Friday, October 4, 2019


By Mark Crutcher The Pact - By - (940) 380-8800

"As for the United States, when we had over 2,100 abortion clinics, our abortion rate was more than 5,000 a day and going up; now it is less than 3,000 a day and dropping.

There is no denying that 3,000 babies still being killed every day is a national disgrace, and it tells us that we still have a long way to go. But to belittle or ignore the accomplishments of the pro-life is pure nonsense. It expects us to believe that the abortion rate plummeted for some mysterious reason that had nothing to do with the pro-life movement, and it dismisses the millions of babies saved by our efforts as if they don't count.

The fact is, the Soviet Union was a prototype for what happens in any country is allowed to operate without opposition or restraint, if not for the pro-life movement, that pattern would have been repeated in the United States. In that case, our abortion rate would not have gone from 5,000 a day to 3,000. It would have gone from 5,000 a day to 10,000 or who knows how many, So today, we would not be standing on the graves of 65 million dead babies, but 150 million, or 250 million or, again, who knows how many....

It is understandable that the pro-life community would, from time to time, become discouraged. This is a brutal life-and-death struggle against odds that often seem over overwhelming. In addition we have to fight this battle in a world where we are routinely lied to and lied about, and stabbed in the back by those we trusted.

In such an environment, it is easy to become fixated on our failures and mistakes. But falling into that trap is the biggest mistakes of all. It not only distracts us from the battle, it also hides from us the fact that we have already saved millions of babies and we save thousands more every day. And yes, that is a fact....

The good news is, in order to win we do not have to be perfect; we have to be faithful. Remember God told us that the gates of hell would not prevail against those who follow Him. If we will just accept that promise as the source of our strength and our resolve, victory is assured. After all, if the front door of an abortion clinic is not a gate into hell, then hell does not even exist.

Going forward, we need to never forget that this is not a war between the pro-life movement and the unborn. You and I are just soldiers who sided up to fight on the side of the unborn. It is a pact we voluntarily entered and it meant we would be the only thing standing between those children and the ruthless savages in the abortion lobby.

That commitment remains in place today and to honor it we have to make certain that what we lack in perfection we make up for in perseverance. And that is exactly what we are going to do! Our movement can be criticized for many things, but we have never, and will never, run away from the sacrifices that must be made, or the burdens that must be borne, or the obstacies that must be overcome.

So wherever God places us on the battlefield, and whatever role He assigns us, we will do our duty, storm the gates, and trust Him to deliver the victory. In the meantime, we will not let Satan rub our noses in our failures and we will not follow him onto any snow covered bridges."  Mark

George H. Kubeck

P.S. When honest journalism is dead in the New York Times; and the U.S. Catholic Church has allowed the CINOP  (Catholic-in-name-only politician) to get away with the murder of the unborn, we have a most serious moral crisis and and because of this the culture of death is winning. The least action the Pro-Life Movement wanted of the CINOP from the Catholic Bishops: The censure: "DO NOT USE THE CATHOLIC LABEL WHEN RUNNING FOR OFFICE!"
    This is what the Baptist and Mormon leaders would have done. Instead, all U.S. Catholic bishops are in a dilemma. In the past, their decision was silence or neutrality. In today's 2020 election, the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those bishops who are silent or neutral during today's moral crisis.

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