Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Congress Should Veto Obama's War In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, August 27, 2013 BY PATRICK J. BUCHANAN "Congress does not have a whole lot of core responsibilities," said Barack Obama last week in an astonishing remark. For in the Constitution, Congress appears as the first branch of government. And among its enumerative power to tax, coin money, create courts, provide for the common good, raise and support an army, maintain a navy and declare war. But then, perhaps Obama's contempt is justified. For consider Congress' broad assent to news that Obama has decided to attack Syria, a nation that has not attacked us and against which Congress has never authorized a war. Why is Obama making plans to launch cruise missiles on Syria? ... Assad used chemical weapons on his own people last week in the two-year-old Syrian civil war. But who deputized the U.S. to walk the streets of the world pistol-whipping bad actors. Where does our imperial president come off drawing 'red lines' and ordering nations not to cross them. Neither the Security Council nor Congress nor NATO nor the Arab League has authorized war on Syria. Who made Barack Obama the Wyatt Earp or the Global Village. Moreover, where is the evidence that WMDs were used and that it had to Assad who ordered them? Such an attack on Syria makes no sense... Why did the U.S. so swiftly dismiss Assad's offer to have U.N. Inspectors - already in Damascus investigating old charges he or the rebels used poison gas - or go to the site of the latest incidence... Do we not want to know the truth? ... GEORGE H. KUBECK, YOU CAN READ THE REST OF PAT BUCHANAN'S ARTICLE ON THE DRUDGEREPORT TODAY. DO YOU TRUST PRESIDENT OBAMA? HAS HE EVER EXPRESSED CORE AMERICAN VALUES? HE IS PLAYING A PIED PIPER'S CHECKERS GAME WITH AMERICAN ARMED FORCES TO TAKE OUR MINDS OFF FROM HIS IMPEACHABLE CRIMES AT HOME. HE AND HIS SUPPORTERS HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE CONSTITUTION. READ EDWARD KLEIN'S BOOK,"THE AMATEUR." VOTING HAS CONSEQUENCES AND OUR NATION WILL PAY THE PRICE.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Honest Journalism is Dead - 2
Honest Journalism is Dead - 2
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Memorial of St. Rose of Lima - Friday, Aug. 23, 2013
The truth is our most powerful weapon. How do you deal with dishonest journalism in the mainstream media?
I do not accept it as normal. It is just the way it has always been. I believe both Dennis Prager and Rush Limbaugh
think we must put up with it. I beg to disagree. This time around, it must be exposed and destroyed. (delenda est)
Dishonest journalism in the mainstream media is not elected by the American media. It is two-faced and has a double standard. It is the propaganda arm of leftism and liberalism in America. It is directly and indirectly the mouthpiece of the Obama regime and any Hillary Clinton adminstration. It is a kind of social engineering which are alien to American values and our Constitution.
Why should be put up with it? It is destroying America. It is to America what the Pravda propaganda machine was to Russia and the Goebbels propaganda machine was to Germany.
There are many exceptions to dishonest journalism writers and leaders in America. Ben Carson is calling for common sense and logic. These two ideas are really not part of the leftist mindset. The leftist use political correctness as a handicap to implement ideas which are historically intellectually and morally deficient and not worthy of a great nation.
The elite have betrayed America. They are cowards to common sense and logic.
George H. Kubeck
Cardinal Leonardo Sandri Appeals For End of Violence in Egypt
Prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches Calls For Dialogue and Reconciliation
By Junno Arocho Esteves
VATICAN CITY, August 23, 2013 (Zenit.org) - In an interview with L’Osservatore Romano, Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, the Prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches, called for an end to the continuing violence in Egypt.
“The Congregation for the Eastern Churches is following, with great concern, the terrible situation in Egypt, shares in Pope Francis' prayers for the victims and those who continue to suffer the severe consequences of the ongoing bloody conflict in the Egyptian community,” Cardinal Sandri said in a statement. The Cardinal also joined Pope Francis’ appeal for “dialogue and reconciliation that will lead to restoring civil peace, resuming social life, and reconstructing the areas affected by the events”.
Recently hundreds of Christian churches have been looted, burned or desecrated in attacks by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, who are protesting the ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi. Fighting on both sides of the conflict has resulted in hundreds of deaths across the country.
Cardinal Sandri also expressed his “fraternal closeness” to the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria, Tawadros II, as well as to the members of the Catholic Coptic Churches, the Eastern Catholic Churches, and the Churches of the Latin Rite in Egypt.
“May the Lord support them in such a difficult trial of the entire nation. He comforts those who suffer in body and spirit, especially the innocent, and embraces the many victims with his peace. Their tears are the tears of all Eastern Churches throughout the world,” Cardinal Sandri’s statement read.
The Prefect of the Congregations for Eastern Churches encouraged the people of Egypt to not lose hope that one day Egypt will have a “fruitful spring of humanity and freedom.” Cardinal Sandri also appealed for the safeguarding the dignity of all in Egypt, as well as for a “mutual understanding between Christians and Muslims.”
“May all Egyptians be aided without discrimination by the international community in finding means of peaceful coexistence. May peace, education, health, housing and all that is necessary for a human life be guaranteed to each person,” he said.
Concluding his statement, Cardinal Sandri echoed the Holy Father’s words, who he said “prays and suffers for Egypt. “[I entrust] Egypt and all of its inhabitants to the Holy Family, who fled to the land, which has over the centuries been considered blessed and holy for its hospitality to the Redeemer,” Cardinal Sandri concluded.
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI on Christianity
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Christianity is not a philosophical speculation; it is not a construction of the intellect. Christianity in not "our" work, it is a revelation, a message that has been given us, and we have no right to reconstruct it as we wish.
Consequently we are not authorized to change Our Father to Our Mother. The symbolism used by Jesus is not reversible.
It is based on Man-God relationship that he came to reveal to us. It is even less permissible to replace Christ by some other persona.
But what radical feminism - even at times which claims to be based on Christianity - is not willing to accept is this: the exemplary, universal, and unchangeable relationship between Christ and the Father.
In fact, I am convinced that what feminism promotes in it radical form in no longer Christianity as we know it but an entirely different religion.
I am also convinced (we began to see the deep foundation of the biblical standpoint) that the Catholic Church and the Eastern churches will defend their faith and their understanding of the priesthood and they will thereby defend in reality both men and women in their totality as well as in their irreversible differentiation into male and female and consequently, their irreducibility to a mere function or role.
There applies here as well what I shall never weary of repeating: for the Church, the language of nature ( in this instance, two sexes that are complementary to, yet distinct from, one another) is also the language of morality (man and woman are called to destinies that are equally noble and equally eternal yet at the same time different from one another.).
George H. Kubeck, August 19 meditation, Cardinal Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth, 1992, Ignatius Press.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Secular Leftist Judges
Secular Leftist Judges
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, August 18, 2013
By Phyllis Schlafly is a lawyer and author of 20 books. email phyllis@eagleforum.org - Westminster Herald, Aug. 15, 2013
Redefining the First Amendment is a core aim of Barack Obama's plan to "fundamentally transform the United States." He is steadily changing the First Amendment's words. "free exercise" of religion, to the much more restricted notion of freedom of worship.
That means he will still accord us our rights to go inside our churches, lock the doors and worship as we please. But with the help of atheist organizations and supremacist judges, Obama is steadily chipping at our constitutional right to "free exercise" in the public places, public events an public schools.
Obama wants to force employers to provide contraception and abortion-inducing drugs to employees not only of churches but also to employees of religious institutions, such as schools, colleges and hospitals, and even to force this mandate on Christian employers who find it contrary to their religious belief. Dozens of lawsuits are now climbing through the judiciary to challenge the mandate...
He (Obama) recently nominated a scary feminist named Nina Pollard to the important D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Her extreme views include the wild allegation that abortion is necessary to help "free women from historically routine conscription into maternity." She says that those who oppose Obamacare's contraception-abortion mandate are really reinforcing "broader patterns of discrimination against women as a class of presumptive breeders."...
We hope there are enough Republicans in the Senate to expose Pillard's paper trail of extremist feminist writings. Unfortunately, there are already too many judges who consider themselves "supremacists" with the power to resolves questions that should be resolved by the American people, either directly by ballot or through our elected representatives.
The Supreme Court's marriage decision in June proves that supremacy is really how the justices look upon their own vast power to rule us. The Supreme Court's marriage didn't make same-sex marriage a constitutional right as the liberal media had hoped. But the court did give the homosexuals what many believe is their number-one goal: the hammer to silence their critics.
Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority in the U.S. v. Windsor, which they declared the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional, base the decision on what he claimed was in the minds of those who opposed same-sex marriage:their bigotry, their "animus" against gays.
Kennedy tried to brand those who oppose same-sex marriage as a hate group, putting them in a category similar to those who irrationally discriminate against various minorities.
Justice Antonin Scalia, joined in his dissent by Justice Clarence Thomas, made clear that the Supreme Court had "no power to decide the case", that "this case is about the power of our people to govern themselves" and that the court's errors come from "the same diseased root: and exalted conception of the role of this institution in America."
Scalia wrote that Kennedy's marriage decision was a "jaw dropping ... assertion of judicial supremacy over the people's Representatives in Congress and the Executive. ... Since Kennedy couldn't show any authority for deciding this case, Justice Scalia wrote that Justice Kennedy resorted to "nonspecific hand-waving" and the accusations that the Congressional authors of DOMA were motivated by a :bare ... desire to harm a politically unpopular group," and that "only those with hateful hearts could have voted 'aye" on this Act."
Kennedy's decision launched a torrent of accusations. According to Kennedy, the supporters of DOMA acted with malice - with the purpose ... to disparage and to injure same-sex couples, to demean, to "demean" to impose inequality, "to impose ... a stigma", to deny people equal dignity, to brand gay people as unworthy, which supposedly "humiliates" their children.
Scalia and Thomas concluded in their dissent: "We might have let the people decide." But the supremacist justices didn't. By formally declaring anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human decency the majority arms well every challenger to a state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition."
It is wrong, unprecedented and insulting to the American people for the Supreme Court Justices to accuse those who defend traditional marriage as being motivated by such hate. Americans certainly do not want to be ruled by a Supreme Court that Abraham Lincoln famously denounced as "that eminent tribunal."
George H. Kubeck,
So we are going to change the two thousand year old definition of marriage for a leftist social and political engineering agenda and try to brainwash all Americans to accept it. Marriage between a husband and wife are the same as same-sex relationships.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Our Founding Principles In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, August 9, 2013 The Claremont Institute Letter - August 2, 2013 President Obama and today's liberals are trying to bury our founding principles once and for all. Law professor David Strauss said in his 2010 book, aptly titled The Living Constitution, that the text of the Constitution should play "at most, a ceremonial role." See the power of ideas? This is where the real battle is waged. Issues such Obamacare, excessive government regulation, the national debt, immigration, national security and all policy debates that come up on a daily basis are virtually important.The Claremont Institute weights in on those debates daily... Do we return to our First Principles ... the ideas of limited government, individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense? Or do we continue down the path of more government control over all aspects of our lives? That's the debate that will shape the future of America. Our founding documents are full of ideas such as individual liberty, limited government, free markets, a constitutional republic, free speech, the rule of law and many others... if our country is to continue to survive and prosper, it is crucial that we remain true to those ideas... Your support enables Claremont to fight for the ideas that launched America's founding.... Here's what Jonah Goldberg - well respected author, columnist and editor-in-chief of National Review Online - has to say of "Claremont Review of Books." "It's influence on the conservative movement has been as enormous as it has been unheralded by the mainstream media. Virtually every critique of the Progressive Era in the last ten years in any conservative publication or forum can be traced back to the work of the Claremont Institute, the CRB, and her contributors in one way or another." Jonah has written extensively on the Progressive Era, including in his best-selling book Liberal Fascism... Over the years, contributors to the Claremont Review included intellectual leaders like William F. Buckley, Jr., Michael Barone, John Bolton, Charles Murray, James Q. Wilson, Sally Pipes, Victor Davis Hanson, Jonah Goldberg and many others. Michael Barone said, "I read (the Claremont Review of Books) cover to cover, which takes some time because there's a lot of thought-provoking content." George Will remarked, "When I was asked, a few years ago to list my most important reading matter, I put CRB at the top of my list... And Powerline - a leading Internet blog - said, "Each issue constitutes a virtual education in politics." George H. Kubeck, The Claremont Institute is worth of your investigation and support. www.claremont.org 937 W. Foothill Blvd., Suite E, Claremont, CA 91711, P: 909 621 - 6825 - F: 909 626-8724
Friday, August 9, 2013
Catholic League - Faith Chief Is Good Fit
State Dept. Faith Chief Is Good Fit
August 9, 2013
Bill Donohue comments on the appointment of Shaun Casey to head the State Department's new Office of Faith-Based Community Initiative:
In the New York Times August 7 obituary on Robert Bellah, it credited the sociologist with inviting a discussion on the role of civil religion in American society. He described civil religion as "a set of beliefs, symbols and rituals" that date to the Founding; they represent "the obligation, both collective and individual, to carry out God's will on earth."
Last year, religion professor Shaun Casey said, "I, frankly, am glad American civil religion is dying." On the same day that Bellah's obituary appeared, Casey was chosen to head the State Department's new Faith-Based Community Initiative. He did not say what he will do to hasten the death of our civil religion, nor did he speak to what exactly he would like to put in its place. Perhaps he will unveil a secular agenda, or a statist substitute, in the name of advancing religion, of course.
The White House Faith-Based director, Melissa Rogers, predictably gushed over Casey on Wednesday. It's what she said at the end of her remarks that mattered most: she congratulated Mara Vanderslice Kelly for her yeoman work on faith-based issues.
In 2004, I exposed Vanderslice, who was working for presidential contender John Kerry, as a left-wing activist who had spoken at ACT-UP rallies; this gay group was responsible for busting into St. Patrick's Cathedral in 1989 during Mass and spitting the Eucharist on the floor. She was immediately subjected to a gag rule. I was blamed for Kerry's decision to silence her.
Mara never went away, and in 2006 she was named one of the 12 most important religious voices in the Democratic Party. Shaun Casey was also on that list. Looks like Kerry has chosen another religious superstar to join his team. Just think of it—if these are Kerry's religion-friendly sources, imagine what his atheist friends at Martha's Vineyard must be like!
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Our Founding Principles
Our Founding Principles
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, August 9, 2013
The Claremont Institute Letter - August 2, 2013
President Obama and today's liberals are trying to bury our founding principles once and for all. Law professor David Strauss said in his 2010 book, aptly titled The Living Constitution, that the text of the Constitution should play "at most, a ceremonial role."
See the power of ideas? This is where the real battle is waged. Issues such Obamacare, excessive government regulation, the national debt, immigration, national security and all policy debates that come up on a daily basis are virtually important.The Claremont Institute weights in on those debates daily...
Do we return to our First Principles ... the ideas of limited government, individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense? Or do we continue down the path of more government control over all aspects of our lives? That's the debate that will shape the future of America.
Our founding documents are full of ideas such as individual liberty, limited government, free markets, a constitutional republic, free speech, the rule of law and many others... if our country is to continue to survive and prosper, it is crucial that we remain true to those ideas... Your support enables Claremont to fight for the ideas that launched America's founding....
Here's what Jonah Goldberg - well respected author, columnist and editor-in-chief of National Review Online - has to say of "Claremont Review of Books."
"It's influence on the conservative movement has been as enormous as it has been unheralded by the mainstream media. Virtually every critique of the Progressive Era in the last ten years in any conservative publication or forum can be traced back to the work of the Claremont Institute, the CRB, and her contributors in one way or another."
Jonah has written extensively on the Progressive Era, including in his best-selling book Liberal Fascism... Over the years, contributors to the Claremont Review included intellectual leaders like William F. Buckley, Jr., Michael Barone, John Bolton, Charles Murray, James Q. Wilson, Sally Pipes, Victor Davis Hanson, Jonah Goldberg and many others.
Michael Barone said, "I read (the Claremont Review of Books) cover to cover, which takes some time because there's a lot of thought-provoking content." George Will remarked, "When I was asked, a few years ago to list my most important reading matter, I put CRB at the top of my list...
And Powerline - a leading Internet blog - said, "Each issue constitutes a virtual education in politics."
George H. Kubeck,
The Claremont Institute is worth of your investigation and support. www.claremont.org
937 W. Foothill Blvd., Suite E, Claremont, CA 91711, P: 909 621 - 6825 - F: 909 626-8724
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
A Pro-Life Salute to Texas
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Feast of Transfiguration, 8/6/13
[FYI - Knights of Columbus - 131st National Convention - San Antonio, Texas - today, Tuesday, Aug. 6-8, on EWTN- www.kofc.org ]
Ref. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/03/texas-committee-passes-bill.. 7/4/2013
"The House State Affairs Committee last night passed a pro-life bill to ban abortions in the state of Texas after 20 weeks of pregnancy and hold abortion facilities accountable for obeying health and safety standards...
"The bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks and hold abortion clinics accountable by making them meet basic health and safety standards that have closed facilities in other states that are unable to comply. The bill also requires all abortion clinics to meet the same health and safety regulations as an ambulatory surgical center, requires a doctor providing abortions to secure admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, and lastly, requires a doctor to personally administer the abortion-inducing drugs to the patient.
"The hearings saw the halls packed with over 2,100 people wanting to testify on the bill - with most of them pro-life and supporting it... "In terms of witnesses, the system has never seen overload like this," said Rep. Helen Giddings, the vice-chairwoman of the House State Affairs Committee....
"Texas Governor Rick Perry issued a call for a special session of the Texas legislature to pass the bill that a pro-abortion mob prevented the legislature from passing last week.
" I am calling the legislature back into session because too much important work remains undone for the people of Texas... "Texans value life and want to protect women and the unborn...Texans want a court system that is fair and just. We will not allow the breakdown of decorum and decency to prevent us from doing what the people of this state hired us to do."..."louder [opponents of the bill] scream, the more we know we are getting something done."...
"Said another witness who testified while holding a baby in her arms. "I speak on behalf of the children who will be missed, because they were murdered prior to being born."
George H. Kubeck,
Have you noticed the stark difference between the people of Texas and California? It is a matter of political and religious leadership. The Supreme Knight Carl Anderson believes the Texas standard should be the goal of all states.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Honest Journalism is Dead! - 1
Honest Journalism is Dead! - 1
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, August 5, 2012
Sean Hannity coined the above sentence. I am thinking of the New York Times and the mainstream media. How else can you explain the Just and Furious, Benghazi, and the IRS scandals?
If these occurred during a Republican administration that President would have been out of office many months ago. He or she would have been forced to resign or be impeached by both Republican and Democratic legislators.
The mainstream media is unelected, rules and is two-faced. It promotes a leftist agenda and is an evil cover for the Obama presidency. Impeachable lies rule the day. It is like living in a twilight zone. Our nation is on suicide mission.
In 1984 and 1988, Pope Benedict XVI had an interesting comment on journalism. [Meditation, July 26, 27 - Co-Workers of the Truth - Ratzinger, 1992, Ignatius Press]
"Journalism is meaningful only when it helps us to learn the truth. It can be a genuine calling only when there is a truth that is good. Then it is right and necessary to help this truth to find its proper expression. The fundamental certainly that Good does exist and we are created for it is not an obstacle to the work of the journalist, but rather makes it possible. It must be the first pillar of genuine journalistic ethics."
"It is impossible to act rightly without truth. That is why the will to know the truth, seek it humbly and with a readiness to learn it, the world is fragmented into interest groups because profit always depends on the viewpoint of the one acting... what is effective and progressive for society, if it is divorced from the standard of truth, from God, it imperceptibly establishes power as the primary standard of mankind. But truth is superior to human power, it must set the limit and be the standard of all power. Only if it does so can we become free and good. The fact that listening to the truth must precede all our actions means also that the will of God is superior to all our plans and projects.
George H. Kubeck, The culture of death hates the truth.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
A Poignant Informative Letter - 2 of 2
A Poignant Informative Letter - 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thurs. August 1, 2013
By Ronald G. Connolly, M.D. Walnut Creek, California in the National Catholic Register, July 28, 2013
"Among the gravest scandals within the Church is that, for decades, "Catholic" political leaders have remained in good public standing within the Church while leading the legislative assaults against her.*
"In September 2011, Pope Benedict was publicly rebuked by 11 of his fellow cardinals and bishops, who refused to shake the Holy Father's extended hand during a formal reception in Berlin. (This may be viewed on "YouTube"; type "Pope Benedict's Berlin handshake" in the search box.) This 90-second video is one of most profound, as well as disgusting, explanation of what has gone wrong in our Church and in our world.
"If cardinals and bishops do not have to obey the Holy Father on faith and morals, then who does?
"Who is most hurt by these habitual scandals and "filth" within the heart of the Church? The answer is those who are most vulnerable, starting with our Catholic children and families - in other words, the Catholic Church of the future.
"The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2285) says, "Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized. It prompted our Lord to utter this curse. 'Whoever causes one these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.'"
"Religious liberty - like every good in the Church - depends on laity and bishops, and the entire body of Christ, responsibly fulfilling their respective duties."
George H. Kubeck
*The letter written by Dr. Connolly symbolizes and is the perspective of what this blog (cinops be gone) is all about. Thank you Dr. Ronald Connolly. This blog in focusing on the truth and is like a lone voice crying in the wilderness. There have been others in America. For example, Robert Kendra from Putnam, Connecticut. He was a pioneer in informing the bishops about the CINOP, a promoter of abortion in America. And almost every CINOP is a Democrat.
A poignant informative Letter (1 of 2)
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wed. July 31, 2013
By Dr. Ronald G. Connolly, Nat. Catholic Register, July 28 - Aug. 10, 2013
"Archbishop Charles Chaput, in his Register interview (page 9, June 30 issue) states, "Religious Liberty depends on Lay Faithful, Not Bishops." However, many Catholics in all walks of life have, over the past 40 years, already experienced the loss of religious liberties, but often their plight was ignored.
"In 1979, I learned the meaning of "pro-choice." At that time, I was a physician in Wilmington, Del. and when I made my "choice" - not to participate in an abortion - it became the sole reason I lost my medical practice, necessitating that my wife, our five children and I move out of the state and start a new life.
"A more complete statement on religious liberty is that it depends on everyone, both laity and bishops, responsibility fulfilling their duty.
"Cardinal Dolan recently said he has never preached on the Sixth commandment for 40 years (and this at a time when our culture was going ballistic over sex.)
"In 1968, public dissent against Humana Vitae was not led by the laity, but by many bishops and theologians. This episcopal dissent on faith and morals has continued unabated for 40-plus years and tells the laity that they also can "pick and choose." Not surprisingly, it was the Catholic vote that placed the current anti-Christian in the White House.
"The moral teachings of the Catholic Church are beautiful, powerful and prophetic.. Yet the great majority of Catholics, while attending Sunday Mass, have never heard a homily on the profound truths of Human Vitae, nor on the irrationality of citing, "equality and freedom of choice" as justification for abortion, artificial contraception and same-sex "marriage."
"Our bishops and priests need to preach and teach on why our culture's sexual immorality is the ultimate destruction of marriage, the family and society. Unfortunately, however, their decades long silence on the Sixth Commandment has effectively marginalized and ghettoized the Church. Is anyone surprised that HHS now mandates artificial contraception?
P.S. Please reread and memorize the above.
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