In pursuit of the truth - http://www.cinopsbegoneblogspot.com - Saturday, May 30, 2015
America and the presidency are in disarray. The mind of President Barack Obama is difficult to figure out. We needed to study the thoughts of Obama's mentor Saul Alinsky years ago. The new leadership by Democrats in the country is dangerous and contrary to our nation's founding principles. The left reject God and also is an enemy of Christianity. I like the thoughts of President Calvin Coolidge:
"On Memorial Day in 1923, Vice-President Calving Coolidge, who would be President in 3 months, called upon Americans to recall the motives of their Puritan forebears: 'They were intent upon establishing a Christian commonwealth in accordance with the principles of self-government. They were an inspired body of men. It has been said that God sifted the nations that He might send choice grain into the wilderness ... Who can fail to see in it the hand of destiny? Who can doubt that it has been guided by a Divine Providence?'" Annals, XIV, 410.
Here is the letter to George H.
The Unholy Alliance between the Left and Radical Islam presents the greatest threat the United States has faced in our lifetime. When the Soviet Union died we thought it had taken the left with it. But the left was not dead - only sleeping. And and it has worked with a fury during the Obama presidency, which has sheltered and nourished it.
As a supporter of the Freedom Center you are aware that I was born into the communist left. I eventually turned my back on all that and chose liberty and conservatism, but I have continued to be an observer of the left, and, some would say, it's worst enemy. And I can tell you that the left today is stronger by far than it was in my youth when the communist party was alive and well and trying its best to undermine our country.
Back then, however, the left would never have thought of making common cause with something so backward and let's be candid - fascistic as Islamic fundamentalism. Even the communist party I was born into would have recoiled at the prospect of an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah; with savage movements like ISIS who hate the Enlightenment and modernity itself and whose only ideology is beheading the innocent. The left today is different.
Its hatred of Israel and America is so extreme that it justifies every barbarity committed by the jihadis in their war against freedom and democracy and the West itself. The radical left has made radical Islam its vanguard.
As a supporter of the Freedom Center you know that fighting against this Unholy Alliance is our mission. We have been able to play a crucial role in the war against Israel and America because of the unique perspective and knowledge or our writers and thinkers. And as a reader of Front Page Magazine you have come to know one of these writers very well. Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow, posts articles there daily on his blog, The Point. Daniel is one of the most incisive writers in the country today, particularly on the subject of the Unholy Alliance between radical left & radical Islam. We are fortunate that he calls FrontPageMag.com his home.
Daniel has just authored a new Freedom Center pamphlet title, "Barack Obama's Unholy Alliance." It goes into detail outlining Barack Obama's seeming love affair with Islam and explains why this is so dangerous to the future of our nation. Taking its title from Unholy Alliance, a book I wrote as America declared War on Terror, Daniel's pamphlet shows how it is precisely because he is man of the left whose presidency has been dedicated to advancing the leftwing project that Obama also has been unwilling to utter the words "Islamic terrrorism" and has lost ground in the battle against throat-cutting Islamic extremism...
I'll send you a copy by making a $25. donation to David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964
George H. Kubeck
With all the evidence, based on only Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points on Fox News since 2008, is it possible that by 51% to 49% President Barack Obama mindset is more European and Islamic than American, and in particular an authentic Black American.