Friday, February 8, 2019


    ""Anti-fa" 2018 Booklet by David Hotowitz Freedom Center,
  # - "Antifa is a revolutionary Marxist/anarchist militia movement that seeks to bring down the United States by means of violence and intimidation. As a September 2017 report in The Atlantic notes, Antifa is responsible for "a level of sustained political street warfare not seen in the U.S.A. since 1960s"
    "The name "Antifa" (pronounced on-tee-fah) is a shortened form of the term "antifascist," and its adherents are commonly seen waving the red-and-black flag of anarcho-communism. The website, which serves as a newsblog for Antifa, says that "in the U.S., most [anti-fascist] activists are anarchist, although a few are Maoist or anti-state Marxists" - while "in other countries, the movement is predominately Marxist." The U.S. based anarchists of Antifa typically denounce not only the capitalist economic system, but the institution of government itself. And they explicitly advocate and encourage the use of violence to undermine and destroy both.
    "The organizer of notes that leftists in "the anarchist movement" are "excited" about "looking for alternatives outside of party structures." The "New York Times concurs that Anfifa's foot soldiers typically "express disdain for mainstream liberal politics, seeing it as inadequately muscular, and tend to fight the right through what they call 'direct actions' rather than relying on government authorities." In other words, traditional political processes are too mild to accomplish anything of consequences, violence is the only real answer.
  "At an August 27, 2017 rally in Berkely, California, a large group of Antifa Marxist and anarchists candidly gave voice to their desire to permanently wipe voice to their desire to permanently wipe the United States off the face of the earth. Conveying their rejection of President Donald Trump's proposed  border wall,  the protesters  chanted the war cry: "No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All!"....
"In June 2017, exhorted its readers and followers to make the United "ungovernable" by engaging in "mass insurrection," and "all manner  of physical violence" against supporters of President Trump, capitalist, and "conservative fascists."... According to, the Facebook page of a South Carolina group called Upstate Antifa "is replete with endorsements of political violence and property destructive in the name of fighting "fascism." Upstate Antifa has also promoted violence against "fascism" via posters bearing slogans like "Fighting fascism is a social duty, not an antisocial crime," and "Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed." publications lile Repress This, The Invention of the White Race, Our Enemies in Blue, and Whatever You Do,  Don't Talk to the Police....
"Central to RAM's long-term objective is the forcible theft and redistribution of property... RAM's most visible heroes, meanwhile, are the Marxist cop killers and former Black Panther Party members Mumia Abu Jamal and Russell Shoats. The former is described by RAM as a shining symbol of the "legacy" of "Philadelphia's rich revolutionary tradition."...
"It is vital to understand that in Antifa's calulus, the terms "rightwing extremists," "while supremacists," and "fascist" do not apply only to Klansmen and neo-Nazis, but essentially to all people who hold conservative values.This means anyone who believes in a) the notion that Western traditions are worthy of respect and protection; b) tolerance of opposing view points in the market place of ideas: c) individual rights and responsibilities (as opposed to grouprights and collective identify politics): d) the colorblind, even-handedly administered rule of law (rather than the evisceration of law and the civil society by means of violence and force); e) limited government (as opposed to the expansion of government in the Marxist model, or conversely, , the elimination of all government in the anarchist model); f.) free enterprise/private property rights (as opposed to the redistribution of wealth by an omnipotent government in the Marxist model, or the forcible theft and reallocation of wealth...
 "Showing just how broad Ant-fa's definition of "fascist" and "white supremacist" has become, Antifa activists in April 2017 blocked Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Macdonald - who has written numerous scholarly articles and books debunking the notion that police and the American criminal-justice are institutionally racist - from entering an auditorium at California's Claremont McKenna College where she was scheduled to speak... the activists characterized her as a "a fascist, a white supremacist, a warhawk, a transphobe, a queerphobe, [ad] a classist"... George H. Kubeck

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