Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Obama - Alinsky - Aquinas # 2

Obama – Alinsky – Aquinas # 2
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is part 2 from reprinted Catholic News Services “Alinsky-Obama Connection” by John Vennari in the Westminster Herald, May 26th Weekly Edition, Westminster, Ca.

“If you want to understand who truly Barack Obama is, we have to first understand who Saul Alinsky was. The two most important points about Alinsky: 1) Alinsky taught dogma (a doctrine or belief) is the enemy of mankind. 2) Alinsky: “there is no such thing as a fixed rule of ethics … the end justifies the means, and all ethics are elastic. There are no objective standards of beliefs.

“Saul Alinsky was a radical left-wing organizer, born in Chicago in 1909, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, Benjamin and Sarah Alinsky. He was sympathetic to communism and his main goal in life was to be a social agitator for “change.”

“He wanted to take the world to where he would “like it to be,” but he first insisted that one must start with the way the world truly is. One of the main reasons he was successful in everything he did in the realm of tactics and strategy, he was ruthless racist, forcing him to be creative and original.

“He entered the University of Chicago in 1926 to study sociology and criminology under sociologists E.W. Burgess and Robert Ezra Park who had co-authorized a 1921 book “Introduction to the Science of Sociology,” considered a landmark in the field.

“Alinsky’s main tactic was no matter what you do, you must always appeal to the person’s self-interest! This was the key Alinsky tactic Obama learned. Alinsky stressed that to accomplish anything you’ve got to have power, and you’ll only get it through organization … it comes in two forms, money and people.

“These are the same principles on which Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama work … but for the moment, Obama is our focus. Alinsky attacks all dogma beliefs, saying, “It must be watched for and apprehended at every turn and twist of the revolution. He glorifies doubt and the supposed relevance of truth. Alinsky said in his book, “Everything to him is relative and changing.”

“As with most liberals, he was full of contradictions. On the one hand he talked about the organizers’ deep concern for the preciousness of human life, on the other hand, he was a supporter of birth control and abortion, which is hardly respect for the preciousness of human life.

“Alinsky taught there is no objective ethnic, only the means to the end – the end justifies the means. In this, he is perfectly aligned with communism. It is a tenet of communism that the end justifies the means, moral utilitarianism, just do what works. Worse, he elevates corruption of the leader to a kind of virtue.

“Alinsky insisted ‘moral rationalization is indispensable to justify the selection or use of ends or means. Thus, for Alinsky, the Ten Commandments do not count. The Law of Christ does not count.

The natural moral law does not count. Ethical standards must be elastic to stretch with the times. ‘The only question that must be asked: ’Does this particular end justify this particular means.?’ This is the school in which Barack Obama Soetoro was formed: no dogma, or beliefs.” Continued this week in the weekly Westminster Herald.

George H. Kubeck, We have within the Catholic Church subversives or terrorists. They could be doctrinal, political or sexual deviates. One terrorist was identified in Italy, May 13th, pedophile Father Riccardo Seppia.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day - 2011 - Cypress Forest Lawn

Memorial Day – 2011 – Cypress Forest Lawn
Justice is truth in action - www.cinopsbegone.com – Monday, May 30, 2011- 10-11 A.M.

Keynote Speaker - LTC Kurt A. Schlichter – California National Guard

Thank all for the ones who are here. [Heroes that are all around us] Freedom, justice, democracy is not the rule, it is the exception. [Made possible by the sacrifice of heroes.]

Today’s generation is equal to any before. [Critics who think otherwise are wrong.] Our forces are facing the enemy as we speak. We honor the 6,000 who have lost their lives during the past ten years. We walk in a path made by heroes.

We live in a beautiful, peaceful place in California. America has always been at war. Recall the Nazis, the Communists, the Socialists and now Al Qaeda. [Our inalienable rights, no one can steal.} Our Founding Fathers understood that truth and so the men who have died for our freedom. The heroes resting here believed they had something worth dying for.

There are heroes around us who have served. And they are around us. Veterans give so much.

I HAVE A MISSION FOR YOU. The heroes who don’t tell stories. Step forward and tell your story. [Our nation must understand the past to protect the future.] Talk to your grandchildren, tell them what you saw.

The time for modesty is past. [We need to teach them, friends that they are things worth dying for] [Stay away from shades of gray with respect to good and evil.]] Our men and women know that evil exists. [We must defeat this evil.] …

Life – Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We are the greatest and freest nation the world has ever known.



Prelude Music ----------Western High School Band --- Sandra Hench, Director

Ceremony Host --------------------Elaine Williams -- David MacDonald, V.P. Forest Lawn-Cypress, California

Master of Ceremonies ------------ Carl Millock, Commander --- Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post #9847

“Gettysburg Address” -------------------------- William Peck as Abraham Lincoln

Presidential Proclamation ------- Mayor Leroy Mills ------------- Lt.Col., USAF, (Ret), City of Cypress

Invocation, Roll Call of deceased Veterans, Benediction – Brig. General George Vogel. Chaplain Veterans Affairs Healthcare Service, Long Beach

George H. Kubeck

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Aquinas - Alinsky - Obama

Aquinas – Alinsky – Obama
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, May 29, 2011

The following is a reprint from Catholic News Services – “Alinsky-Obama Connection” by John Vennari. I read it in the Westminster Herald, Ca. May 26th, 2011. [Continued next week] It will be interesting!

St. Thomas Aquinas said that those who are pious should pray; those who are wise should teach; those who are prudent should govern.

Prudence is choosing the best means to the end, here and now. It is the most important virtue for anyone who governs, whether it be the father of a family, the superior of a religious order; the head of corporation; the mayor of a city; or the president of a nation. Aristotle said “prudence is a virtue proper to the prince.” We know the four cardinal virtuals: justice, temperance; fortitude & prudence.

The virtue of justice, as Aquinas teaches, the wise application of justice not only to the individual, but also to the common good, demands the virtue of prudence… This is why Aquinas teaches: “these two virtues – prudence and justice – belong most properly to a king” … then quotes Jeremiah: “A king shall reign and be wise, and shall execute justice and judgment in the earth.”

The principles of this governance must be first and foremost in Conformity with what is true: that is, they must conform to the natural moral law and to God’s law.

This in a nutshell, the Social Kingship of Christ: that States, governments and social institutions will base their laws of right and wrong on what the gospel teaches on what is right and wrong on what the Church teaches is right and wrong. To sum up the qualities of good ruler must be that he himself should be virtuous…

Yet on Nov. 4th, 2008, the people of the U.S., in a tsunami of blind enthusiasm and idol worship, elected a man who is the polar opposite of what a true civic leader should be. The idea of ruling according to the principles of the natural law and of the Gospel have nothing to do with this man’s formation…

Barack Obama Soetoro may have been schooled at Columbia and Harvard, which are long-established commodes of liberalism, but his real education that gave him the principles that formed who he is, how he conducts himself, and how he became one of the most successful self-promoters the nation has ever seen, came for the radical organizer from Chicago, Saul Alinksy.

Saul Alinksy died in 1972 and dedicated his most influential book, “Rules for Radicals,” to the devil. Obama was trained in Chicago as a community organizer, according to the radical principles of Alinsky; And Obama would admit “his years as an organizer game him the best education of his life.”Mike Kruglik, who was Obama’s Chicago instructor in Alinsky methods said, “Obama was the best student of Alinksy tactics he ever had.”… [To be continued with at least 3 or more letter]

George H. Kubeck, Alinsky was factor in turning my professional teacher organizations in the 1960’s the NEA, CTA and WTA into unions. Union principles were never intended for public employees least of all teachers.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dolan Decries Injustice against Marriage

Dolan Decries Injustice against Marriage
Inform, educate and act – www.cinopsbegone.com - Saturday, May 28, 2011

http://www.zenit.org/article-31942?1=english – President Position is Threat to Democracy

“Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York is decrying the “alarming and grave injustice” of U.S. President Barack Obama’s instruction to nation’s justice department to cease the defense of marriage. The president’s instruction to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was announced on Feb. 23, 2011 by the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder.

“Archbishop Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, released a statement in response to this announcement, and also sent a personal message to Obama regarding this decision.

“Marriage, the union of one man and a woman as husband and wife, is a singular and irreplaceable institution. Only a man and a woman have the ability to bring children into the world. “Along with that ability comes responsibility,” the prelate stated, “which society historically reinforces with laws that bind mothers and fathers to each other and their children.

“He asserted that “contrary to the attorney general’s statement, DOMA does not single out people based on sexual ‘orientation’ or ‘inclination’. “Unjust discrimination against any person is always wrong,” But DOMA is not ‘unjust discrimination;’ rather, it merely affirms and protects the time-tested and unalterable meaning of marriage.”

“The suggestion that this definition amounts to ‘discrimination’ is grossly false and represents an affront to millions of citizens to this country.”“The decision also does not stand the test of Common Sense. It is hardly discrimination to say that a husband and wife have a unique and singular relationship that two persons of the same sex – or any unmarried persons – simply do not and cannot have. It is not ‘discrimination’ to say that having both a mother & father matters & benefits a child.”

“Protecting the definition of marriage is not merely permissible, but actually necessary as matter of justice.” He stressed that “having laws that affirm the vital importance of mothers and fathers -- laws that reinforce, rather than undermine, the ideal that children should be raised by their own mother and father – essential for any just society. Those laws are now under relentless attack.

“The administration current position is not only a grave threat to marriage, but to religious liberty and the integrity of our democracy as well. Our nation and government have the duty to recognize and protect marriage, not tamper with and redefine it, nor to caricature the deeply held beliefs of so many citizens as ‘discrimination.’

On behalf of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, I express my deep disappointment over the administration’s recent decision. I pray that [the president] and the Department of Justice may yet make the right choice to carry their constitutional responsibility, defending the irreplaceable institution of marriage, and so doing protect the future generation of our children.”

George H. Kubeck, There is outrageous arrogance with the Obama Regime. However, the horrendous scandal is with the CINOP, the Catholic-in-name only politician who supports same-sex marriage. That silence is deafening. But maybe only for a little while longer.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Incompetent Presidency

The Incompetent Presidency
Inform, educate, and think – www.cinopsbegone.com – Friday, May 27, 2011

1)Declared dead by Congress, the courts, and the Federal Election Commission, the DISCLOSE ACT has a pulse – thanks to an incredible overreach by this administration. What liberals couldn’t pass into law, the President will force by Executive Order (EO). According to Republicans, the White House is just days away from signing an EO…

2)To bid for government work, all companies (with the exception of labor unions) WOULD BE FORCED TO LIST THEIR POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND THAT OF THEIR OFFICERS AS PART OF APPLICATION PROCESS. IN OTHER WORDS, THE POLICY IS DESIGNED TO EXPOSE (AND THEREBY SCARE) REPUBLICAN DONORS. “This might hold (a drop of) water,” the Wall Street Journal explains “if the executive order also required all the liberal entities that get billions in taxpayer dollars … unions, environmental group, Planned Parenthood – to disclose also. It doesn’t.”…

3)“The clear intent of this bill,” writes the Washington Examiner. “Is to suppress speech and punish Obama’s enemies.” In the history of campaign finance law, no White House has attempted to do what this administration has planned. As always, the Left is on the lookout for new ways to undermine democracy. And with this stunt, they’ve found one.

4)The above from Family Research Council, May 9, 2011 – DISCLOSE Enough for Govern. Work?


Obama’s profligate deficit spending confirms the researchers who discovered that Obama absorbed the Frances Fox Piven strategy, which he learned Fox Piven strategy, which he learned from his own lips as a principal speaker at a Socialist Party Scholars Conference in New York in 1983, when Obama was a student at Columbia University.

The strategy is to flood the welfare system with more recipients than taxpayers can afford, thereby creating a financial and political crisis that will doom the capitalist system and move the U.S. into socialism.

The Socialist Party Conference commemorated the 100-year anniversary of Karl Marx’s death, and Piven urged her listeners to “stand within the intellectual and political tradition Marx bequeathed.” Scholar Stanley Kurtz has documented that event and identified the stealthy socialists who maintained a presence throughout the world of community organizing, many of whom were colleagues or mentors of Obama.
The above by Phyllis Schlafly a Catholic lawyer, conservative analyst and author of 20 books: From the Westminster Herald, April 28, 2011 “What We Learned From the Budget Debate” Phyllis@eagleforum.org

George H. Kubeck

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Wisdom of Pope Benedict XVI*

The Wisdom of Pope Benedict XVI*
On the family, faith, Church and being wise – www.cinopsbegone.com – May 26, 2011

“The original cell of all human society is the family. That is where we learn the fundamental relationships of human society and, consequently, also the ability to relate to God. Only in the family can togetherness of love overcome the opposition of otherness to true community. It is there that the generations learn to understand one another.

“On the preservation of the family depends a nation’s capacity for peace? When the family no longer brings together male and female, old and young, the basic human relationships are changed into a battle of all against all.

“That is why the transmission from fathers to children is the prerequisite for the beginning of the Messianic peace. And the destruction of the family is therefore the most certain sign of the Antichrist, the disturber of the peace, disguised as one who brings freedom and peace.” May 23rd

“Faith makes demands on our comfort, on what we plan, what we propose for ourselves. The sickness of our time is a false idea of freedom that confuses freedom with preference and thinks that life is rich, familiar, and beautiful only when we act and live in a way that gives pleasure to ourselves and conform to our desires.
“Psychologists tell us that it is the absence of demands, of challenges, of opposition that runs counter to human nature that makes us sick, and causes us to confront another with hostility.” 22nd

“If the Church were to accommodate herself to the world in any way that would entail a turning away from the Cross, this would not lead to a renewal of the Church, but only to her death…
“In other words, the Christian Faith is a scandal for people of every age. That the eternal God takes an interest in human beings and knows us; that the Incomprehensible became comprehensible in the name of Jesus; that he who is immortal suffered on the Cross; that resurrection and eternal life have been promised to us mortals – to believe all this is a disturbing challenge for mankind.” May 21st

“Cardinal Newman: “Being wise with someone else’s head … is, to be sure, inferior to being wise oneself, but it is infinitely superior to the sterile pride of one who does not achieve the independence of being wise himself, yet at the same time despises the dependence of the one who believes on the word of another.”… But the individual who thus makes himself lord of the truth deceives himself, for truth shuns the arrogant and reveals itself only to those who approach it in an attitude of reverence, of respectful humility.” May 20

George H. Kubeck, *Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth, Meditations Each Day, Ignatius - 1992

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Writer Maureen Pekar - Truthful and Gutsy!

Writer Maureen Pekar – Truthful and Gutsy!
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, May 18, 2010

Preface: the following is from the Orange County Register, Sunday, May 1, 2011: Reader Rebuttal: GOP budget plan – by Maureen Pekar, Free-Lance Writer from Seal Beach -

“Tibor R. Machan’s Orange Grove column April 20 (“Budget case the GOP won’t make”) stated that the Democrats have the moral high ground and that prudent Republicans are trumped by seemingly generous or charitable democrats. In all charity, I disagree.

“Born into a strong Irish/Catholic family of seven, of course, we were all Democrats. My Dad was teacher and Mom took care of us. Mom tells the story of my 6-year-old brother, Mike, asking, “Are we Catholics or Democrats?” My folks made difficult financial sacrifices to send us to Catholic elementary and high schools. John F. Kennedy was running for president during my high school years and we proudly supported him. When I was old enough, I registered as a Democrat. Because they seemed to reflect my Catholic values.

“My epiphany occurred in 1973, when the Supreme Court legalized abortion in Roe v. Wade. When the national Republican Party supported pro-life issues in their platform, and the Democrats came down as pro-choice, I started voting Republican. In the 1980’s I changed by party affiliation to Republican. Pro-life trumps welfare as a moral issue.

“Other Republican issues from history to the present day elicit my support. The conservative approach is to provide a safety net, encourage freedom & provide a health economy for all, including the poor. Republic. want to truly give the poor a helping hand. The Democrats seem to need a permanent underclass of needy.

“The moral high ground eroded over the years as the Democratic leaders and supporting groups have pursued more and more radical issues enforced by coercive laws… I agree that the Democratic agenda sounds good, but attentive inspection reveals that they only seek power over people. The Republican agenda truly helps the poor and provides what they need but most importantly the freedom to prosper.

"In “Truth and Tolerance.” Pope Benedict XVI says, “Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes, not divine, but demonic.”

“The most pressing issue facing the poor and disadvantages of California and the U.S. is unemployment and the immoral deficit spending. The Catholic Catechism teaches; “work proceeds directly from persons created in the image of God… work is a duty: If anyone will not work, let him not eat. The responsibility of the state … presupposes sure guarantees of individual freedom and private property, as well as a stable currency and efficient public services.”

“Two examples of excessive government largesse are: 50 percent of those who qualify for food stamps don’t collect. The social activists try to find those scofflaws and insist that they use their benefits. Remember when we were proud of surviving tough times? Secondly, during the federal budget stalemate, congressional Democrats were willing to shut down the government over funding for Planned Parenthood. Moral? No.” George H. Kubeck

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Praying at the Abortion Mills

Praying at the Abortion Mills
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A few of us from the Cypress Knights of Columbus No. 8599 have been praying at the abortion sites for 15 years or longer. Do you remember the one a few blocks from St. Ireneaus Church? It closed down in 2001 and did not relocate.

Well the one we focus on today is located at 2777 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach. Maybe you may want to join us. [Tom, Ray, George, Bob, Bill, Lewis, Innan, Henry, Leroy (deceased), and Don] Only two are not members of our Council.

We are usually there on Wednesdays and Fridays of each week from about 9:05 to 9:55 A.M. We face the building entrance. The sun is behind you and so is the traffic, and also the Long Beach Memorial Hospital. During this time we are able to pray at least 3 of 4 Mysteries of the Rosary. They are the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. You can pray on your own or with someone else. It will be a positive experience for you.

One of the counselors, Cecilia is from Holy Innocents Church in Long Beach. She keeps in contact with the 35 or more mothers who have changed their minds since the beginning of the year.

I usually have posted on my own, some educational signs like “Abortion Hurts Women” and “The Inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The mothers do change their minds.

In closing, I am reminded of the commentary of Congressman Henry Hyde, a U.S. Catholic a most distinguished layman. His Hyde Amendment in 1976 banned federal public spending on abortions. He died in 2007. On the issue of abortion he has a poignant comment:

“When the time comes as it surely will, when we face the awesome moment, the final judgment. I’ve often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God – a terror will rip through your soul like nothing you can imagine.

“But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world – and they will plead for everyone who has been is this movement. They will say to God, ‘Spare him because he loved us.’”

George H. Kubeck: We go after the 8 AM Mass from St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church in Hawaiian Gardens, Ca.

Obama's Pro-Abortion Record - 2010-2011*

Obama’s Pro-Abortion Presidential Record – 2010-2011*
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jan. 28, 2010 – Promotes the pro-abortion health care bill in the State of the Union address. ===Feb. 2, 2010 – Submits budget calling for taxpayer funding of abortions and Planned Parenthood.

Feb. 8, 2010 – Obama administration it improperly conducted a threat assessment on pro-life groups in Wisconsin who were preparing to rally against a new abortion center at a University health clinic.

Feb. 16, 2010 – White House visitor logs reveal Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards has frequent access to top staffers. === Feb. 24, 2010 – Obama administration proposes expanding deadly embryonic stem cell research…

Mar. 22, 2010 - Signs the pro-abortion health care bill into law that contains massive abortion funding, no conscience protections and rationing. ===Mar. 26, 2010 – White House visitor logs show pro-abortion NARAL activist Nancy Keenan …

Apr.7, 2010 – Obama administration pressures Kenya to adopt a new constitution that would legalize unlimited abortions.

Apr. 15, 2010 – WHO applauds Obama for promoting abortion worldwide? ===May 10, 2010 – Names pro-abortion activist Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. === June 23, 2010 – Obama administration approves more federal taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research

July 13, 2010 – It is discovered that the Obama administration planned to fund abortions in Penn. In high risk insurance programs created through the national health care law Obama signed. === July 19, 2010 – The Obama administration has spent as much as $23 million to influence residents of Kenya to vote for a proposed constitution that essentially legalizes abortion.

Aug. 16, 2010 – Obama administration approves new abortion drug Ella. ===Aug. 26, 2010 – Cuts funding for 176 abstinence education programs.

Sep. 20, 2010 – Senate plans votes on pro-abortion lower court judges Obama picked.

Sep. 28, 2010 – Defends legal abortions in an interview. ===Dec. 14, 2010 – Obama administration admits it is working to rescind conscience protections for medical professionals who don’t want to participate in abortions. Jan. 27, 2011 – Selects pro-abortion CINOP Bill Daley as Chief of Staff.

March 2, 2011 – Obama administration refuses to investigate videos showing Planned Parenthood helping alleged sex traffickers get abortions for victimized underage girls. === Mar. 8, 2011 Michelle Obama hosts Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richard.

George H. Kubeck - *American Life League, (ALL), P.O. Box, Stafford, VA 22555 – 540-659-4171 – www.all.org jbrown@all.org. Also, today I will post on the blog or e-mail to you, “PRAYING AT THE ABORTION MILLS.”

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lessons from the Encyclical, “Gospel of Life”
In pursuit of the truth- www.cinopsbegone.com – Friday, May 13, 2011

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (Jan 10:10)”

I recall reading the “Gospel of Life” in 1995. All of us were forewarned about the culture of death. Yet we allowed the culture of dissent from the Magisterium and “The Catechism of the Catholic Church” to prevail. DISSENT BECAME AND STILL IS LIKE A RELIGIOUSLY-CORRECT SACRED COW WITHIN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.

Well it is Down with Religious-Correctness with respect to the U.S. Catholic-in-name-only politician. He or she is promoting not only the absolute evils of abortion and embryonic-stem cell research but also same-sex marriage. That is what frightens me and the Catholic bishops cannot remain silent any longer. Why?

Study what happened in Canada in 2005! Catholic liberal politicians in Parliament passed same-sex laws and with a few exceptions the Canadian bishops remained silent. This must not happen in America. The CINOP needs to be censored and asked that when he runs for reelection not to use the Catholic label. The Catholic laity is fed up. Let’s change the subject!

Pope John Paul II was a polish patriot besides being the author of the above encyclical in 1995. In America we are looking for American patriots who will fight to preserve American values.

Up with Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: That’s America! Down with Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity! That’s French and European! We are Americans!

Down with the mainstream news media, specifically the New York Times and the Culture of Death that promote European values in America. Abortion is not an American Value, but life is. Marriage is an American value; same-sex marriage is a European value.

Income distribution and equality are leftist dreams; pies in the sky and deficit spending are not American values. They are European. This is the road to bankruptcy and national suicide. Do you remember Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty? How destructive it was and still is to the Black American Family?

Leadership: How many people have you, President Barack Hussein Obama taken off food stamps and created jobs for! That’s leadership! [1 in 7 families are on food stamps.]

George H. Kubeck – Have a Happy Weekend with the movie “There Be Dragons.”

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Report on the Minority of Jesuits!

Report on the Minority of Jesuits!
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Divine Mercy Sunday, May 1, 2011

“During this time of the year [Easter], I especially worry about the souls of so many students at Catholic colleges who hear their professors question the divinity of Christ, advocate for abortion rights, or promote the destruction of the family by supporting homosexual “marriage” by day, while by night they are living in residence halls that have abandoned any sense of virtue, chastity or modesty,” Patrick J. Reilly, President, The Cardinal Newman Society –Ex Corde Ecclesia

It is depressing and frustrating to read “The Renewal Report” of April 2011 of the above society. They reported the following on our “Campus Notes” blog which you can read at www.CardinalNewmanSociety.org : There are serious problems at too many of the 28 Jesuit institutions including Georgetown, Boston College, San Francisco, Holy Cross, Seattle, Santa Clara, Fordham, Loyola Chicago, Xavier (Ohio), St. Joseph’s and Marquette…

Boston College Law School celebrated the “life and work” of the late, pro-abortion rights former congressman and Georgetown law professor, Father Robert Drinan…

The situation at Georgetown is among the worst. It was Georgetown employees who launched “Catholics for Equality”, which is targeting Catholic campuses with its gay “marriage” crusade… who covered up the “IHS” symbol for Christ when President Barack Obama spoke on campus… who helped write amicus briefs in support of physician-assisted suicide … who walked out on Vatican’s Cardinal Francis Arinze when he spoke against homosexuality… who legitimize leading pro-abortion organizations and the nation’s largest abortion “service” Planned Parenthood by extending invitations to participate in university discussions and events…

Too often today’s graduates from Jesuit universities are proudly “Catholic” but have little regard for the Pope, the bishops, the Sacraments, or Catholic teaching – outside of social justice concerns… The discussion about social justice is too often viewed through a liberal political lens, harming the Church in the process… At almost any Catholic university, there are people of good conscience who simply don’t agree with core Catholic teaching. These people see the Church’s opposition to birth control, gay marriage, and women’s ordination … as manifestly un-just… [Obviously not grounded or educated in the Catholic faith]…

Jesuit universities were built on the backs of Catholic immigrants and with the substantial support of the Church, with an explicitly Catholic mission. It was grand theft for a radical generation to steal them away, and it’s a matter of simple justice to take them back…

Mr. George H. Kubeck OP

P.S. As a graduate of a Jesuit College and just an ordinary retired 80 year old public school teacher, I am fed up with the Jesuits. Stop messing around with the family and marriage in America. Stop playing with the idea of being an American Catholic Church cut off from Rome. That will never happen. You have become a rotten influence on Catholic Bishops, religious and laity. So wise up and tell us who you are? Stop being a subversive heretic! You are not followers of St. Ignatius of Loyola! All of us can join The Cardinal Newman Society, 9415 West Street, Manassas, Virginia 20110 – (703)-367-0333 - f (703) 396-8668