Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Gospel according to Saul Alinsky
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, September 13, 2013
What is it about the writings of Saul Alinsky that captures the beliefs of not only our President Barack Obama but also Hillary Clinton and even a CINOP MSNBC Talk Show Host.
I wish you could read the writings of ex-communist David Horowitz. His Freedom Center has a booklet titled, Barack Obama's "Rules for Revolution, The Alinsky Model" will help you understand this unknown President of ours. Here are some excerpts from pages 18-21.
"In The 18th Brumaire, Marx himself summed up the radical's passion by invoking a comment of Goethe's Mephistopheles: "Everything that exist deserves to perish." ...
"The many names of Satan are also a model for the way radicals camouflage their agendas by calling themselves at different times Communists, socialists, new lefties, liberals, social justice activists and most consistently progressives....
"Alinsky's tribute to Satan as the first radical is further instructive because it reminds us that the radical illusion is an ancient one and has not changed through the millennia. Recall how Satan tempted God and Eve to destroy their paradise: If you will rebel against God's command the "You shall be as gods." This is the radical hubris" We can create a new world. Through our political power we can make a new race of men and women who will live in harmony and peace and according to the principles of social justice. We can be as gods....
"The Jacobin attempt to liquidate Catholics and their faith was the precursor of Lenin's destruction of 100,000 churches in the Soviet Union to purge Russia of reactionary ideas. The "Temple of Reason" was replicated by the Bolsheviks' creation of "People's Church" whose mission was to usher in the "worker's paradise." This mission led to the murder not of 40,000 as in the Vendee, but 40 million before its merciful collapse - with progressives cheering its progress and mourning its demise.
"The radical fantasy of an earthly redemption takes many forms, with similar results:
*The chimera of "sexual liberation" caused leftists to condemn and ban the proven public health methods for combating AIDS - testing and contact tracing - as "homophobic," leading directly to the preventable deaths of more than 300,000 gay men in the prime of life.
* The crusade to rid mankind of the scourge of DDT, which was launched in the 1960s by the American environmentalist Rachel Carson, led to a global ban on the use of DDT and the return of malaria. This has resulted in the deaths of 100 million children, mainly black Africans under the age of five.
#The left's campaign to build a welfare utopia under the umbrella of the "Great Society" destroyed the inner city black family, spawned millions of fatherless black children, and created intractable poverty and a violent underclass which  is still with us."

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