Sunday, May 29, 2011

Aquinas - Alinsky - Obama

Aquinas – Alinsky – Obama
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, May 29, 2011

The following is a reprint from Catholic News Services – “Alinsky-Obama Connection” by John Vennari. I read it in the Westminster Herald, Ca. May 26th, 2011. [Continued next week] It will be interesting!

St. Thomas Aquinas said that those who are pious should pray; those who are wise should teach; those who are prudent should govern.

Prudence is choosing the best means to the end, here and now. It is the most important virtue for anyone who governs, whether it be the father of a family, the superior of a religious order; the head of corporation; the mayor of a city; or the president of a nation. Aristotle said “prudence is a virtue proper to the prince.” We know the four cardinal virtuals: justice, temperance; fortitude & prudence.

The virtue of justice, as Aquinas teaches, the wise application of justice not only to the individual, but also to the common good, demands the virtue of prudence… This is why Aquinas teaches: “these two virtues – prudence and justice – belong most properly to a king” … then quotes Jeremiah: “A king shall reign and be wise, and shall execute justice and judgment in the earth.”

The principles of this governance must be first and foremost in Conformity with what is true: that is, they must conform to the natural moral law and to God’s law.

This in a nutshell, the Social Kingship of Christ: that States, governments and social institutions will base their laws of right and wrong on what the gospel teaches on what is right and wrong on what the Church teaches is right and wrong. To sum up the qualities of good ruler must be that he himself should be virtuous…

Yet on Nov. 4th, 2008, the people of the U.S., in a tsunami of blind enthusiasm and idol worship, elected a man who is the polar opposite of what a true civic leader should be. The idea of ruling according to the principles of the natural law and of the Gospel have nothing to do with this man’s formation…

Barack Obama Soetoro may have been schooled at Columbia and Harvard, which are long-established commodes of liberalism, but his real education that gave him the principles that formed who he is, how he conducts himself, and how he became one of the most successful self-promoters the nation has ever seen, came for the radical organizer from Chicago, Saul Alinksy.

Saul Alinksy died in 1972 and dedicated his most influential book, “Rules for Radicals,” to the devil. Obama was trained in Chicago as a community organizer, according to the radical principles of Alinsky; And Obama would admit “his years as an organizer game him the best education of his life.”Mike Kruglik, who was Obama’s Chicago instructor in Alinsky methods said, “Obama was the best student of Alinksy tactics he ever had.”… [To be continued with at least 3 or more letter]

George H. Kubeck, Alinsky was factor in turning my professional teacher organizations in the 1960’s the NEA, CTA and WTA into unions. Union principles were never intended for public employees least of all teachers.

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