Monday, March 25, 2013


In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - St. Patrick's Day, Sunday March 17, 2013
"Political Correctness is Wrong."
Be not Afraid: Don't let the Spirit of the World Seduce You!
Everything possible must be done to have the words and thoughts spoken and written by Neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson distributed among American citizens, particularly his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. in February and his talk at CPAC in March.
Political Correctness is a mind-changing drug displacing Common Sense, Truth, Natural Law and Human Nature. It is part of the Spirit of the World. It is a kind of rebellion against God and his creation.
From a treatise on John by St. Augustine, bishop: "I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Let us cut the chains that prevent us from following Him. Political Correctness is a chain. For example, it is diabolical when it promotes same-sex marriage in America.
Evil be my good will never be America's model. Marriage is 1 Dad and 1 Mom and children! You do not change the definition of marriage in the name of a false equality and comparing apples to oranges.
Why should Americans allow themselves to be indoctrinated with political correctness. It was never part of the thinking of our Founding Fathers. We will not allow them to turn over in their graves. As stated by Dr. Carson our nation has been dumbed down. [30% do not graduate from High School and 44% fail in college.] So what do you expect? Our Constitution works only for an intelligent and informed population.]
Otherwise watch out for the demagogues and the anything goes philosophy of liberal progressives They have a false motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. That is European and French. We are Americans. Our motto is: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
As an American by choice, and a 1958 legal immigrant who thereupon obtained U.S. citizenship after three years in the U.S. Army, I resent and am disgusted with political correctness. It promotes a false equality and fairness. It substitutes feelings for reason and Common Sense.
Intellectually we are living in the Twilight Zone. I view the restraints of political correctness as a manure pile in your back yard. You can keep the windows and doors shut.. But when you bring out the garbage to the bin, you have to breathe in Political Correctness on the way.
George H. Kubeck
Addendum: Feast of the Annunciation - Monday, March 25, 2013.
P.S. Catholics for the Common Good Institute, March 7, 2013
"130 Republican leaders and 200 Corporations call for the overturn of Prop 8, DOMA. The list of corporations include Apple, Amazon, CBS, Citigroup, Facebook, Microsoft, Walt Disney Company, etc. [This reminds of the German Industrialists supporting the NATIONAL SOCIALIST REGIME IN GERMANY IN THE 1930's PROMOTING RACISM.] Please support Catholics for the Common Good, P.O. Box 320038, San Francisco, CA. 94132-0038."
E-mail this letter to all of your friends and even enemies.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Messages for Terrorists, Secularists and all Religions
Pope Benedict XVI, Emeritus
From "Co-Workers of the Truth," Meditations for Every Day, Ignatius Press, 1992

The end never justifies the means. What is wrong in itself continues to be wrong however noble the end which it is directed. In other words it is not permitted to use violent means to remedy inhuman conditions in any segment of society. If the means are inhuman, the goal cannot, in the end, fail to be equally inhuman.

Whatever is done in the name of terrorism effects us precisely as Christians and call for a Christian response. In the last analysis, all acts of terrorism that label themselves in one way or another as Marxist share a single characteristic: that man wants to appropriate to himself the role of Divine Providence, to usurp the position of God - the story of paradise and the serpent has an uncanny relevance to our day. [Dec. 31, 1977]

Man wants to be himself the instrument by which history achieves its goal. Because he does not believe in God, he feels obliged to guide the course of history himself and, in doing so , acts as he imagines a God would act. [Meditation, March 8th]


Christianity is no longer tied to the past; it is firmly rooted in today. That was the electrifying thought that Pope John XX111 himself summarized in the word aggiornamento...

In one of his writings [Church Father Basil in the fourth century, which was also a post-conciliar age] says that the condition of the Church resembles the situation in a nocturnal sea battle, a slaughter in the dark, in which it is impossible to distinguish friend from foe and everything is filled with unbearable shouts from both sides... But the Pope's basic thought was and is correct. Christianity is not linked to any past: "Jesus Christ is yesterday and today forever." (Heb. 13:8) ... is always today because all time proceeds from the creative power of God's eternal today... [Meditation, March 9th]


A Christianity that believes it has no other function than to be completely in tune with the spirit of the times nothing to say and no meaning to offer. It can abdicate without more ado... [Meditation, March 10th]

George H. Kubeck, cinops be gone, Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Shattered Dream of Democracy: The Arab Spring

A Shattered Dream of Democracy: The Arab Spring

"I caught up with Valentino Colombo, professor of History of Contemporary Islam at the European University of Rome and Senior Fellow at the European Foundation for Democracy in Brussels, to discuss these issues which are of such great relevance to Europe." by Wlodzimierz Redzioch, in magazine, Inside The Vatican, February, 2013, p. 42

1. Could you tell us about the implications of the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood and the "Islamic Pharaoh," President  Morsi in Egypt ...?
Colombo: The rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood, taken for granted from the start, is turning Egypt into the most islamified country of the Mediterranean....
2. Professor Colombo, why are there no really democratic Islamic states in the world nowadays? What is Islam's idea of democracy?
Colombo: In this case too we are confronted with a linguistic problem. Actually, Anglo-Pakistani writer Hanif  Kureishiu is right when he states that "Islam is incompatible with democracy." ... "Pakistan was created as a democratic state for Muslims, but Islamists are unable to be democratic, since they place religion before everything. Islam and democracy are incompatible."
3. It is impossible to discuss the future of Islamic states without referring to the sharia. Islam is a totalitarian religion, as it thinks of itself not only as a religion, but also as the foundation of society and the state. So the law of Islam concerns not only religion, but also the state and the whole of society. Is this law compatible with democracy?
Colombo: ... Sharia and religious freedom are incompatible. Whenever sharia is applied, religious minorities, Christians first of all are persecuted: witness the situation of the COPS in Egypt. The declaration by a party or government that the law of Islam will be the foundation of the state should put us on the alert.... We should listen to the appeal launched by Tunisian intellectual Lafif Lakhdar: "We must abolish sharia Islamic law. i.e., corporal punishment for the stoning of women for adultery and the killing of apostates. These things must be abolished in all Muslim countries to achieve sexual equality between  Muslims and non-Muslims, because inequality between man and woman, Muslims and non-Muslims, is to Islam an eternal and unquestionable truth."
George H. Kubeck, - In pursuit of the truth -  cinops be gone - Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Please pass the above information to everyone. It's the truth. Vomit out of your mind political correctness.

Islam and the Ballot Box
On January 30th the Wall Street Journal carried a column by former CIA Middle East specialist Reuel Marc Gerecht which made the preposterous assertion that Islam would become "moderate" in a democratic setting. Gerecht went so far as to state that Israel would eventually be accepted by its Islamist neighbors when they are all "free men voting."
The alarming nature of the column was the fact that this is the advice that has been given to presidents and Congress for many years, and the results have been disastrous, as can clearly been seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and other Middle East nations...
I authored a very lengthy rebuttal to Mr. Gerecht which I knew would not be published by the Wall Street Journal, since their editors drink the Kool-Aid that makes them believe the ballot box will eliminate poverty and war worldwide - never mind the fact that Adolph Hitler was duly elected to office by the German people.
Because I believe it is so important to expose the thought processes of those in the establishment CIA and State Department who advice the White House and Congress. I am reprinting my column in this edition of the Chairman's Report... "Pickle Factory" is the  Central Intelligence Agency...
Contrary to CIA specialist, democracy will not "diminish" Islamic imperatives - How a Wall Street Journal rationalizes delusional thinking at the Pickle Factory
By William J. Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition, The Chairman's Action Report, 2/8/13
The Wall Street Journal used a half page of its editorial space on January 30th to publish a totally illogical, if not delusional, column (Israel's New Islamist Neighborhoo: If Western History is any guide, the growth of democracy slowly diminishes religious imperatives) by former Middle East specialist Reuel Marc Gerecht regarding the future "moderation" of Islam in the Middle East. It appears that the Wall Street Journal editors, economic conservatives who can see no  wrong in the human rights abuses in wealthy Islamic nations, wanted to highlight the column to justify U.S. support of the Muslim Brotherhood in the takeover of half a dozen nations in the vicinity of Israel.

Gerecht asserts that: "Israel will one day be accepted by its Arab neighbors and by its deadly foe, Iran - but only when Arab and Iranian Muslim identities allow for it. At best, that change is decades away. Modern Islam's great internal tug of war, between the search for authenticity and the love of modernity, must quiet before the Israel-Palestinian clash can end.

The key word in this paragraph is "modernity" which brings in the assumption that Islam will move out of the 7th Century and somehow accept a Martin Luther who will "fix" Islam with a reformation that will bring ... the equivalent of same-sex marriages in the Episcopal Church.

On what does Gerecht base his assumptions? Later in the column he writes: "Yet if Western history is any guide, the growth of democracy slowly diminishes religious imperatives. Representative government demystifies politics and ethics, as the here-and-now takes precedence over abstract aspirations. It makes the mundane transcendent. It promotes healthy division because it puts competing visions, even competing fundamental visions, to the vote. It localizes ambitions and focuses people's passions on the national purse."

Western history is no more a guide for modernizing Islamic nations through democracy than Stalinist history was a model to modernize China. It took over 500 years, from the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 until the ratification of the American Constitution in 1789, for cultural acceptance of democracy thought despite Judeo-Christian religious base which promotes the dignity of the individual's rights. Islam has no such history or character.

And to what "national pulse" does Gerecht refer? The Super Bowl? Europeans are less in touch than even Americans with any political pulse other than to demand even more benefits from their governments.

Apparently Gerecht sees a morally splintered Western society in which citizens have the power
to vote themselves lavish  entitlements as the model for the Middle East. His discussion of democracy shows his lack of understanding that the words democracy and freedom have different definitions. Democracy is merely a process of electing leaders and is in no-way synonymous with freedom, as can be seen in the United Kingdom where even politicians are jailed for their Facebook comments which are deemed politically incorrect.

In that same paragraph he asserts that democracy "puts competing visions, even competing fundamentalist visions, to the vote." When has this ever happened anywhere? Are the views of Orthodox Jews, fundamentalist Baptists, conservative Catholics or murderous mullahs put to the vote in Western democracies? This is nonsense.

Speaking briefly of  Iran, Gerecht states: "The Iranian people, if their votes could rule, would surely restore diplomatic relations with Washington and possibly even with Israel."

However, this statement on Iran's electoral process is false. The current Islamist president of Iran was elected by a vast majority of the people. The youth who demonstrated in the streets for change in 2009 were a minority, and were easily crushed by the government.

Contradicting his own statement about Iran, Gerecht then says of the new Islamist states around Israel which were created by Barack Obama and his EU partners:

"Their attempts to enforce certain Islamic values through legislation will inevitably produce faction and fatigue. Secularists will grow stronger. And unlike their great liberal forbearers of the 19th and early-20th centuries, Muslim secularists who win in the ballot box will be much less inclined to kowtow to orthodox Islamic sentiments.

Gerecht reaches this conclusion by showing a profound lack of knowledge of the basic tenets of Islam and the history surrounding it. At the end of the article is Gerecht's prediction of peace in the Middle East.

"The age of Islamism and democracy has just arrived. The interplay may be long, arduous and ugly. But it is conceivable that Israelis, Arabs and Iranians will finally find a  modus vivendi based on something more profound than land-for-peace. It will be based on free men voting."

He conveniently does not mention that Turkey, now firmly controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, had a secularist democratic government for decades after its founding by Ataturk. Turkey's constitution outlawed religious political parties, and the army was tasked to protect the secular nature of the nation. After the Muslim Brotherhood came to power - in a democratic election - repression began. Dozen of generals have been sentenced to long prison sentences to long prison sentences for "conspiracies" that allegedly occurred decades ago. Turkey has jailed more journalists than Iran since the rise of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Once an ally of Israel, the nation of Turkey is now perhaps that nation's most dangerous enemy as it is well armed with modern weapons from NATO nations.

Does Turkey represent Mr. Gerecht's vision of "modernity" of Islam under democracy?
Mr. Gerecht's ideas about the modernization of Islam under democracy come from his time at the CIA, and help explain the bizarre actions of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama in addressing the Middle East. Apparently our entire security apparatus is advising our presidents that the ballot box is the cure-all for societies based on the 6th and 7th century theology of illiterates whose idea of government was enslavement and the sword.
Mr. Gerecht now serves with a conservative think-tank [That is sickening.] that features this article with the image of burning Israeli flag. It is worth noting that almost that almost the entire GOP establishment in Washington, DC back President Barack Obama in giving modern tanks and fighter jets to radical Islamist leaders such as Mohammed Morsi of Egypt.
Real scholars, such as Stephen Cougholin, who understand the nature of Islam and who have studied the  great jihad periods of history have been purged from Pentagon, NSA, CIA and FBI in favor of those approved by CAIR (Counsel on American Islamic Relations.) Agency manuals on terror have been cleansed of  words such as "Islamist" and "jihad" in hopes this appeasement will bring democracy and love for the West among those calling for the destruction of the  "Great Satan."
With "specialists" such as Reuel Marc Gerecht giving advice to President, Congress and generals, the situation is virtually hopeless and defeat of the West at the hands of the Islamists almost certain.

As you may note I end the column on a very pessimistic note. This was done because I knew it would have wide distribution on Capitol Hill and I wanted to call Congressmen and Senators to the grave nature of the situation at intelligence gathering agencies.  Opinions such as Mr. Gerecht's taint the data received and make men such as Egypt's Mohammed Morsi look far less dangerous than they are. Please feel free to copy and distribute the column.

George H. Kubeck

Another name for Kool-Aid is political correctness. Dr. Ben Carson, hopefully our next President hit the nail on the head.  "Political Correctness is Evil."
Let's read: Islam and Democracy - The Arab Spring: A Shattered Dream of Democracy, by Wlodzimierz Redzioch in the magazine, Inside the Vatican, Feb. 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Greetings and Salutations!

I'm a very slow learner with Windows 8.
Please add "cinops be gone" to your favorites
"Political Correctness is Evil"
Why would the most distinguished and authentic black American say this in his speech at  the prayer breakfast in Washington, D.C. on Feb. on Feb. 7, 2013? Dr. Ben Carson is the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery Division at the John Hopkins Hospital.
The White House asked for an advanced copy of Carson's speech. This request was denied. "I told them I don't have an advanced copy because I don't write out my speeches and I don't use a teleprompter." He had spoken at the prayer breakfast 16 years ago. We are listening to a man whose role model in Jesus, has a most compelling life story and an outstanding medical career.
Before sharing some of the comments of the more than 2 million who have  listened to his speech on the internet, his speech is poignant for all American Christians especially Catholics.
First of all I would like to focus on all the advisors to Catholic Bishops in the U.S.A. If at this time you have not told the bishop in your diocese about this speech, you are negligent in your duty and need to be replaced. The bishop is a very busy shepherd. [ In addition, at least one or more of the advisors need to listen to Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity on TV daily. Also read the monthly reports of the Cardinal Mindszenty Society and Eagle Reports. By the way, so-called Catholic Chris Matthews is a clone of Sol Alinsky. He is a proud and dangerous Alinskyite.]   
Secondly, comments taken from The Blaze: 2/8/13                                                                              
 "Dr. Carson epitomizes the Christian message of  love." " I enjoyed that so much yesterday (around 5 times) God bless him."

"This is child abuse! His mother makes him do homework in stead of hang around with the local gang. His mother taught him how to be a good Christian. His mother taught him how to be a man without a man around. This alone constitutes child abuse in today's PC society."

"This man is the most awesome role model for all, but especially black males in this country who, because of government intervention, have removed the fathers from families and turned "single mothers" into generational government dependents, ruining the initiative for personal responsibility, replacing it with entitlement mentality and feelings of victimization and class envy which usually ends up with most of these sons during time in states chain gangs...

"Also based on his book, "America the Beautiful," he's pro-Tea Party movement. If not a Tea-Partier himself."  

George H. Kubeck.  Cinops Be Gone, Saturday, March 2, 2013

Books by Ben Carson,  Gifted Hands - America the Beautiful - Take the Risk -
































Friday, March 1, 2013

What is Truth?
By Pope Benedict XVI, in his book, Co-Workers of the Truth- Feb. 27th meditation. 
Let us ask the question Pilate asked: What is truth? - but not as Pilate asked it.
Herman Dietzfelbinger has pointed out  that what is most depressing about Pilate's question is the fact that it is really not a question, but an answer. To him who claims to be the Truth.
Pilate says in effect: "Let's be done with all this talk . After all what is truth? We'll do better to keep to concrete issues." This is the form in which Pilate's question is most frequently asked today. But now it must be addressed in earnest.
How does it happen that to grow in truth means to grow in goodness; that truth is not just good; it is the good par excellence? How does it happen that it has value in itself and has no need to justify itself by its ends?
That  can be the case only if the value of the truth resides in itself, it exists in itself and has more being than all others; it is itself the foundation on which I stand.
If we ponder carefully the nature of truth, we end by pondering the concept of God. In the long run, it impossible for us to comprehend the nature and value of the truth, on which depends, in turn,  the value of mankind and of the world, unless we learn to see therein the nature and value of the living God.

That is why respect for truth is ultimately inseparable from what we call worship. Truth and cult are inseparably united - one cannot exist without the other, however often history may have separated them.

The freedom for truth and the freedom of truth ultimately cannot exist without recognition and reverence for the divine. Freedom and utilitarianism can be grounded and can endure only when there is something over and above that which derives from the possession and property of mankind, where there is the highest ownership and  inalienable claim  of the Godhead.

Mankind's growing in truth is, at the same time, a part of the world's growing in truth; and when human being grow in truth, they grow in goodness, and when they do, the world grows in goodness wherever they are. [ George H. Kubeck, cinops be gone, Friday, March 1, 2013]