Sunday, July 7, 2019


A. Cardinal critiques Amazon synod working document as 'heretical ... apostasy', urges bishops reject it. June 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) excerpts:

"Cardinal Walter Brandmuller, one of the two remaining dubia cardinals, today issued a strong critique of the Vatican's working document (Instrumentum Laboris) for the upcoming Pan-Amazon Synod, calling it "heretical" and "apostasy" from Divine Revelation. He called upon Church leaders to "reject" it with "all decisiveness."

"It is to be stated now in decisive points that the Instrumenturn Laboris contradicts the binding teaching of the Church in decisive points and thus has to be qualified as heretical," the 90-year-old German prelate wrote in a document (read below) that was published simultaneously by LifeSiteNews and Austrian news website Kath,net.

"Inasmuch as even the fact of Divine Revelation is here being questioned, or misunderstood, one also now has to speak, additionally, of apostasy," Cardinal Brandmuller, who is a world renowned-scholar
of church history, stated.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2089) defines "heresy" as: "The obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must believed with divine and Catholic faith, or it is like-wise and obstinate doubt concerning the same." The same paragraph (20289) goes on to define "apostasy" as:"The total repudiation of the Christian faith."....

The Cardinal takes issue with the working document's "very positive assessment of natural religions, including indigenous healing practices and the like, even mythical-religious practices and forms of cults," adding that the very "notion of inculturation is perverted in the document." The Cardinal then goes on to criticize the working document for pushing the "abolishment of celibacy" and introducing a path to "female priesthood." ....

The Cardinal said that the focus of having a synod in a region with a relatively small population, which is half the size of Mexico City, is "cause for suspicion concerning the true intentions" behind the meeting of the bishops.... In conclusion, Brandmuller stated that "we are witnessing a new form of the classical Modernism of the early 20th century" in this document, which is linked with a false understanding of the development of dogma, which "is sharply opposed to the genuine Catholic understanding." ....

B. Cdl. Burke: 'Synodality' Suggests Some Kind Of 'New Church' Where Pope's Authority Is Destroyed.
Limerick, Ireland, LifeSiteNews, Tues. Dec. 4, 2018
"Cardinal Raymond Burke has come out criticizing the concept of "synodality" that was barely discussed during the recently concluded "Youth Synod," but, nevertheless, found its way into the final document, surprising many of the Synod Fathers.

"It's become like a slogan, meant to suggest some kind of new church which is democratic and in which the authority of the Roman Pontiff is relativized and diminished - if not destroyed," said Cardinal Burke in an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews.... When asked if the principle of "synodality" was applied to the USCCB Conference in Baltimore, MD last month where the Vatican asked the bishops to delay voting on two measures to address the sexual abuse crisis - the Cardinal responded: "It's difficult to say whether it was applied or not because there's no definition of the term.' Addressing why a synod would be called, historically, Cardinal Burke explained that synods of bishops were created to reaffirm the teachings of the Church, never to dictate new doctrine.

George H. Kubeck, Sadly, the above two are examples of many.

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