Friday, August 9, 2013

Our Founding Principles

Our Founding Principles In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, August 9, 2013 The Claremont Institute Letter - August 2, 2013 President Obama and today's liberals are trying to bury our founding principles once and for all. Law professor David Strauss said in his 2010 book, aptly titled The Living Constitution, that the text of the Constitution should play "at most, a ceremonial role." See the power of ideas? This is where the real battle is waged. Issues such Obamacare, excessive government regulation, the national debt, immigration, national security and all policy debates that come up on a daily basis are virtually important.The Claremont Institute weights in on those debates daily... Do we return to our First Principles ... the ideas of limited government, individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense? Or do we continue down the path of more government control over all aspects of our lives? That's the debate that will shape the future of America. Our founding documents are full of ideas such as individual liberty, limited government, free markets, a constitutional republic, free speech, the rule of law and many others... if our country is to continue to survive and prosper, it is crucial that we remain true to those ideas... Your support enables Claremont to fight for the ideas that launched America's founding.... Here's what Jonah Goldberg - well respected author, columnist and editor-in-chief of National Review Online - has to say of "Claremont Review of Books." "It's influence on the conservative movement has been as enormous as it has been unheralded by the mainstream media. Virtually every critique of the Progressive Era in the last ten years in any conservative publication or forum can be traced back to the work of the Claremont Institute, the CRB, and her contributors in one way or another." Jonah has written extensively on the Progressive Era, including in his best-selling book Liberal Fascism... Over the years, contributors to the Claremont Review included intellectual leaders like William F. Buckley, Jr., Michael Barone, John Bolton, Charles Murray, James Q. Wilson, Sally Pipes, Victor Davis Hanson, Jonah Goldberg and many others. Michael Barone said, "I read (the Claremont Review of Books) cover to cover, which takes some time because there's a lot of thought-provoking content." George Will remarked, "When I was asked, a few years ago to list my most important reading matter, I put CRB at the top of my list... And Powerline - a leading Internet blog - said, "Each issue constitutes a virtual education in politics." George H. Kubeck, The Claremont Institute is worth of your investigation and support. 937 W. Foothill Blvd., Suite E, Claremont, CA 91711, P: 909 621 - 6825 - F: 909 626-8724

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