Thursday, February 28, 2019



Dear Loretta Sanchez,
    Greetings! I read your article on the blog, "Why  I am running for Orange County Supervisor?" You and Nancy Pelosi have been on my mind for years. You call yourself, Catholic.
 Do you remember when Pope John Paul II visited the U.S.A. He brought with him two very important documents? "The Catechism of the Catholic Church," and the encyclical,  "The Gospel of Life."
This pope is now St. John Paul II. And like St. Pio of Pietrelcina, another one of our most recent and powerful saints. At this point in our lives, I would not want to contradict them. I' m 88 and you are much younger.
 When you were in office as a Catholic, you voted against the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" and for several absolute evils as follows:

1.) Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act- passage (110th)
2.) Marriage Amendment Act (109th)
3.) Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th)
4.) Abortion in military medical facilities (109th)
5.) Coercive abortion/United Nations Fund (109th)
6.) Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (108th)
7.) Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: passage (108th)
8.) Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th)
  You got elected because of Planned Parenthood, the Catholic Church's Elephant in the room (don't bring up any Catholic-in-name-only politician), and the Mainstream Media who just love "Catholic-in-name-only Politicians." St. John Paul talked about the "Culture of Death" fighting the "Culture of Life." Whose side are you on?
 What does it mean being Catholic to you?  According to Bishop Thomas Tobin, "Being a Catholic
means that you are part of the faith community that possesses a clear defined authority and doctrine, obligations and expectations on essential matters of faith and morals: that you belong to a local community, a parish: and you attend Mass on Sundays and receive the sacraments regularly: that you support the Church personally, publicly, spiritually and financially."
 At this point, Loretta, I think I can call you names. But you know the Democratic Motto: "Buy the Union Label." I am sorry for in many ways, you have betrayed the Catholic Label. If you win on March 12th, resign.
 As one member of the pro-life movement, we will pray for you.

George H. Kubeck
Ref. on my blog, Patrick Kennedy & Loretta Sanchez # 1, Sat., Dec. 26, 2009, and # 3, Mon. Dec. 28/09
Please e-mail to Loretta Sanchez and all voters.

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