socialist Bernie Sanders.

2. APRIL 4, 2019 (A.M.)

What kind of Catholic mindset comes up with liberation theology. Aware that Communists are master of deceit and deception. Would Blessed Fulton Sheen work with an Obama and a Sol Alinsky? Yet we had Catholic bishops and priests work with these two and promote them within the American Catholic community. And yet directly and indirectly Catholic Americans were duped to have elected Obama.
  None of the other Christian religions in America gave Obama a majority of their vote. That's why the culture of death promotes fake Catholic V.P. Biden to run for President. The Culture of Death needs the Catholic vote to defeat President Trump.

3. APRIL 2, 2019 (2:48 A.M.)

We have the Monroe Doctrine. In the Western Hemisphere, we do not cooperate with communists. We destroy them, politically, religiously and educationally before election time and after election time. Somehow our religious faith in the U.S.A. got infected with liberation theology. There is some evidence that liberation theology is an offspring of the Russian Communist Party. Maybe one day, Vladimir Putin will tell us. He was there at the very beginning.
 When you think what Communist Castro has done to the Cuban people during the past 55 years cooperating with Castro via Catholic support was a diabolical mistake. (The informed American Catholic is fed up with this diabolical mistake.)
Yet during the Nicaragua Civil War, we had elements of the Catholic Church support the Communists in Nicaragua. Today, leftism has morphed into infanticide. The McCarthy mindset propaganda is the creation of communists. 
 The U.S.A. has the Constitution. And in support, the American Catholics have Blessed Fulton Sheen, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, St. John Paul 11, St. Dominic and St. Thomas Aquinas.All  concur with the above.
George H. Kubeck

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