In pursuit of the truth - - Sat. Nov. 20, 2015
Excerpts from a book by the esteemed immigrant now U.S. citizen Dinesh D'Souza titled, "Stealing America: What My Experience With Criminal Gangs Taught Me About Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party."
"D'Souza believes the objective of the far left under Obama and Hillary Clinton is "stealing the entire wealth of the nation, the values of homes and lifelong savings of all the people, the sum total of all the assets of every industry from banking to electronics to oil drilling, all the funds allocated to health and education and every other service, both private and public; in sum, the entire wealth of America, built over more than two centuries."
"The thieves that I am speaking about want all of it." But the Obama-Hillary stealing of America does not stop there, D'Souza explains.
"They want to won your businesses and your savings, how you work and whom you associate with, but they also want to control your education, your faith, your family, and what you watch on TV," he continued. "They seek to regulate how you feel and what you think and how you love. They want to control you dreams and ambitions, your personal aspirations, your pursuit of happiness." They want to own you, and to considerable degree, they already do."
"D'Souza details the progressive belief that America's wealth is made up of stolen goods. "This is the familiar litany," D'Souza notes. "America stole the country from the Native Americans. the labor of the African Americans, and half of Mexico from the Mexicans in the Mexican War.
"Even today we hear, America's foreign policy and free market system are forms of theft, because they take what belongs to others and illicitly appropriate it," he continues. "These contentions come from some of the wiliest figures in the progressive camp: Senator Elizabeth, Nobel laureate and columnist Paul Krugman, investment guru Warren Buffett, and Nobel laureate and economist Joseph Stigliz. Behind these figures are the great thinkers of modern progressivism, such as John Rawls and Karl Marx." ....
George H. Kubeck,
Ref. -clash-as-pope-francis-appointees-push-to-downplay-battle-for-I?utm_source=LifeSiteNews ... (Catholic Church - Fri Nov. 20, 2015)
"U.S. Bishops clash as Pope Francis appointees push to downplay battle for life and family"
Everything possible must be done by the pro-life and pro-family movements in America to inform and persuade their members to vote for Ben Carson in all Republican primaries coming up in 2016. If they are democrats or independent; persuade them to reregister temporarily in the Republican primaries so that they can vote for Ben Carson. (All of this in particular for all Catholic voters.)
We want Ben Carson to come in either first or second. If Ben Carson comes in second, he must be appointed by the winning candidate as Vice-President. Of all the Republican candidates Ben has the highest favorable rating, and lowest negative ratings. He does best in beating Hillary Clinton. Ben Carson is the unifier Republican for the U.S. Presidency. This is absolutely necessary for the Republican Party and the nation. Ben will attract huge support from all minorities and in particularly, be a role model for all black Americans. We wont have to look at the faces of American dividers Al Sharpton or Barrack Obama anymore. We're one nation under God.