Friday, September 30, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - - Friday, Sep. 30, 2016
Ref: Excerpts from AFA Journal. October 2016 -
Preface: Imagine a nation that has no belief in God, Christianity and the Ten Commandments. This is what the Leftists and the Progressives in America have accomplished and promoted during the Obama Presidency. Who are these people and what values do they want us to believe in? (ghk)
    "Relativism is the view that there is objective knowledge only of facts, but not values," said Thomas G. West, professor of politics at Hillsdale College and author of Vindicating the Founders, "Science can know the truth about the material world, but it cannot tell us how to live."...
No Human Nature:  "This concept of relativism was not only aimed at religion but also included political philosophies such as those that motivated the founders. These principles were also considered relativistic - and open to outright dismissal.
    After all, if evolution is true, then there is no God - or at least there is no need for consulting Him when considering how Americans should order their governing principles. If there is no God, then there is no natural law for which human beings should look. There is simply nothing there to see - or understand."
    Now let's listen to "Dewey" the Godfather of Progressivism
"This string of ideas led to two problematic conclusions. The first is that there is no such thing as human nature. In fact, Dewey, whom West calls "The most influential founder of modern liberal theory," ridiculed the idea that human beings had a nature. "Dewey expands on the idea that human beings have no nature; they are born as empty vessels, as nothing in themselves," West said. ... Their cultural and historical surroundings create them, according to Dewey. "[S]ocial arrangements, laws, institutions ... are means of creating individuals." said Dewey.... For progressives like Dewey, government would become the incubator and director of human nature."
"The second problematic conclusion ... was the progressive denial of natural human rights. "There can be no natural rights because there is nothing of any value that human beings possess by nature that they could be said to have a right to," West explained. Then he cited this startling statement by Dewey" "Natural rights and natural liberties exist only in the kingdom of mythological social zoology."  Spalding characterized the progressive view of rights in chilling terms. "Liberty no longer would be a condition based on human nature and the exercise of God-given natural rights," he said, "but a changing concept whose evolution was guided by government."
"These progressive ideas transformed American politics, West insisted. "It was a total rejection in practice, of the principles, of the principles and policies on which America had been founded and on the basis of which the Civil War had been fought and won a few years earlier." he said."
With reference to the above,the beliefs of Dewey are nonsense. Common sense believers ought to have ridiculed Dewey's beliefs as hogwash years ago. And we let them take over the country with this hogwash. The new secular morality includes the following: 1) Entrenched Political Correctness 2) In the war against ISIS do not refer to them as Islamic terrorists. It's like don't call the Nazis, Nazis during World War II. 3) Pass Obamacare with deliberate outright lies, like you can keep your own doctor and save $1500. yearly. Forced belief in falsehoods is the new humanist morality. (ghk)

George H. Kubeck

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - - Wed. Sep. 21, 2016
    Is it genetic? Or is it a choice? Irregardless what honest science tells us, homosexuality is normal. And with respect to same-sex marriage, is it OK to redefine marriage. It's OK with the culture of death in America. We are forced to live with lies.
    But wait a minute, let us check out "Lithuanian intellectuals issue manifesto comparing gay pride with Soviet, Nazi tactics."
    "Vilnius, Lithuanian, August 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) - In a strong manifesto, a coalition of Lithuanian religious and intellectual leaders, including heroes of the anti-communist resistance, condemned the 2016 Baltic Pride Parade as an attack on human nature and the public good that follows in the path of the Soviet Union's assault on the traditional family.... Lithuanian intellectuals were not going to cave in to homosexual threats like their Western counterparts.
    "We are a country that had experience and still remembers the Soviet experiment. We rejected the norms of the new Communist morality that were imposed by those who claimed to be leading us into a bright future. The more brutally these so-called progressive norms were being thrust upon us, the more vehemently we opposed them. So it shall be this time as well," Makauskas promised.
    "The group's statement asserted the  LGBT campaign goes well beyond equal rights for its members but is "the continuation of unsuccessful attempts by the 20th century totalitarian regimes - Soviet Communism and German National Socialism, - to create a 'new man of the future ... and a new society." This project is contrary to common sense and scientific knowledge" that is "currently being conducted in Western countries."
    "Homosexuality is evidently a tough sell in Lithuania. When the Baltic Pride March began in 2010, the host city had to be forced by a court order to participate. Police have resorted to tear gas to suppress popular resistance at subsequent parades, and the makers of the video promoting this year's parade thought it prudent to fill the opening screen with a heterosexual couple with child.
    "The video proclaimed, "There are many of us and numbers count," but a crowd funding campaign raised just $3,393 in two months - 23 percent below its target. The march drew 2,000, according to press coverage.
     "But worst of all, the LGBT movement is opposed by many of the nation's scholars in the Vilnius Form [ How about in the U.S.A. the nation's Catholic scholars in "America"and "Commonweal"] who perhaps value Christian and Western intellectual tradition more than their Western counterparts because they had to defend it against brutal National Socialist or Communist suppression for decades in the 20th century.
    "Two Christian leaders who led he resistance and signed the anti-pride statement, Makauskas said, were Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevicius and Bishop Jonas Kauneckas. (The archbishop published an underground journal about Soviet suppression until caught and sent to the Gulag.)
    "While the homosexual lobby has accused conservative opponents of reviving the Soviet Union's alleged suppresson of sexuality, the Vilnius Forum corrects the historic record in its statement, pointing out that "the ideology of genderism arose directly from 19th century Marxist communism, which had set itself the goal destroying both the foundations of the old society and the concept of the family."
    "The conservative leaders also accused the LGBT movement, with the support of Western governments, of using "moral and psychological terror" to silence their opponents. What's more, the leaders say, its goals are "contrary to the vital interests of the nation," which is extinction unless its low birth rate can be raised.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - - Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016
September 13 - Cardinal Ratzinger's book, "Co-Workers of the Truth" Daily Meditations.
"In the Christian catalogue of virtues, despair - that is, the radical opposite of faith and hope - listed as a sin against the Holy Spirit, because it fails to take into account his power to heal and to forgive and thus rejects redemption.
Correspondingly, in the new religious (catholic), "pessimism" is the sin of all sins, for doubt with regard to optimism, progress, and utopia is a frontal attack on the spirit of the age: a contesting of its fundamental credo, on which its certainty rests, although it is , constantly threatened in view of all the weakness of talk about a "make-believe" God.
All this was brought to my mind again about the debate occasioned by the publication in 1985 of my "Report on the State of the Church" [published in English as The Ratzinger  Report. An exclusive interview on the State of the Church (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1985)]
The indignation aroused by this simple book climaxed  in the condemnation: a pessimistic book.
In many places, attempts were made to prevent the sale of it because a heresy of such magnitude was just not to be tolerated. Those who subscribed to this public opinion put the book on the Index of Forbidden Books: the new Inquisition revealed its strength.
It was once again evident that there is no greater sin against the spirit of the age than to put oneself in a position where one can be accused of a lack of optimism.
The question was certainly not: "Is what has been said true or not true? Are the diagnosis right or wrong?" I have been able to find no evidence that anyone took the trouble to investigate such outmoded questions.  The criterion was very simple: "Is it or is it not optimistic? And given this criterion, the book was, of course, condemned."
What does all of the above mean? We have an attitude that is not interested in the pursuit of the truth and solving problems. We have a false reality and a sick optimism. When it comes to the elephant in the room, any thought on the Catholic-in-name-only politician is a No, No.
So when V.P. candidate Senator Tim Kaine predicts Catholic Church will change on same-sex 'marriage' just as he did. we don't want to talk about it or think it through. Pessimism is a sin.
Also when the Hill publishes an article about Tim Kaine's Radical Roots by Ken Blackwell, that will be suppressed. "Reports indicate that in Honduras, "Mr. Kaine embraced an interpretation of the gospel, known as liberation theology." St. John Paul II blasted this theology.
Ref. htp://
The bottom line is that all Catholic-in-name-only politicians influence a lot of Catholic voters and for the destruction of our Catholic beliefs.
George H. Kubeck

Friday, September 9, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - - Friday, Sept. 9, 2016
     a) In the past, the Catholics have voted for the Clintons and Obama twice.   Everything possible must be done to inform all American Christians, Evangelicals, Lutherans, Baptist and others to pray for Catholics in America to make a most difficult Christian choice. It's certainly not Hillary Clinton!
    b) Will the silence of the U.S. bishops and enthusiasm of the Catholic-in-name-only politicians elect Hillary Clinton? All other major religious sects are voting against her.
    c) When St. John Paul II published the Encyclical, "The Gospel of LIfe" in 1995, they were not properly informed about the evils of abortion and the culture of death hanging over America. Instead of rooting out the Catholic-in-name only politicians, they were allowed and worked within the community and in the political arena. They were not directed to stop using the Catholic label when they were running for office. Will the identity of Catholic become meaningless. Yes! Is this a diabolical nightmare? Yes!
    d) I believe that St. John Paul II was bitterly disappointed with the leadership of the U.S. Catholic bishops. We don't have any Fulton Sheens. One bishop is not able to speak out on his own. They are required to speak in unison.
      e) It is in the rustbelt of America where the presidential election will be decided. (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc.) About 40% of the voters in that area are Catholic.
     f) The minds of the culture of death were diabolical in picking a pro-choice, same-sex marriage so-called Catholic for Vice-President. His name is Tim Kaine. He fools a lot of Catholics. The infamous Vice-President, Catholic-in-name-only politician Joe Biden married two men the other day. He is a Catholic fraud. He should have been excommunicated. The Evangelicals, Lutherans and Baptists would not put up with this scandal and corruption in their faith.
P.O. Box 7047 , Merrifield, VA 22116 - A project of Fidelis
"The alarming truth is: it is quickly becoming a criminal offense (a"Hate Crime") to express opposition to same-sex marriage and the homosexual agenda.
    In San Francisco, California, Board of Supervisors threatened legal action against San Francisco Archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone, if he did not remove the remove the requirement that teachers in Catholic schools under his jurisdiction uphold Catholic moral teachings.
Then there is the abominable Abortion Mandate that's now part of the regulations in the ObamaCare law. This ObamaCare Abortion Mandate requires all Americans (including Catholic and pro-life Americans) to purchase health insurance that includes coverage for contraception and drugs that cause abortions. 
    Now the Obama Administration has forced the "Little Sisters of the Poor" into a lawsuit because  Sisters refuse to purchase health insurance that includes coverage for abortions & contraceptions.
The primary purpose of ObamaCare was always to advance the radical Left's social agenda. And now we have Hillary Rodham Clinton telling Christians that "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed."
    She says Christians need to change their beliefs to agree with same-sex marriage and abortion-on-demand (including partial-birth abortion) and even threatens saying "Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will." [against those who believe in Christian moral beliefs].
She's telling us that we need to go along with the anti-Christian agenda of the radical Left, or we'll crushed by the full force and power of government. The goal of these secular elites and their allies actually goes beyond erasing all Christian influence from American public life. They want to outlaw Christian beliefs, even in private life.
    Churches, priests, and pastors are now increasingly afraid that any statement they make that annoys the radical Left risks triggering an IRS audit, or other government action. So Christians are now silenced - afraid even to say they are Christian. The relatively soft bigotry from secular elites we have been seeing in the popular culture for decades has now become a full-fledged government crackdown against faithful Catholics and other Christians.
    This is why the 2016 Presidential and Congressional Elections are such a tipping point for America. These elections will decide what kind of a country you help pass onto your children and grandchildren." ...

   George H. Kubeck