Monday, June 15, 2015


On the Campaign Trail with Dr. Ben Carson # 1
In pursuit of the truth- -  Monday, June 15, 2015
     In an article by Charles Krauthammer, "Perusing The GOP Racing Form" this sentence appeared. "His (Ben Carson) national finance chairman, deputy campaign manager and general counsel have all resigned within the past month."
     I interpret their resignation in a positive manner. Ben Carson is truly a serious threat to the Republican establishment and their presidential candidates. I wonder who the above three will be working for.
     Everything possible must be done to secure the safety of our next president, Ben Carson. I call upon retired FBI agents and Police Officers to attend all of Ben Carson's public meetings and keep Ben Carson's safety in mind.
     One of Ben's goals is to heal the divisions in our country which are presently extremely serious. Of all the Republican candidates running for president, Ben is the one that can do it.
     "Media and the political class don't know what to do with us quite yet. They discount me by saying things like "Ben Carson has no political experience. For once the ruling political class is right. I have never voted for a budget we could not afford. I have never voted to raise the debt limit. I have never voted to raise taxes. And I have never promised a lobbyist anything for a donation."
     It defies logic that the political class thinks this is what America needs more of. My experience is different. I know what it is like to be very poor. I know what it is like to be told you will never amount to much. I know what it is like to have a mother that refused to let you make excuses.
     My mother made me read my way through the Detroit Public Library and right into Yale. I became a pediatric brain surgeon and spent my life caring for over 15,00 patients, many of them very sick children.
     I collected 67 honorary doctorate degrees. Time Magazine labeled me one of the top scientists in the world. President Bush gave me the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
     All along the way Candy my wife and I created our foundation that has helped almost 8,000 students pay for college. Still, I have no "political" experience.
   I have traveled, lectured, and saved lives in 57 countries around the world.  On Facebook alone I have more fans than Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush and Scott Walker COMBINED.
     Thanks to you, we have now distributed over 550,000 bumper stickers to supporters around the country. Over 146,000 donations have been made to Carson America, not from lobbyists and insiders but from people just like you.
     All of my life never once did I dream of becoming President. I was busy making a difference. And that is exactly why I am running today. I am not counting on lobbyists lining up to fund my campaign. I am counting on people like you and me. People who are sickened and ashamed of what is coming out of Washington. People who are willing to stand up and fight for the future of our great country, because our children and their children are worth fighting for.
George H. Kubeck,

Make a difference/donate: Carson America, Inc. 1800 Diagonal Rd Suite 140, Alexandria, VA 22314

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