Monday, March 25, 2013


In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - St. Patrick's Day, Sunday March 17, 2013
"Political Correctness is Wrong."
Be not Afraid: Don't let the Spirit of the World Seduce You!
Everything possible must be done to have the words and thoughts spoken and written by Neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson distributed among American citizens, particularly his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. in February and his talk at CPAC in March.
Political Correctness is a mind-changing drug displacing Common Sense, Truth, Natural Law and Human Nature. It is part of the Spirit of the World. It is a kind of rebellion against God and his creation.
From a treatise on John by St. Augustine, bishop: "I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Let us cut the chains that prevent us from following Him. Political Correctness is a chain. For example, it is diabolical when it promotes same-sex marriage in America.
Evil be my good will never be America's model. Marriage is 1 Dad and 1 Mom and children! You do not change the definition of marriage in the name of a false equality and comparing apples to oranges.
Why should Americans allow themselves to be indoctrinated with political correctness. It was never part of the thinking of our Founding Fathers. We will not allow them to turn over in their graves. As stated by Dr. Carson our nation has been dumbed down. [30% do not graduate from High School and 44% fail in college.] So what do you expect? Our Constitution works only for an intelligent and informed population.]
Otherwise watch out for the demagogues and the anything goes philosophy of liberal progressives They have a false motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. That is European and French. We are Americans. Our motto is: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
As an American by choice, and a 1958 legal immigrant who thereupon obtained U.S. citizenship after three years in the U.S. Army, I resent and am disgusted with political correctness. It promotes a false equality and fairness. It substitutes feelings for reason and Common Sense.
Intellectually we are living in the Twilight Zone. I view the restraints of political correctness as a manure pile in your back yard. You can keep the windows and doors shut.. But when you bring out the garbage to the bin, you have to breathe in Political Correctness on the way.
George H. Kubeck
Addendum: Feast of the Annunciation - Monday, March 25, 2013.
P.S. Catholics for the Common Good Institute, March 7, 2013
"130 Republican leaders and 200 Corporations call for the overturn of Prop 8, DOMA. The list of corporations include Apple, Amazon, CBS, Citigroup, Facebook, Microsoft, Walt Disney Company, etc. [This reminds of the German Industrialists supporting the NATIONAL SOCIALIST REGIME IN GERMANY IN THE 1930's PROMOTING RACISM.] Please support Catholics for the Common Good, P.O. Box 320038, San Francisco, CA. 94132-0038."
E-mail this letter to all of your friends and even enemies.


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