Sunday, August 4, 2019


    Ok! What's going through your mind George, following the El Paso and Dayton terrorist attack yesterday, and this morning. Firstly, refer to # 1 letter, dated Monday, July 15, 2019.                                                           

A couple of days ago, I finished reading an historic and shocking U.S. history book about the past (and most likely present)  American communists in the U.S.A. "Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel, "The Venona Secrets" Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors. This book  should be required reading by all politicians especially Democratic leaders. Communists are masters of deceit, deception and infiltration for their own goals. All of this reminds of another required reading book "The Witness" by Whittaker Chambers. 

 Communist can change each of the three words in my college motto: "Justice is Truth in Action" and prostitute them for their own purposes. I seriously believe that communists originally came up with "Liberation Theology" within the Catholic Church. There is no doubt in my mind that Marxist professors on campus today helped a little to brainwash our students and adults to what we have, political correctness, identity politics, and hatred for traditional American values especially religion. Is that what we have today? 

By the way, where did the ideas of open borders and free health care for illegals immigrants originate?  Are these ideas in any words of our Founding Fathers? When they were working on our "Constitution." as a nation, they never thought of these crazy ideas. Did they? From 1966-1969 my topic for my M.A. in U.S. History was "Alexander Hamilton's criticism of John Adams' Foreign Policy." at  Pepperdine College, L.A., '69    
I'm  calling for an Alexander Hamilton's analysis and criticism of the Democratic Party's Agenda.
     I was only a kid, 10 years old,  when on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941,  I remembered via radio the Pearl Harbor attack on the U.S.A. The elders around me were playing cards. Ever since then, I have recalled too many things happening in America. While on a summer vacation in 1957, I met a lady friend and future wife Peggy in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. The following year, I exited Canada in July of 1958, crossed the border and in October volunteered in the U.S. Army for three years. Got my U.S. Citizenship papers, Apr. 2nd,1962.
  In 1960, I was rooting for Nixon over Kennedy. Nixon had more experience, and I did not like the people who hated Nixon.  I was proud of Nixon's work with Whitaker Chambers, in going after Alger Hiss the first certified American Communist Spy convicted. Years later, and today in the Archives of the Nixon Library, there is a Booklet of 14 letters, titled, "WHY MR. NIXON IN '68 - A SERIES OF 14 LETTERS (FEB. 1967 - MARCH, 1968) BY GEORGE H. KUBECK, COST - 50 CENTS.

   Last week in the morning I was listening to politically incorrect radio over 1150 A.M., Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. They are not politically correct. Therefore you must be a racist in this crazy leftist culture we live in. Let's vomit from our minds and hearts  political correctness and  Marxist propaganda of division. People from the asylum are trying to run America. I disagree with them. They are misguided,  and I don't hate them. Why do they hate us? Is TV and the mainstream media brainwashing Americans?
The culture of death and mainstream media propaganda may indirectly and directly promote Catholic-in-name-only V.P. Joe Biden for President. He is a false Catholic and duped Catholics may more likely for him and indirectly the socialist agenda for America. No other democratic candidate has a chance to get the Catholic vote. In 2016, a majority of Catholics voted for Trump.
 "My People are Destroyed for Lack of Honest Information." Before talking to anyone, one needs to know what TV or radio your associate has been listening to. It's terrible. Has politics become a  secular religion to many people?...  All of the above are personal opinions of the writer.
George H. Kubeck

P.S. My printer doesn't work. Please send a copy to President Trump and Vice-President Pence. I will send #1.

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