Thursday, April 28, 2011


By Katrina Bessem – 5 pages
In pursuit of the truth – posted by – Thursday, April 28, 2011

If a child’s life is protected under law once it is born, should it not be safe while it is alive within the womb? The topic of abortion is very controversial and many people who support it believe that a child is not alive until they are actually born from the mother. Topics that are often argued about are: the definition of being alive, rape, the mother’s circumstances, and concern for the mother’s health. Abortion should be made illegal under all circumstances for it is inhumane to murder a living being and endanger lives; the convenience of the mother should not be more important than the protection of a life.

In 1821 the very first law was passed for abortions in Connecticut. Poison was the first method to be used to kill the baby. Only first trimester abortion was acceptable in most states, but Dr. Horatio Storer went on a mission to make all abortions illegal in 1856. Dr. Storer even gained the support of the American Medical Association and they worked toward his goal. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former abortion supporter, founded the National Association for the repeal of abortion laws. He admitted that he falsified statistics in order to persuade people for his cause (History of Abortion).

In 1973 there was a huge debate between Roe and Wade. The Supreme Court ended up striking down any state laws that would make abortions illegal. Another important debate was Doe vs. Bolton. After this, abortion was legal throughout the entire pregnancy if there was any issue with the mother’s health. However, the reasoning for most of the “health problems” were not life threatening (History of Abortion). “The medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors- physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the women’s age” (What about the health of the mother?).Women could use excuses as simple as stress in order to terminate the child.

The Gallup poll of May 2010 showed the statistic that only twenty four percent of Americans believe that abortion should be legal under any circumstances” (What about the health of the mother?). Even though this was proven, the laws have not been reformed. Since abortion became legal in the U.S. in 1973, 1.1 million abortions are done every year (Abortion Facts).Of these, only five percent are for the safety of the mother, rape, or fetal abnormalities. This means that ninety-five percent are performed simply for the convenience of the mother (Central Illinois Right to Life).

Abortion brings up a lot of serious issues including: rape victims and the trauma involved, health of the mother, religion, and the debate on whether or not the child is alive. Another argument is that if it is the mother’s body, it is the mother’s choice. Most people who choose to argue about these subjects have not done enough research to realize why abortion is wrong.

The child inside the mother’s womb is a living being and its’ life should be protected just like everyone else who has been born. The definition of alive is, “alive means that this being is growing, developing, maturing, and replacing its’ dying cells” (Wilke, J.C.). This in itself proves that the baby inside the mother is one hundred percent alive because he/she does all of the above and should not be murdered.

Protecting the life of any being in the United States is written in our constitution. “The U.S, abortion rate is among the highest of all developed countries” (Abortion Facts). The fact that the U.S. allows so many abortions to take place is devastating. Just because the child is still in the womb, does not mean the law should not protect all of human life. The law states that any health reason that is a risk for the mother is a valid reason to have an abortion. Only three percent of abortions are because of the mother’s severe health issues (New Directions in Adoption). However, most of these occur after six months and the baby could quickly be saved in an emergency cesarean. A lot of the excuses made by the women have been nowhere near life threatening and are purely for the convenience of the mother (What about the health of the mother?). If the mother feels she is responsible enough to have sex, she must be responsible enough to be a potential mother if she is not safe about it.

Dr. John Bruchalski spoke out and said, “There is a movement to prevent the birth of a baby with a disability or disease” (Filteau, Jerry). Abortions are being used in order to prevent children with different defects. Should children be killed off just because they have medical disabilities? Just because technology has increased and we can learn early on, does not mean we should abuse it and use it to decide if the child should live or not. Children who have medical issues are inspirations to so many people on this earth. “We are aware of statistics indicating that ninety percent of unborn babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome will be aborted” (Filteau, Jerry). Down Syndrome children as well as any disabled ones are just as much of a blessing to this earth. They can get an education, a job, and have relationships. Just because someone’s mind is different, does not mean they should not have the gift of life.

In 1969 a pregnant woman was beaten and her child was born dead in the hospital. The man who beat her was relieved from charges of murder for the child because she was not born alive. The pressure from the public was so strong that the murder statute was eventually amended. Murder charges can only apply to fetuses seven weeks or older (Montaldo, Charles). Because late term abortion is legal in some states, it is ironic that a baby as young as seven weeks counts as a murder. Should a mother having an abortion and killing her own child be looked upon as a murderer as well?

Abortions can be extremely dangerous and harmful to women. According the article “Complications you can have with your Abortion”, there is a significant risk for breast cancer and it has increased by fifty percent since abortion became legal in the U.S. Some common injuries after the abortion include bowel and bladder issues or ectopic pregnancy; which can lead to bleeding to death. Hepatitis, infections, and even sterility are other risks. After an abortion women can have hemorrhaging and more miscarriages in the future. The problems for future pregnancies can be that the first three months the woman will most likely bleed, there is a lower chance of a normal delivery, and the child is twice as likely to die in the first months of its life. Lastly, the baby is a lot more likely to be premature and to die in the last months of its first year (Burns, Laurence).

A world renowned abortionist named Dr. Warren Hern said, “In medical practice, there are few surgical procedures given so little attention and so underrated in its potential hazards as abortion. It is commonly a held view that complications are inevitable” (Burns, Laurence). It is true that the horrible effects of abortion are often not all talked about. Planned Parenthood as well as other organizations for abortions state that Post-Abortion Syndrome does not even exist (Post-Abortion Syndrome). It is not right that they lie to the women because some could be at a much greater risk for the syndrome if they have suffered with depression in life. Organizations that deal with thousands of women need to be truthful and reveal all of the facts and possible injuries to women.

Mother Theresa said, “There are two victims in every abortion; a dead baby and a dead conscience ( After having an abortion a lot of women deal with trauma. About 3,700 women deal with abortion every single day and Post-Abortion Syndrome affects a lot of them. According to the article “Post Abortion Syndrome”, there are so many symptoms that go along with this syndrome. Some of them are: uncontrollable crying, low self-esteem, eating disorders, anxiety, alcohol abuse, and issues with drugs. Some women want to commit suicide and they re-experience the abortion which causes a lot of depression. Women cannot handle the sadness and have issues coping. They often experience a sort of paralysis of their emotions and the anniversary of the abortion makes symptoms even worse. The only emotion that is somewhat positive is relief and the terrible symptoms do not go away with time. Sometimes the women become obsessed with getting pregnant again in order to not feel so guilty, but it usually leads to another abortion. A study shows that women reported a few weeks after the abortion and forty to sixty percent of them reacted negatively. Another study showed that out of five hundred women, fifty percent of them were negatively affected and ten percent had extremely serious psychiatric issues (Post-Abortion Syndrome).

Post-Abortion Syndrome is made to seem like it does not exist by some organizations, but there are so many women affected and it can be completely dangerous to a woman’s life. A world renowned abortionist even reveals how dangerous Post-Abortion Syndrome can be. Risks for future pregnancies are very evident. If a woman wants to potentially have children and a family in the future, she is putting herself and her child at a higher risk of problems. If abortion was made illegal, many women would not develop breast cancer and even more lives could be saved. If a mother is more likely to lose future pregnancies to miscarriages, it can be emotionally draining and painful as well. She should not put herself at such a vulnerable position. There are so many complications that can come with abortion it is not worth risking one’s health when a child can be born and given the opportunity to have their own life. Sacrificing the baby’s life for the mother is a moral dilemma.

Just because abortion is legal, does not mean it is morally right. Whether or not a person has religious faith, the facts have shown that abortions are mainly for the convenience of the mother. A life should not be ended just because it is not convenient for another person. Mother Theresa said, “It is a poverty that a child must die so that you may live as you wish” (

How fast the baby develops daily and weekly is miraculous. At the very moment of conception all of the inherited features are set and a new unique individual is instantly formed. It is all that the child will ever become (Milestones of Early Life). This means that no one will ever be like them and they can go on with their life with hopes and dreams of their own. By day seventeen the future sex cells for generations to come are grouped. This means that the abortion actually takes away future generations. By day twenty one the heart is beating and by four months the baby can feel all pain (Milestones of Early Life). So many abortions are done after four months and it is heartbreaking to know that the babies have suffered deaths with so much pain before they have even gotten the chance to live.

“1/3 of American women have had an abortion by age 45” (Abortion Facts).
Mother Theresa believed, “We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, killing, of wars, or of hatred…If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other?” ( If a mother can murder her very own child why should we be so shocked when we see murders on the news? It is accepted by many in everyday life. “97% of single mothers keep their babies after they are born” (New Directions in Adoption). This means only three perfect are given up and that there are thousands of potential adoptive parents that are waiting for the gift of a child. If abortion became illegal all of the babies could bless over a million families.

One of the touchiest subjects is rape. What most people do not know is that it only makes up for one percent of abortions (Central Illinois Right to Life). “Rape is an act of violence where a woman has no responsibility; the abortion is an act of violence for which she will be morally culpable” (Pro-Life Answer to the Rape Question). It is such a horrible thing for anyone to go through, but the abortion will not take the pain away; it will make the pain even worse. Should a child have to pay the price for the crime of his or her parent? Two people are harmed by the assault of rape and that means two lives should be protected. A victim of rape and the mother of the rape baby said, “It is the hardest thing in the world to choose what you know is right. Being a single mother is no easier than living with the haunting memory of aborting your child” (Pro-Life Answer to the Rape Question). It does not matter how the child was conceived, even if it is something as tragic as rape, the child still deserves a chance at life like everyone else.

Abortion causes so much pain and hurt for years after it even takes place. It is sacrificing one life and putting another in danger. The child is completely innocent and is a living and developing baby. If the country states in the constitution that it will protect a life, it should definitely stand by that. Abortion makes murder seem acceptable in a twisted way. A mother’s life should never be more important than another unless she is in critical condition. Even then, the child can be saved quickly because of America’s technology. Every single living being deserves certain rights, and the most important one is the ability to live. Life is full of infinite possibilities and we should not possess the right to take away them from anyone who could potentially have an impact on the world.

Works Cited

“Abortion Facts.” Students for Life of America, 2011. Web. 17
Mar. 2011
Burns, Laurence J., D.O., Dale Carrol, M.D., and Ronald E. Graeser, D.O.
“Complications you can have with your abortion.” Heritage House ’76, Inc., 2006. Web. 10 Mar. 2011.
“Central Illinois Rights to Life.”, n.p., 2011 Web. 17
Mar. 2011.
Filteau, Jerry. “U.S. Doctors Biased Toward Aborting Babies with Defects” National
Catholic Reporter. 07 Jan 2011: 6A SIRS Researcher Web. 11 Mar, 2011.
“History of Abortion” Students for Life of America, 2011. Web. 17
Mar, 2011.
“Milestones of Early Life.” Heritage House ’76, Inc., 2006. Web. 7
Mar. 2011.
Montaldo, Charles. “Fetal Homicide.” n.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.
“New Directions in Adoption.” n.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.
“Post-Abortion Syndrome” Students for Life of America, 2011. Web.
17 Mar, 2011.
“Pro-Life Answer to the Rape Question.” Students for Life of
America, 2011. Web. 16 Mar. 2011., Creighton Web Services. , n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2011
“What About the Health of the Mother?” Students for Life of
America, 2011. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.
Wilke, J.C. “Why Can’t We Love Them Both.” Heritage House ’76,
Inc., 2006. Web. 7 Mar. 2011.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Porter Stansberry's Letter to Obama!

Porter Stansberry’s Letter to Obama
In pursuit of the truth – – Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In honor of Monday’s national Tax Day, I wrote the following letter to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. Please feel free to pass this around if you like… [The writer is with “The Growth Stock Wire.”]

Dear Mr. President,

Welcome to the ashbin of society. With the speech you gave last week, you have firmly and permanently put yourself in the same garbage bag all other communists and socialists of the 20th century. Your speech sounded like the faint echo of a speech Lenin gave in an icy square in Moscow 100 years ago.

The promises you made, Mr. President, about the government giving people things they can’t provide for themselves – a better income, reliable health care, an advance education, cheaper mortgages, a “shiny, happy life- have been made time and time again… sometimes by speakers even better than you.

And they have all been lies. While the government can demand obedience (and taxes), it can’t mandate dedication, creativity, or innovation. The fact is, the government itself is nothing more (or less) than the organized ambitions of the people…

Immediately after your speech, the price of silver went from $39 to a new high above $42. Gold went up too. These are signs, Mr. President, that the world is losing confidence in our currency. If our foreign creditors were to call in our debts, America would suffer an economic cataclysm unlike anything we’ve ever seen in our entire history.

Americans now owe a total of $56 trillion. Without the Fed’s money-printing, it’s unlikely we could afford even the interest on these debts… much less the $1.5 trillion or more in debt you continue to rack up each year after year by promising benefits we haven’t earned.

Sooner or later, our foreign creditors are going to decide our money-printing amounts to a default, and they will stop buying our bonds. On that day, everyone who trusts you, everyone who believe in your lies, will be wiped out.

Almost every American knows in his heart what made this country great for the 200 years between 1776 and 1976. It wasn’t lies of our presidents. It wasn’t our ability to print money and rip off our Chinese creditors. It wasn’t the modern crybaby mentality or our school system or our unions. It wasn’t the baby boomer’s dream of a 40-year retirement with free prescriptions drugs.

No. What built America was her people’s unwavering faith that they were free to enjoy the rewards of their accomplishments. As our country tumbles into bankruptcy, and crisis, the people are going to want their prosperity back … You don’t have the foggiest idea of how to deliver prosperity to America… you don’t understand what America is all about. Regards, Porter Stansberry

George H. Kubeck, with the times we live in; one stocks up on low-priced specials and for six months.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Barack Obama's Ideological Family Tree

“Barack Obama’s Ideological Family Tree”
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, April 25, 2011

Preface: Honest journalism within the mainstream media and in particular the New York Times is dead. What does that mean? It means that American principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are seriously endangered by subversive ideologies. Thankfully, the “Mindszenty Report” of April 2011, Vol. LIII-No. 4, “Crooked Timber…” They share insights on who is Barack Hussein Obama?

“The first of these thinkers was family friend Frank Marshall Davis. It was Davis who suggested Obama attend Occidental College in California, known for its radical faculty. After transferring to Columbia University in New York, a hotbed of socialist fervor two years later, Stanley Kurtz demonstrates in his book, “Radical-in-Chief”, that at the “Socialist Scholars Convention” in the early 1980’s Obama was exposed to the thinking of professors Frances Piven and her husband Richard, who developed a strategy for destroying capitalism and replacing it with a socialist paradise…

“In Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father, he casually mentions a poet named Frank who visited them in Hawaii, read poetry, and was full of hard-earned knowledge and advice. This Frank was Frank Marshall Davis, who was much more than a casual friend to Obama and his grandparents. According to Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to the Communist Party of America (CPUSA), Davis was a decisive influence in helping Obama find his present identity - African-American. Davis had a long history of anti-Americanism…

“Following Uncle Frank’s advice after completing his education … Obama gravitated to Chicago where he came in contact with more far-left political forces, including the Democratic Socialist of America. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer, which served as a valuable incubation period. He worked for Gerald Kellman’s Developing Communities Project on the far South Side of Chicago, where he studied and later taught Alinsky’s methods for community organizing.

“Though the two never met, Alinsky’s philosophy had a lasting impact on the impressionable Obama, prompting some to call him Obama’s mentor from the grave… Alinsky, who died in 1971, spent four decades of organizing the poor, especially in black neighborhoods, for social action. His ideas were later adapted by some U.S. college students and other young organizers in the late 1960’s and helped to instigate the radical uprisings on college campuses…

“In the Alinsky paradigm, organizing is a euphemism for revolution - … whose ultimate objective is the systematic acquisition of power by a purportedly oppressed segment of the population, and the radical transformation of America’s social and economic structure. One may argue that this principle is behind Obama’s hope and change campaign rhetoric...

“Fox’s Glenn Beck was the first to bring the City University of New York professor’s [Frances Fox Piven] influence to public attention… suggested if the poor could overwhelm the welfare rolls, the fiscal and political stress on the system would give rise to a guaranteed income… on how to intentionally collapse our economic system… [Also known as the Cloward/Piven Strategy] … Their strategy clearly explains why the Democrats’ economic policies include trillions in new spending and debt that the country will never be able to pay/absorb..”

George H.Kubeck, It is incomprehensible for me to even consider the reelection of this president in 2012!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Shroud of Turin*

The Shroud of Turin*
In pursuit of the truth – –Happy Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011

“Extensive research has been conducted on the Shroud of Turin over the past hundred years points to overwhelmingly the authenticity. The cloth measures about 13’6” by 4’3”, continues to astound the scientific world in that it provides a “photographic image” of the front and back of Jesus’ body. The image of the body is a photographic negative with the bloodstains appearing as a positive print.

“Scientists have identified about 700 body wounds on the Shroud. What is also striking is that the image of the crucified man is three-dimensional. Modern science, for all its state-of-the-art methods, has been unable to reproduce such an image…

“Many scientists believe that this indelible photographic negative of the crucified body was caused by a mysterious explosion of energy inside the Shroud, by a searing of the surface of the cloth fibers by infrared irradiation or exposure to proton particles. Just how this occurred remains an insoluble enigma to modern science.

"One thing is certain. The cloth bears the impress of a crucified man executed in exactly the manner described in the Gospels – a Jew of the first century AD, six feet tall, of strong muscular build, with long hair, a beard, and handsome Semitic features…

“Our Savior Jesus Christ stamped a true image of his suffering and death on His burial cloth. The Shroud might well be called the Fifth Gospel – written not in ink, but in blood, shed or our salvation. It ought to stir and enliven our faith, draw us into a closer, personal encounter with Christ.

“The face on the Shroud attests to the torments Jesus endured. The head reveals numerous bloody punctures caused by the crown of thorns. We see a stick-inflicted wound across the nose and right cheek. There are abrasions to the eye-lids and eyebrows, a swelling over the right zygonna, traces of bleeding through the nostrils, bruises and bone displacement at the tip of the nose, scalp lesions from hair being torn out by the roots.

“An examination of the torso and lower body area reveals 120 wounds inflicted by the scourges, a sort of cat-o’-nine-tails with three longer thongs tipped with metal fragments. These tore out pieces of flesh in the process of lashing. Evidence points to the fact that Jesus was scourged by two soldiers. The thongs wrapped around His body, hitting the front parts, the chest, the abdomen, the shins and the thighs. Gibson’s film shows the terrible cruelty…

“From the shoulder wounds imprinted on the Shroud, researchers agree that Jesus carried the horizontal beam of the cross, which was approximately six feet long and weighed about 66 lbs. He had to carry it for a distance of about 550 yards… [F.Y.I., there is a Shroud Center in Fountain Valley, Ca.]

Pope John Paul II, Turin, May 24, 1998 said, “The Shroud calls on us to discover the deepest reasons for Jesus’ redemptive death … [It] invites all of us to stamp the image of God’s love onto our hearts and root out the terrible reality of sin … In the silent message of the Shroud, we hear an echo of God’s words and the centuries-old experience of Christianity: believe in God’s love, the most precious gift offered to humanity; beware of sin, the greatest misfortune to have befallen humankind.”

Geo. H. Kubeck * Fr. M. Piotrowski, S.Chr. “Love One Another Catholic Magazine No.2/2004 -

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Passion of Christ*

The Passion of Christ*
This is Holy Week – – Thursday, April 21, 2011

“The aim of this movie – says Gibson – is to tell the truth. I want it to be as faithful to the truth as possible so that everyone seeing it will stop to think about the reasons why Christ came and why he was crucified. He died for the whole human race, suffered for all of humanity. So really everyone who sins should see the role he plays in this, and accept responsibility.

“The making of the “Passion of Christ” was a moving experience for the entire filming crew. We had among us Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, as well as agnostics – observes Gibson – and we all worked in perfect harmony.

“Mass was said every day before work began on the film set. While the Sermon on the Mount scene was being shot, Jim Caviezel, who plays the role of Jesus, was struck by lightning and survived. All the actors witnessed this extraordinary event. In their spare time people held lively discussions on the subject of faith. The mood and intensity of the spiritual experiences during the filming of the Passion was so strong that several Muslims and agnostics embraced the Christian faith…

“For people of good will, Gibson’s Passion is a moving experience. It is an invitation to come to know more closely the person of Christ, who desires to offer everyone His boundless mercy and a part in His victory over sin and death.

“Everything in the Passion comes straight from the Gospel. There is nothing in the film that does not come from there. Those who criticize the film criticize the Gospel – said Archbishop John Foley, President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication, after seeing the film.

“Observed Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, for me art is a manifestation of God’s attributes, His beauty, His mercy, His love. The Passion contains all these things. It shows God’s divine love for us, and what he had done for us.

“Cardinal Castillon Hoyos, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy observed: On seeing the film, I experienced a profound spiritual closeness with Jesus Christ. This film leads the viewer towards prayer, reflections and meditations that flows from the deepest recesses of the heart.

“I have read accounts of the Lord’s Passion – and Cardinal Francis George of Chicago – I have meditated on them and used many of them in my prayers, many times, but I have never reflected on the Crucifixion with the aid of such images as came to me upon viewing this film. I will never read these words the same way again.

“On viewing the film, the Holy Father (Pope John Paul II) himself alleged to have said: It is as it was.”

George H. Kubeck, *this article by Fr. M. Piotrowski S. Chr. In “Love One Another,” Catholic Magazine -2/2004 p. 5, printed in Poland, – This film is on a DVD or rental.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

James Caviezel in his role as Jesus*

James Caviezel in his role as Jesus*
This is Holy Week – – Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Preface: James Caviezel was born in 1968 to a devout Catholic family in Mount Vernon, Washington, USA. His first break as an actor was playing a young private the The Thin Red Line (1998). He also scored successes in such well-known productions as Pay it Forward (2000) and the The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).

Today, he is known and universally recognized for his role as Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ.” He accepted it with humility, convinced that there was a mission in it. In his numerous interviews, he talks about this film experience, and speaks openly about his faith.

The following are extracts from some of these interviews.

The Holy Spirit leads everyone in a different way. You have to obey Him. I didn’t have the slightest idea what I could achieve. Many times, when it came to choosing a role that could assure me success, I felt tested spiritually. But I knew what my faith was, and I wouldn’t change it.

I wouldn’t betray myself because that was who I was. This was my soul. Here, in Hollywood, there are many Catholics who don’t believe that faith can take them where they want to be. I discovered that “Our Lady” would take me much further than I could even imagine.

I thought: “Wow, this is great! Hurray! Working with one of the world’s top directors! God couldn’t offer me anything better.” The God comes to me and says, would you like to play my Son?

On the one hand, I felt honored, but then I wondered: “Why did you choose me, Lord, me such a sinner.” But since I was chosen, I tried to focus on being grateful for this fact … I believe I was meant to be in this movie, even if it was to my last … I told Mel, who was afraid of where this decision leads:

“Each of us is called to carry his cross. If you don’t accept it, it will weigh you down and crush you. In the end, my answer was, “Yes, I’ll play Jesus.” My one motivation in playing in this movie was to see the world convert … It’s not me I want people to see on the screen. I want them to see Jesus Christ … I love Him with a greater love than ever.

Before we started filming, I told Mel Gibson: We have to go to Mass every day. Before I take up his cross, before we go on the set, I want to have the Holy Eucharist in me … We have to watch our language. I don’t want to curse or get mad when I play Christ.

This is a movie about love. About sacrifice: About forgiveness and hope… In some way suffering is always present in life … People who tough it out, who suffer, the most achieve the most.

Sometimes the Devil tells you: Hey, you’re working too hard --- and he begins to butter you up, saying how talented you are, and how much you can do on your own. Soon you stop serving God, and then you work become totally meaningless. I am convinced my whole career – everything – is a gift from God. [This letter is prepared by Marie Cofta*]

George H. Kubeck, *”Love One Another,” Catholic Magazine – 2/2004 p. 10, printed in Poland

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Planned Parenthood is in the News

Planned Parenthood is in the News
In pursuit of the truth – – Tuesday, April 19, 2010

It was in the news all of last week. Let’s check out from several significant analyses. Here is # 1 by Jill Stanke.

#1) Politico reported that on “broader trajectory of politics,” the “Republican – and, yes, the tea party – agenda is not only ascendant, it’s driving the debate over reshaping government at every level.” This includes the pro-life issue, which clearly was front and center in the budget debate. Pro-lifers must continue working to keep it that way.

Another outcome of the Planned Parenthood budget fight is Obama is now officially married to PP, for better or worse. As Americans are increasingly educated about PP’s dastardly history, emphasis on abortion, $1 billion annual income, defrauding the government, and willingness to cover up child rape and sex trafficking, PP is now Obama’s to defend.

#2) “The U.S. Senate Thursday, Thursday afternoon, April 14, 2011 voted 58-42 to strike down a measure that would have deprived the Planned Parenthood Federation of America of federal funding in the FY2011 budget bill.” All 11 CINOP Democratic Senators voted with the majority.

#3) “Obama refused repeated requests from pro-life House Speaker John Boehner to agree to cut funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business. However, his administration didn’t raise a stink about the elimination of $600 million to Community Health Centers. In an email received from the conservative American Principles Project, community health centers helped 320,000 women with mammograms, while Planned Parenthood provided none.

#4) Steven Ertelt, “A pro-life organization says President Obama is, ironically, allowing the high rate of abortions on black women and children to continue by refusing to de-fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business. The Center for Disease Control reported that black women accounted for 34.4% of all abortions despite being less than 20 percent of the national population of women. They get abortions at a 300 percent higher per capita rate and an overall rate 2.5 times that of non-blacks.

With those statistics in mind, the American Life League said it is surprised that “America’s first black president drew a bizarre line in the sand declaring he would shut down the government of the U.S. to keep federal funding for P.P., the organization that aborts over 125,000 black children each year.”

#5) Catholic universities need to vomit out any kind of referrals to Planned Parenthood on their blog. USCCB stated that defunding Planned Parenthood was not a hard choice in trimming the budget.

#6) lastly, there is the strong influence of CINOP leaders within the Obama regime. There is V.P. Joe Biden, Bill Daley, Chief of Staff, Nancy Pelosi in Congress, Kathleen Sebelius in Health Care, & Leon Panetta in the C.I.A. There are also Catholic–Con organizations funded by the likes of SOROS etc.

George H. Kubeck- I telephoned Bishop Tod D. Brown on April 12th and told the lady that I support American Life League’s message. Check my blog, “David Horowitz, and Home Addresses of Bishops, Tues. July 13, 2010.”

Sunday, April 17, 2011

If Easter had not Taken Place?

If Easter had not Taken Place?
In pursuit of the truth – – Palm Sunday, April 17, 2011

What would happen if Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus, had not taken place?*
•Well, if there were no Resurrection, the story of Jesus would have ended with Good Friday.
•His body would have decayed, and he would have become a has-been.

•But that would mean that God does not take initiatives in history, that he is either unable or unwilling to touch this world of ours, our human living and dying.
•And that would mean that love is futile, nugatory, and empty and vain promise.

•It would mean that there is no judgment and no justice.
•It would mean that the moment is all that counts and right belongs to the cunning, the crafty and those without consciences.

•There would be no judgment. Many people, and by no means only wicked people, would welcome that because they confuse judgment with petty calculation and give more room to fear that to a trusting love.
•This the motivation for the passionate efforts made to remove Easter Sunday from the pages of history, to “get behind” it and stop history with Good Friday.

•But these escape attempts result, not in redemption, but in the dreary kind of joy of those who regard God’s justice as something dangerous and therefore wish it did not exist.
•All this makes clear what Easter does mean: God has acted. History does not go on aimlessly, Justice, love, truth – these are realities, genuine reality. God loves us; he comes to meet us.

George H. Kubeck, *Meditation of April 16th from Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger’s book, Co-Workers of the Truth, - Meditations for Every Day of the Year, Ignatius, 1992. This is a classic.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Excommunicate Catholic Politicians who support Planned Parenthood!

Excommunicate Catholic Politicians who support Planned Parenthood!

We continue with American Life League’s Message of April 6/11 +++ Friday, April 15, 2011 ++ +

Memo to American bishops and their staff: Where there is a will there is a way! You have been duped and conned by the existing Democratic Party and the CINOP. You have a Democratic family heritage and idealized a political party that does not exist anymore. This party is an enemy of Catholic and Christian values.

62 CINO Politicians voted not to defund Planned Parenthood. If these 62 CINO Politicians were Republicans, you would excommunicated them years ago!

“A 4-minute YouTube video, ALL points out that the Catholic Church has history of excommunicating those who support her greatest enemies, including supporters of Freemasonry, Nazism, and communism. “Planned Parenthood is just as much an enemy of the Catholic Church as these three institutions,” says Hichborn. Ref.

“Pope Benedict XVI himself supported excommunication for pro-abortion politicians when questioned about it after the Mexican bishops had warned they would take such action in 2007. “Yes, this excommunication was not an arbitrary one but is allowed by Canon law which says that the killing of an innocent child is incompatible with receiving communion, which is receiving the body of Christ,” he said.

“The issue is a contentious one in North America and across the world, with many bishops hesitating, or flat-out refusing even to follow the Vatican’s directives to deny communion to pro-abortion. The ALL video documents Planned Parenthood’s history of anti-Catholicism from founder Margaret Sanger to current President Cecile Richards. In addition to its focus on abortion, the organization is a major promoter of promiscuity, contraception, and homosexual behavior.

“Sanger identified the Church as her main opposition, Richards has formally excoriated Catholic bishops for pro-life teachings, and Catholic bishops have excommunicated members of Planned Parenthood in the past,” said Hichborn. In particular, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska excommunicated all members of Planned Parenthood in his diocese.

“Planned Parenthood is an enemy of the preborn child, of our children, and of Catholics. To support funding of Planned Parenthood is the ultimate hypocrisy that betrays all pretense of being Catholic in favor of the largest private abortion provider in the world,” Hichborn concluded. “American Life League is asking Catholics to contact these Catholic representatives and their local bishops to express their feelings on Catholic support of Planned Parenthood. In Feb. these Catholic U.S. Representatives (alphabetical by last name) voted “NO” to defund Planned Parenthood:

Jason Altmire, PA; Timothy H. Bishop, NY; Robert Brady, PA; Michael E. Capuano, MA; John Carney, DE; Hansen Clarke, MI; William Lacy Clay, MO; Gerald E. Connolly, VA; Joe Courtney, CT; March Critz, PA; Joseph Crowley, NY; Henry Cuellar, TX; Peter DeFacio, OR; Rosa L. Delauro, CT; John D. Dingell, MI; Richard F. Doyle, PA; Charlie Gonzalez, TX; Raul M. Grijalva, AZ; Richard Hanna, NY; Maurice D. Hinchey, NY; Tim Holden, PA; Marcy Kaptur, OH; Dale E. Kildee, MI; Dennis J. Kucinich, OH; James R. Langevin, RI; John B. Larson, CT; Ben Ray Lujan, NM; Stephen F. Lynch, MA; Ed Markey, MA; Carolyn McCarthy, NY; James P. McGovern, MA; Jerry McNerney, CA; Michael H. Michaud, MA; James P. Moran, VA; Richard E. Neal, MA; Bill Owens, NY; Frank Pollone, NJ; Bill Pascrell, NJ; Ed Pastor, AZ; Mike Quickley, IL; Charles B. Rangel, NY; Tim Ryan, OH; Jose E. Serrano, NY; Albio Sires, NJ; Paul Tonko, NY; Nydia M. Velasquez, NY; Peter J. Visclosky, IN; Peter Welch, VT. --- George H. Kubeck

Monday, April 11, 2011

American Life League - Excommunicate the CINOP

American Life League – Excommunicate the CINOP

Excommunicate Catholic Politicians* who support Planned Parenthood – April 11, 2011


Washington, D.C. , April 6, 2011 ( America’s largest Catholic pro-life organization called today for the excommunication of every one of the 62 Catholic congressmen who voted in February against defunding Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion provider.

“Right now we have a very real chance of ending Planned Parenthood’s federal funding and those Catholic politicians who were voting to continue the funding of Planned Parenthood are aiding and abetting a professed enemy of the Catholic Church,” says, Michael Hichborn, host of American Life League Report.”

The above is a most serious matter. It is the tip of a volcano of other evil decisions by these 62 Catholic Politicians who cover and protect themselves with the garment of Catholic social justice. This decision will not go away until it is resolved. This is a religious decision and not a political one.

About a decade ago, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska excommunicated all members of Planned Parenthood in his diocese. We are dealing with unconscionable politicians who took out the Hyde Amendment out of any Obama Health Care and the conscious clause for health care workers. This is on top of promoting abortions on demand and same sex-marriage. We must put an end to this great pretend and fake Catholic politician within many of the dioceses in America.

Most of the bishops in the U.S. were appointed by Venerable Pope John Paul II. On May 1st it will Blessed. This pope should be a role model for the bishops. If they are unable to be shepherds, they need to resign. We need to pray for them that they will not put off any decision and cop out.
In today’s Liturgy of the Hours, the letter by Saint Cyprian, bishop and martyr is poignant.

The Contest of Faith

As we do battle and fight in the contest of faith, God his angels and Christ himself watch us. How exalted is the glory, how great the joy of engaging in a contest with God presiding, of receiving a crown with Christ as judge.

Dear brethren, let us arm ourselves with all our might, let us prepare ourselves for the struggle by innocence of heart, integrity of faith, dedication to virtue.

The Blessed Apostle teaches us how to arm and prepare ourselves: Put round you the belt of truth; put on the breastplate of righteousness; for shoes were zeal for the gospel of peace; take up the shield of faith to extinguish all the burning arrows of the evil one; take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God… [Make a common sense tel. call to your bishop.]

George H. Kubeck – There will be other letters, and addresses of bishops on this most serious matter.

*Here are the 12 in California. Joe Baca, Xavier Beccerra, Dennis A. Cardoza, Ann Eshoo, George Miller, Grace F. Napolitano, Nancy Pelosi, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Linda and Loretta Sanchez, Jackie Speier & Mike Thompson.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Report on Walk for Life SO CAL

Report on Walk for Life SO Cal
On Sunday, March 27 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena – Sunday, April 10, 2011

It was held outside of the Rose Bowl which is being repaired. It was in the afternoon. It was cloudy and it did not rain. There were about 5000 participants with 80% being teenagers. The walk was a few miles within the Rose Bowl compound area. The following are irregular notes that I took.

First Speaker: Archbishop of Los Angeles Jose H. Gomez –

God loves us so much he came through the womb of a woman for nine months. Why? Human life is sacred. Each one is a child of God and loved in a special way. The Visitation: Elizabeth: John the Baptist: The baby leapt for joy. Something very beautiful and very special happened!

It is so beautiful that God, this child, the unborn child, first to become witness to Jesus: Life is for everyone to proclaim with our lives. Let us ask the good God to be with us today! Together with Our Lady of Guadalupe work for the culture of life:

Second Speaker:

I came today to motivate you. God gives us different talents. Let us use these talent. # Prayer, #Education, #Start a petition, #you tube, #My Face: Invite your friends. Go with people that think in common. Never give up!

The day we depart from earth, we are face to face with God. What did you do with the talent I gave us? Did you fight for life or the culture of death? What will you leave to our people? Mother Teresa said, “The greatest evil in the world is abortion.”

Third Speaker: The producer of the movie, Bella:

Don’t ever be surprised by opposition. You are doing what is right. Today, let’s celebrate life. It is a privilege to be here. I was an atheist. I took Kathleen to have an abortion… Nazism, Communism, the culture of death: Abortion is the greatest evil? In 1991, I was watching the Soviet Union dissolve. In the next ten years we will see a complete change in America.

Fourth Speaker: Lila Rose

Demand accountability. Worked undercover into Planned Parenthood: They are the biggest proponent of abortion: Don’t say pro-abortion, use pro-choice. [I graduated from college UCLA about 2 years ago:] We are in the middle of the greatest human evil. Our nation will die with the Culture of Death, 1973. That decision vandalized our great Constitution. We are missing one-third of our people.

We have great work to do. We are touring the country in a big pink bus… Abortion is the degrading of women. Our Lord has called us to this work. The work for each of us to build the culture of life… I believe we will see my generation when there is no more abortion. [Daily Rosary and weekly at any abortion site, ghk] Every life is protected and cherished for life and for our Lord Jesus. [For more information check Facebook.comliveaction.]
George H. Kubeck – Hopefully, the Walk for Life next year will be in the Rose Bowl with 50,000 participants.

The Humility of Jesus our Savior*

The Humility of Jesus our Savior*
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jesus entered the Holy City seated on a donkey. He recalled the prophecy of Zechariah that was well known to his people: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion! … Lo, your king comes to you; … humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zech 9:9).

•Horses symbolized military power, as the armored tank does today.
•The true king of Israel would not come on a horse.

•He would not join in the struggle of world powers.
•He had no desire to seize power for himself.

•He would ride on a donkey the symbol of peace.
•The animal useless for military purposes, the animal of the poor.

•The borrowed donkey is both the symbol of earthly impotence and the fulfillment of the prophetic promise… But what, then, is Jesus’ Kingdom?
•The borrowed donkey is an expression of earthly impotence, but, at the same time, the expression of perfect confidence in the power of God, which is represented in Jesus.

•He did not set up a kingdom of his own alongside the Kingdom of God.
•He was content to bear witness to God’s Kingdom.

•His nothing was his all.
•He did not stand for earthly power, but for truth, justice, love – for God.

•The Kingdom of God has a precarious existence in this world.
•But it is the only by reason of this Kingdom that the world becomes a fit place to live, a human place.

•It is not revolutionaries who make the world a human place – not even the best intentioned of them; all they have to contribute is blood and shambles.
•What makes it possible for us to live in the world are goodness, truth, faithfulness, and the certainty that God himself is all of these.

•What makes it possible for us to live is the faith that God is like Jesus Christ, that Jesus is God; that he, the man on the borrowed donkey, is the true King, the true and ultimate power in the world.
•Today’s feast challenges us to lead lives dedicated to this power – to the King. Thy Kingdom come!

George H. Kubeck

*This is from the classic book by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, “CO-WORKERS OF THE TRUTH” Meditations for Every Day of the Year. Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1992

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dear Editors of America and Commonweal

Dear Editors of America and Commonweal
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, April 8, 2011

Thank you for your invitation to subscribe to your Catholic magazines. Enclosed is a check for $28.00 to America and $25.00 to Commonweal. I subscribed to your magazine at least once before and I was disappointed in your presentation of contemporary Catholic news. It was not down to earth. You and I seem to be on a different Catholic wave length.

Please Google either “cinops be gone” or George H. Kubeck. Since 2006 there are over 1100 letters dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic-in-name-only politicians. St. Thomas More is our model and patron. [I like “Catholic World Report”, “Homiletic &Pastoral Review”, “First Things,””New Oxford Review” and “Our Sunday Visitor”.]

OK, you are liberal and progressive Catholic magazine! But there is at least one fundamental issue that we can agree on and that is marriage. Or am I wrong? I have just reread the “Statement of the Administrative Committee U.S.C.C. Of Catholic Bishops” Promote, Preserve, Protect Marriage, and issued on Sept. 9, 2003 and reaffirmed on March 14, 2006. Please within the next year have a few articles in support of Marriage in your magazine. “It will not be America with Same-Sex Marriage.”

With respect to the CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only politician), is it possible that that you can write a couple of articles of persuasion and conversion so that the CINOP can see the light and not promote the culture of death that Pope John Paul II talked about in his encyclical, “The Gospel of Life?” It is a great tragedy for our Catholic Faith to have the CINOP in American politics!

Also, all of us are excited with the beatification of Pope John Paul II on May 1st. In Ecclesia in America, this pope proclaimed the need for a new evangelization. He wrote, “As the Church’s Supreme Pastor, I urgently desire to encourage all members of God’s People, particularly those living in America … to take up this project and to cooperate in carrying it out”(66). Pope John Paul II fought the Nazis and Communists and won. He is a role model for all Americans to defeat the death culture.

Also can you add your words of wisdom to Pope Benedict’s comment in his book, Light of the World, “The bureaucracy is spent and tired? It is sad that there are what you might call professional Catholics who make a living on their Catholicism, but in whom the spring of faith flows only faintly, in a few scattered drops.”

May I share a mixed bag of other topics that you can opine on? 1) Why do great companies like “Home Depot” and “Campbell Soup” support and openly promote the homosexual agenda? ---2) Bishop Julian Porteous, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, Australia said in column on Wednesday, “Just discrimination reflects wisdom & prudence.” --- 3) What is the intellectual and spiritual rational for 9 Jesuit Catholic Colleges in hosting “The Vagina Monologues” in 2011?

Lastly, can you get Father Jenkins at Notre Dame to stop the indirect legal persecution of 88 pro-life demonstrators? They have been in a legal limbo since President Obama spoke at the campus!

Respectfully yours,

George H. Kubeck – I am looking forward to reading and studying your magazines.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

To Hades with the CINOP and Obama's Agendas for America!

To Hades with the CINOP and Obama’s Agendas for America!
In pursuit of the truth – – Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Preface: Let’s focus on the article in the “National Right to Life News” – Feb. 2011 – U.S. House Votes to cut off all funds to Planned Parenthood, 240-185. How did the California CINO Politicians vote?

“In a February 14 letter to House members, the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) urged adoption of the Pence Amendment, saying, “PPFA (Planned Parenth.) is the nation’s largest abortion provider, reporting 324,008 abortions in 2008. It appears that abortion accounts for roughly one-third of the aggregate income generated by PPFA-affiliated clinics. According to press reports, PPFA has recently mandated that all of its regional affiliates must provide abortions by the end of 2013.”

“After a three-hour debate, the Pence Amendment was adopted, 240-185 on Feb. 18, 2011

.The Pence Amendment was supported by 230 Republican and 10 Democrats. It was opposed by seven Republicans and 178 Democrats…

[Of the 178 Democrats we have the following CINO Politicians in California who voted against the measure to defund Planned Parenthood. (House roll call no. 93) MIKE THOMPSON, GEORGE MILLER, NANCY PELOSI, ANNA ESHOO, DENNIS CARDOZA, JIM COSTA, XAVIER BECERRA, GRACE NAPOLITANO, LINDA SANCHEZ, JOE BACA AND LORETTA SANCHEZ IN ORANGE COUNTY. ]


“In a January 6 letter to House members supporting H.R., the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) noted that PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” better known as “the ObamaCare Law” “contains multiple provisions authorizing federal subsidies for abortion, and additional provisions on which future abortion expanding regulatory mandates may be based…

The law is so riddled with provisions that violate right-to life principles that it cannot simply be patched… The House passed H.R. 2 by a vote of 235 to 189.The repeal bill was supported by 242 Republicans and three Democrats. All 189 opponents were Democrats. ALL OF THE ABOVE NAMED CALIFORNIA CINO POLITICIANS VOTED AGAINST THE REPEAL.


It failed to pass in the Senate by a vote of 47 to 51. The vote was entirely along party lines. We have the following CINO Senators who voted against the repeal: RICHARD DURBIN, ILL., TOM HARKIN, IOWA, MARY LANDRIEU, LOUISIANA, BARBARA MIKULSKI, MARYLAND, JOHN KERRY, MASS., CLAIRE McCASKILL,MISSOURI, ROBERT MENENDEZ, N.J., BOB CASEY, PA., PATRICK LEAHY, VT., MARIA CANTWELL AND PATTY MURRAY, WA.

George H. Kubeck,

P.S. It would be a good idea for investigative journalists to investigate the CINO politicians in Germany during the 1930’s. They cooperated with the regime on national socialism projects like health care etc. In last year’s election, we voted out about 30 CINO politicians. We must do the same number in 2012.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Obama Guts Health Care Conscience Regulation

Obama Guts Health Care Conscience Regulation
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, April 3, 2011

Preface: This taken from an article in the “National Right to Life News” Feb. 2011, by Jonathan Imbody, V.P. for government relations for the “Christian Medial Association” .

“On February 18 the Obama Administration gutted the only federal regulation protecting conscientious health care professional discrimination. [It was put there by the previous Bush administration.] …

“The administration radical action again suggests tone deafness to the American public. Of the over 300,000 comments HHS [Health and Human Services] received regarding rescission, twice as many opposed rescission as supported it.

“The Polling Company in 2009 conducted a nationwide scientific polling of the public and also of faith-based health care professionals. The results revealed that:

•An overwhelming 63% of the public supported the conscience protection regulation whereas only 28% opposed the conscience protection regulation

•Only 30% indicated support for the Obama Administration’s plan to rid of the regulation, whereas 62% opposed the administration’s plan.

•88% of the American adults said it is either “very” or “somewhat” important to them that they share a similar set of morals as their doctors, nurses, and other health care providers.

•Nine of ten faith-based physicians agreed, “I would rather stop practicing medicine altogether than be forced to violate my conscience.” [Doing abortions etc.]

In other words, faith-based health care professionals and institutions are ready to walk away from medicine if denied the ability to practice medicine according to conscientiously held ethical beliefs… The recent regulatory action makes all the more vital passing bills pending in the 112th Congress to protect health care access with conscience protection.

For example, the No-Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 3), offered by Rep. Chris Smith (R. N.J.); the Protect Life Act (H.R. 358), offered by Rep Joe Pitts (R-Pa.); and the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act (H.R. 361) offered by Rep. John Fleming (R-La), all forbid discrimination related to abortion, in certain context.

Abortion ideology has taken root in much of medical academia and health care institutions and has resulted in both overt and subtle discrimination that laws alone cannot adequately address. Civil rights laws by themselves, it should be remembered, did not protect minorities from many forms of discrimination.

True civil rights protection requires cultural change. A long-term program of education within the medical community and in the public is needed to help build awareness among conscientious health care professionals of their civil rights and a respect for all those rights by all…

George H. Kubeck – Sadly, the CINOP [Catholic-in-name-only politician] in the 112th Congress votes also to take away conscience protection for health care workers. This is a horrendous scandal and shame upon the Catholic community throughout the nation.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Calling Things by their Real Names # 1

Calling Things by their Real Names # 1
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, April 1, 2011

Thanks to the valuable teaching from Ron Galloy, Director – Life: God’s Sacred Choice

•Deceptive Vocabulary – Abortion “clinic” Honest Vocabulary is Abortion Site

Clinics are for health care and health care excludes killing. Calling the place where someone is killed a “clinic” assaults the dignity of the one who is killed. Instead, the places where unborn people are killed are abortion sites, child killing sites, abortion chambers, abortion mills, and abortuaries. Proper phrasing disconnects killing from health care and instills sensitivity for the lives of unborn people.

•Abortion “debate”/ “Issue” Honest Vocabulary is Abortion problem
Murder is not an issue or debate because life is a human right. As a human right a moral duty exists to defend it, even by those who advocate its destruction. The term abortion problem is correct wording because it is the problem of murder itself.

•Abortion “rights” Honest Vocabulary - Honest Vocabulary is Killing children

Killing can never be a human right and calling it such can never make it so. Instead, it’s like calling a wolf a sheep to gain acceptance of the wolf and epitomizes the prophets words – Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Is. – 5’20. No one who calls abortion a “right” would want to have been aborted them self, which demonstrates the hypocrisy. Killing unborn children is the correct term.

• “Anti-abortion” – Honest Vocabulary is Right to Life

Anti-Abortion is media tag applied to pro-life people. It is not a good term for pro-lifers to be calling themselves, not because it isn’t true but because it’s negative and awkward terminology. Pro-Life and Right to Life are positive expressions that better promote the cause of life.

•“Bias” and “balanced” reporting –Honest Vocabulary is Honest and dishonest reporting

Often it’s heard that the media’s abortion coverage is “biased,” so what is needed is “balance.” This concept is not strong enough however, so neither are the words.

Why? Because bias and balance infer the subjective. Implied are that two valid sides exist, but one isn’t being sufficiently covered. This is not the case. In the case of killing there is no other valid side. Such a case needs to be correctly presented. On racism, the media presents it as wrong. Trent Lott and Jimmy the Great are examples. Like racism, and more profoundly so killing is wrong. Therefore, it must be presented that way to be objective. In any other context it’s dishonest journalism. {To be continued}

George H. Kubeck