Monday, September 1, 2008

Personal Letters to Barack Obama - 1

Personal Letters to Barack Obama – 1
Happy Labor Day! cinops be gone Monday, September 1, 2008
I don’t know where to start. Why write to you? I think the thought began with your Saddleback appearance and your comments on when does life first begin? Then there was a Washington, DC (, August 22nd, 2008 article by Steve Ertelt:
“How strongly does Barack Obama believe in unlimited abortions? Strongly enough that the only article he wrote for the “Harvard Law Review” while he was a law student talked about how reverently he believed in legalized abortion. … Obama wrote that government has more important business than “ensuring that any particular fetus is born.” He also decried any limits on abortion, saying the government has an interest in “preventing increasing numbers of children from being born into lives of pain and despair.”
“According to Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt, Obama “remains committed to” the sentiments he expressed in the piece.” I wondered why later, on becoming a Christian, you did not change your mind. Or how about Mother Teresa’s retort, “What do you think Jesus would say of abortion?”

So these letters are a process to inform, persuade and change your mind on abortion.

May I share some things I jotted down this past week? I believe that the mindset of abortion destroys the survival of a stable Black American family; and lends itself to the genocide of Black Americans not only by Planned Parenthood, but by Black American themselves. It is a kind of black person suicide.

This could be a series of letters in understanding the mind and heart of a person who believes in abortion. For him or her, it is like having a tooth ache and then going to the dentist and having a root canal. Or someone who believes that pregnancy is an inconvenience when it interferes with one’s life style. And my life style and career is the most important thing in the world. Unfortunately, women have allowed themselves to be brainwashed and misled on the serious consequences to their health with abortion.

Also in our culture, abortion is a sacred cow and not even scientific evidence can change it. ABORTION IS TO WOMEN WHAT THE SERPENT’S APPLE WAS TO EVE.

This subject on abortion is similar to the study which I have made on the Catholic-in-name-only politician. This Catholic-label fraud-politician does not believe in abortion but in the public arena supports and promotes the two A’s, two E’s, and two SS’s. These are intrinsic evils: abortion on demand, assisted suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research, and same-sex marriage. May I remind you that your V.P. nominee Senator Joe Biden is a CINOP? Check out the blog on Google – cinops be gone.

For predatory singles, abortion is essentially a rip-off by men to take advantage of women in general. It is essentially using women for personal gratification in the dating process. If they should get pregnant then bring them to the abortion mill. There are no smiling faces going to an abortion site. I have been there a couple of times a week for more than 14 years. It is not fair. Abortion harms women and reduces men to wimps. Real men put women back on the pedestal with honor and respect.

Take for example, breast cancer. There is scientific evidence that abortion causes breast cancer. But it suppressed because it is not politically correct. That’s wrong, Barack. I don’t think you have spent much time studying this matter of abortion, the harm it does to women, future mothers and in particular black families.

In closing, we agree with Martin Luther King Jr., that “the ark of the moral universe ends towards justice.” But remember that “Justice is truth in action.”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish or Vietnamese.

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