In pursuit of the truth - - Friday,
Sep. 30, 2016
Ref: Excerpts from AFA Journal. October 2016 -
Preface: Imagine a nation
that has no belief in God, Christianity and the Ten Commandments. This is what
the Leftists and the Progressives in America have accomplished and promoted
during the Obama Presidency. Who are these people and what values do they want
us to believe in? (ghk)
"Relativism is the view that there is objective
knowledge only of facts, but not values," said Thomas G. West, professor
of politics at Hillsdale College and author of Vindicating the
Founders, "Science can know the truth about the material world, but it
cannot tell us how to live."...
No Human Nature: "This concept
of relativism was not only aimed at religion but also included political
philosophies such as those that motivated the founders. These principles were
also considered relativistic - and open to outright dismissal.
After all, if evolution is true, then there is no
God - or at least there is no need for consulting Him when considering how
Americans should order their governing principles. If there is no God, then
there is no natural law for which human beings should look. There is simply
nothing there to see - or understand."
Now let's listen to "Dewey" the Godfather of
"This string of ideas led to two problematic
conclusions. The first is that there is no such thing as human
nature. In fact, Dewey, whom West calls "The most influential founder of
modern liberal theory," ridiculed the idea that human beings had a nature.
"Dewey expands on the idea that human beings have no nature; they are born as
empty vessels, as nothing in themselves," West said. ... Their cultural and
historical surroundings create them, according to Dewey. "[S]ocial
arrangements, laws, institutions ... are means of creating
individuals." said Dewey.... For progressives like Dewey, government would
become the incubator and director of human nature."
"The second problematic conclusion ... was the
progressive denial of natural human rights. "There can be no natural rights
because there is nothing of any value that human beings possess by nature that
they could be said to have a right to," West explained. Then he cited this
startling statement by Dewey" "Natural rights and natural liberties exist only
in the kingdom of mythological social zoology." Spalding characterized the
progressive view of rights in chilling terms. "Liberty no longer would be a
condition based on human nature and the exercise of God-given natural rights,"
he said, "but a changing concept whose evolution was guided by
"These progressive ideas transformed American politics,
West insisted. "It was a total rejection in practice, of the principles, of
the principles and policies on which America had been founded and on the basis
of which the Civil War had been fought and won a few years earlier." he
With reference to the above,the beliefs of Dewey are
nonsense. Common sense believers ought to have ridiculed Dewey's beliefs as
hogwash years ago. And we let them take over the country with this hogwash. The
new secular morality includes the following: 1) Entrenched Political Correctness
2) In the war against ISIS do not refer to them as Islamic terrorists. It's like
don't call the Nazis, Nazis during World War II. 3) Pass Obamacare with
deliberate outright lies, like you can keep your own doctor and save $1500.
yearly. Forced belief in falsehoods is the new humanist morality.
George H. Kubeck