Friday, September 26, 2014


In pursuit of the truth - - Friday, September 26, 2016
    Thanks to David Horowitz for the above 48 page pamphlet. Here are several significant excerpts from the above in dealing with the democratic progressive movement in  -
 "As many know, I (David) grew up in a Communist family and had a misspent youth as a Marxist leader of the New Left in the 1960s. In later years, when I reflected on the damage the Sixties had inflicted on our country, I would ask myself, "Where was the ruling class? Why didn't they defend the system under attack fro these modern day Luddites and America haters? Why didn't they expel us from the schools we tried to shut down? ...
    If you want to fight the left you have to fight fire with fire. That means first and foremost yo have to hold them to account for hurting the people they are pretending to help.... Already Obamacare is cutting the work week to 30 hours. Whose pocketbooks do you think that is hurting?
    They claim conservatives are conducting a war against minorities, we need to throw the truth back in their faces... 1) The city of Milwaukee, to take one example, has been run by liberals and progressives without interruption for more than 100 years. What is the consequence of this century of progressive rule? a) Milwaukee's median household income is forty percent below the rest of the country. b) The black unemployment rate is 27%, three times the national average for everyone. c) 30% of Milwaukee's population - a third of which is black and Hispanic - lives below the poverty line. d) A third of Milwaukee's public school children drop out before they graduate, while those who do graduate are barely literate. That what progressive policies achieve. ... p.26-37
    Conservatives need to put the human disasters of progressive reforms in front of people every chance they get.... Conservatives need to talk less to the voters' heads and more to their hearts, less about budgets and more about the suffering progressive programs cause....
    Conservatives need to speak as champions of the underdogs, whose lives are being steadily constricted by the ongoing destruction of a system that once afforded more opportunity for more people than any other in the history of the world....
    Detroit is a city Democrat progressives have run as a political monopoly for 52 years.... Nearly half of Detroit's population is either unemployed or no longer looking for work. Its poverty level is 36 percent or more than twice that of Michigan as a whole. Over a third of its inhabitants are on food stamps. The median household income of its citizens is $28,000 - roughly half the median income of the citizens of Michigan or the United States.... Detroit currently owes $14 billion in long-term debt, primarily driven by unfunded government union pension and retirement healthcare obligations, a product of the left's stranglehold on municipal officials....
    In 1960, just before the left took over, Detroit was the fourth largest city population-wise in America with nearly 2 million inhabitants. Today two-thirds of its population is gone... All of these woes are predictable products of the anti-individual, anti-business outlooks of progressives and liberals, socialist whose political home is the Democratic Party.
    The future of Detroit is predictable bleak. Three out of every four of Detroit's children are born out of wedlock. Statistically speaking, a child raised in a single parent female-headed household is six times more likely to be poor than a child raised in a two-parent family regardless of race or other circumstances. A third of Detroit's school children don't graduate and nearly half of those who do are functionally illiterate.
    The government of every major inner city in America have been 100% controlled by Democrat socialists for decades - and often for as much as 100 years. So here's the strategy, remembering that the best defense is a good offense: ATTACK THE LEFT - THE DEMOCRATS AND PROGRESSIVES - FOR THEIR WARS AGAINST MINORITIES AND THE POOR." pages 26-37


Monday, September 15, 2014


        In pursuit of the truth - - Monday, September 15, 2014
We continue with excerpts from the book America - Imagine a World without Her - by Dinesh D'Souza. As a nation we are living in the twilight zone. Help Dinesh and each other to save America from the suicide and subversion of traditional American values. We become a kind of Obama's European American.             
" In this book, I (Dinesh) intend to refute the progressive critique and provide a new understanding of what America means and why America is worth preserving. I will examine the historical critique by asking a simple question: As a result of the events of American history, are the people on the bottom better off or worse off?
In other words, are the native Indians today better off or worse because of the arrival of Columbus and Western civilization? Are blacks today better or worse because their ancestors were hauled here as slaves? Are Mexicans who now live on the American side of the border better or worse than Mexicans whose land was conquered during the Mexican War? This is a way of examining history by considering its current impact.
I also intend to argue that America invented something new in the world. There are very few truly world-changing inventions. Fire is one of them.The wheel is another. The invention of agriculture is a third. In this book I will show that America is a society based upon perhaps the most important invention of all time: the invention of wealth creation.
For most of human history, wealth, wealth was presumed to be  finite. Consider a boy on the playground with ten marbles. How can he get more marbles? There is only one way. He has to take someone else's marbles. In the same way, wealth was mostly in land and the only way to get land was to take it. Conquest, in other words, was the natural mode of human acquisition...
Recognizing that conquest had been the universal ethic, America developed a new ethic, the ethic of wealth creation. America is founded on the understanding that wealth can be created through innovation and enterprise. Through the system of technological capitalism, we can go from ten marbles to twenty marbles without taking anyone's marbles.
Obviously there were  inventors and merchants around before America. But America is the first society to be based on invention and trade. America is the capitalist society par excellence. I will show how this new system of wealth creation is fair and just, how it produces a better life for little guys in America and around the world. I will not shy away from addressing the progressive arguments that earning is itself exploitation, that profits are plunder, and that America's global actions are a disguised form of thievery.
I intend to turn the progressive critique on its head. I will demonstrate that the progressives are the real thieves, in that they use the power of the state to seize property and possessions of people who have earned them. In the name of ordinary citizens, the progressives have declared war on wealth creators... their policies lead to stagnation, impoverishment, indebtedness, and decline - all in evidence. (Any other U.S. President would be ashamed to have fifty million U.S. citizens on food stamps. ghk) ...
Most recently, in order to quell dissent, the progressives are implementing a chilling policy of national surveillance and selective prosecution - using the power of the police to harass and subdue their opposition. Ultimately what the progressives seek is a suicide of national identity, a dissolution of the American era. This involves not merely a diminution of America but a diminution of Americans.
I intend to blow the whistle on these people, starting with Obama and continuing with Hillary Clinton and the whole progressive menagerie. Once the ordinary American understands how moral terms have been inverted, and how he is being conned by self styled partisans, he will rise up and repudiate his new oppressors who are none other than his old oppressors under a new name." ...

Friday, September 12, 2014


In pursuit of the truth - - Friday, September 12, 2014
This book by Dinesh D'Souza, America, is remarkable. Dinesh expresses the beliefs of a majority of legal immigrants IN America. We come to America and we LEARN that native Americans want to destroy the foundational principles that made this country great. The book is an eye opener. Let me share a few of pages to give you an idea of what all Americans face. pages 3-6
In his Lyceum Address, Lincoln said, "... If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." ... Here are the thoughts of Dinesh D'Souza.
Yet I (Dinesh) intend to show in this book that the American era is ending in part because a powerful group of Americans want it to end. The American dream is shrinking because a powerful group of Americans want it to end. The American dream is shrinking because some of our leaders want it to shrink. Decline, in other words. has become a policy objective. And if decline continues at the current pace, America a we know it will cease to exist. In effect we will have committed national suicide.
America's suicide, it turns out, is the result of a plan. The plan is not simply one of destruction but also one of reconstruction - it seeks the rebuilding of a different type of country what President Obama terms " the work of remaking America."
While Obama acknowledges the existence of the plan, he is not responsible for the plan; it would be more accurate to say that it is responsible for him. Obama is simply a part of a fifty-year scheme for the undoing and remaking America, and when he is gone there are others who are ready to continue the job. What makes the plan especially chilling is that most Americans are simply unaware of what is going on. Their ignorance, as we shall see, is part of the plan.
It should be emphasized at the outset that the domestic champions of Americans decline are not traitors of America-haters. They are bringing down America because they genuinely believe that America deserves to be brought down. [It is for them a sick religion. ghk]
Their actions are the result of a powerful moral critique of America, one that has never been effectively answered. Nor is it easy to answer. Most people, confronted with the critique, go mute. Some respond with bluster, others want to change the topic. The ineffectiveness of these rebuttals makes independent observers believe this critique cannot be answered.
Consequently, the critique is widely taught in our schools and universities, and accepted as valid by the ruling powers in Washington, D.C. The critique leads to the conclusion that America must go down so that others can come up. [ Founder Alexander Hamilton would rip progressivism apart.] It is now the accepted basis for America's foreign and domestic policy. The plan for national suicide is not in effect.
And if it continues to be implemented, it is merely a matter of time - years rather than decades - for the American era to be finished. American lives will be diminished, and the "American dream" will be an object of past recollection and contemporary sneering. In the minds of those who brought this about, this will be a very good thing. For them, as for Camus, suicide could be regarded as the moral course of action.
Thumb through the writings of the pundits and scholars, and talk of American decline is everywhere. "Is America Over?" reads the headline of the December 2011 issue of Foreign Affairs.
Writing in Political Science Quarterly, Giacomo Chiozza warns that America once-great, is now "facing the prospect of its final decay." ... Virtually no one is saying that decline is a myth or that America's prospects are rising.
There seems to be three obvious indicators of decline. First, the American economy is stagnant and shrinking relative to the growing economies of China, Russia, India, and Brazil... Second, America is drowning in debt... Finally, America is losing its position in the world. The Obama administration is downsizing our nuclear arsenal when other nations are building and modernizing theirs ... he intends to get rid of nuclear weapons altogether....

Monday, September 8, 2014


 Political Correctness: Be Gone
In pursuit of the truth - - Monday, Sept. 8, 2014
      It is ironic that the two American men beheaded by ISIS were journalists.  I believe they were members of the Mainstream Media. They were honest journalist. However, this cannot be said, overall, for the whole Mainstream Media. A majority of them are two-faced and not truthful when it comes to reporting on President Obama's policies and decisions. That is a major tragedy for the nation. I put the blame on political correctness which is a handicap that keeps progressivism above the water.
     How important is honest journalism in America? I believe our survival as a country depends on it. We have listeners to MSNBC, Channels 2, 4 and 7, CNN, and Fox News. We have four versions of reality. Which one is closest to the truth?
    I don't have any confidence in progressive ideas because they do seek to change traditional America. They do violence to natural law, common sense and the truth. Political correctness is a weapon of the progressives and is not interested in the whole truth. At times they lie and want us to live in the twilight zone.
     The mainstream media helped elect President Obama and told us he is the smartest man in America. "groupies like historians Michael Besxhloss ( who called Obama 'probably the smartest guy ever to become president'" or Robert Dellek (who said Obama's "political mastery is on par with FDR and LBJ") made him out to be."#
 When Obama is wrong they do not report his mistakes. I sincerely believe that if a Republican were in office, he would have been impeached at least two times within the last 5 years. The mainstream media would have turned into honest journalist. For a journalist to be two-faced is false and destructive to the Second Amendment.
"Angela Merkel found Obama "so peculiar, so unapproachable, so lacking in warmth."# "The Polish-American Alliance is worthless even harmful, as it gives Poland a false sense of security," Radel Sikorski; Poland's foreign minister and once one of the most reliable pro-American politicians, was overheard saying in June, "It's bullshit."#  They would tear a Republican apart if he had these characteristics.
    What sticks in my mind is what occurred at Ft. Hood and the book I read, The Fight of Our Lives by William J. Bennett and Seith Leibsohn, 2011. This is a must read book.  We had a glaring Obama Cover-up of what occurred at the Ft. Hood Terrorist Massacre on November 5, 2009 by U.S. Army major Dr. Nidal Hasan. As he fired, he shouted, "Allahu Akbar [Allah is Great]." Thirteen soldiers were killed and thirty were wounded. Hasan emptied one hundred rounds into the victims.
 The government report is worded, "Protecting the Force: lessons from Fort Hood, January 2010."
"In its eighty-six pages, not once does the report actually mention Hasan's name. Instead, he is referred to simply, almost indeterminately, as "a gunman," just like any other random perpetrator of homicide." Something like work place violence was mentioned about sixteen times.
This is a lying report on domestic terrorism which President Barack Obama indirectly and directly forced the military to compose. It is like living in the Twilight Zone and forcing the nation to believe a lie. THIS IS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS FROM THE MIND OF OBAMA AND LEFTIST  PROGRESSIVISM. A HARBINGER OF LIES TO COME.


Monday, September 1, 2014


 What Would Reagan Do? - Labor Day, Monday, September 1, 2014
From- - Originally published at
My fellow Americans,
We have been saddened and outraged by the vicious video tape of Islamic State terrorists  beheading an American journalist. Our heart's go out to James Foley's family. However, anger and sympathy are not solutions. We, the American people, must come together in a righteous determination to defend freedom and civilization from barbarism, savagery and terrorism.
We must calmly, methodically and with the same grim determination we brought to winning World War II, implement strategies that eliminate the growing worldwide threat of radical Islamists prepared to kill us as individuals and our values as a civilization.Some will suggest this exaggerates the threat from the Islamic State. Let me remind them of some hard facts.
There are now an estimated 12,000 terrorists from over 50 countries in Islamic State-controlled parts of Iraq and Syria. Great Britain estimates more than 500 British citizens have joined the Islamic State. Our government estimates roughly 100 Americans are now engaged in enemy activities.When we remember the death and destruction 19 terrorists achieved on 9/11, we have to take very seriously the threat from more than 12,000 terrorists.
A. The chairman of the Join Chief of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, has warned that the Islamic State "has an apocalyptic end of days strategic vision that will eventually have to be defeated." He has expanded on the danger, saying their vision of a fundamentalist caliphate could "fundamentally alter the face of the Middle East and create a security environment that would certainly threaten us in many ways."
B. Furthermore, Gen. Dempsey has waned that the Islamic State cannot be defeated only in Iraq. He asserted, "Can they be defeated without addressing that part of the organization that resides in Syria? The answer is no."In fact the very existence of terrorists from over 50 countries means that we must be thinking in terms of a global campaign to eradicate the virus of Islamic Extremism and the spirit of terrorism and barbarism that it is fostering. This is fully as grave a threat to our survival as was Nazism and communism. With appropriate strategies and consistent policies executed energetically we can defeat and eliminate the Islamic State and its various allied factions. The Islamic State and its worldwide terrorist allies have become the focus of evil in the modern world.
C. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel warned that we must take the Islamic State seriously when he said, "They are tremendously well funded. This is beyond anything we have seen... They marry ideology and a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess." They must be defeated.
Yet defeating terrorists and blackmailers is nothing new in American history...
Jefferson hated war and loved peace. He also understood that there were times when vicious opponents give peace-loving people no choice but to engage in just war. As president, he sent the Navy and the Marine Corps in 1801 to the shores of Tripoli to reject blackmail, defeat piracy and establish that even a young America could project power in defense of principle and its citizens.
    We were saddened but not surprised by the vicious, barbaric video of the killing of James Foley. Back in January we noted that the Islamic State leader, Abu Bakra-Baghdadi, gave a speech in which he warned America, "Soon we'll be in direct confrontation, so watch out for us, ..." They have promised to raise their black flag over the White House.
Because I take very seriously the security of the United States and believe that my highest obligation as president is to protect America, I responded to this direct challenge with a series of quiet steps.
1. We moved intelligence assets and began monitoring potential Islamic State targets throughout Iraq and Syria.  2. We began re-establishing ties with both the Sunni tribes in Western Iraq and the Kurdish allies with whom America has worked for decades. 3.We created an anti-Islamic-State intelligence network working with Egypt, Jordan and theSaudis
4. We informed the weak, chaotic government in Baghdad that defeating the Islamic State is our highest priority and we will arm, train and coordinate with them and with any effective group prepared to help defeat the Islamic State. 5. We moved strategic assets including B-1 and B-2 bombers into position to be prepared to respond decisively to any Islamic State outrage.
6.In response to the deliberately vicious and barbaric killing of James Foley, we began hitting Islamic State targets in both Syria and Iraq. In the last hour over 200 targets have been hit.
The air campaign in coordination with Kurdish, Sunni Arab and Iraqi ground forces will continue until the Islamic State disintegrates and is incapable of holding any territory... Terrorists who videotape beheadings operate outside the rule of law and in the tradition of eliminating piracy they will be dealt with as outlaws...With the bipartisan help of Congress and our allies, we will pursue our campaign to destroy the Islamic State with the four principles I outlined after Beirut. We will have a clear plan to win... We will define clearly who the enemy is and they will have no sanctuaries.
In confronting an evil that seek to kill us and destroy our civilization, our goal must be complete and decisive victory.... America and the forces of freedom need your prayers in this daunting campaign. Together, civilization will prevail and barbarism will return to the dustbin of history.
Thank you and good night. Your friend, Newt ----- George H. Kubeck