Friday, July 3, 2015


In pursuit of the truth - - Friday, July 3, 2015
     Everything possible  must be done to channel the support of million of Democrats and Independents for Ben Carson as our future President of the United States. They can do it by registering as Republicans in all the Republican primaries. After the primary is over they can reregister back to their political party.
For the following report: Thanks to Carson America, P.O. Box 1023, Merrifield, Va 22116
The only way the Republican nominee will win the general election is if we energize the base to vote, and then we must attract Americans who have not voted for Republicans in recent elections.
How do we do that? My plan for Americans is to give each - regardless of circumstance, of color, of social standing - the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. And that doesn't happen when you rely on the government to take care of you.
How do I know? I've lived it. I know what it takes to make the American Dream a reality. My brother and I were raised in a fatherless home. We were poor. I was angry, violent - a lousy student... And in the minds of those on the Left my brother and I were victims ... we weren't capable of overcoming our circumstances ... they told us we would end-up dependent on the government, or in jail, or dead by the time we were 25.
My mother wouldn't hear of it. She was no victim. And neither were her sons. And she wouldn't let us be victimized by liberals who saw us as "less than."
And with work, with faith, with education I achieved ... and I have lived a blessed and successful life. This is the message of hope you'll help me bring to every community. I know you feel just as I do: Our children and grandchildren deserve nothing less than the opportunities that you and I have had. That is why your belief in me -- in my belief in me - in my candidacy means so much to me.
It seems others believe I can win, too:
1) Fred Barnes, highly regarded political commentator, wrote a piece on me in the Weekly Standard. In it he asked, "If nominated, can Carson beat Hillary Clinton or another Democrat?" And then answered: "Yes, he can." ...
2) And in Iowa, our first test, the state's party chairman told the Journal, "He probably has the edge right now." Yes, what you and I can do together is truly historic. "Ben Carson Will Win in a Landslide Because He will Not Only Win Over Traditionally Republican Voters, But Also African Americans and Hispanics."
My campaign is "of the people, by the people, and for the people." I will EARN every dollar I need for this campaign by working 14, 16, 17 hours every single day ... traveling from town-to-town, from bakery-to-small farm, from school gyms-to-town halls ... Listening to, learning from, and leading my fellow Americans.
Right now, my campaign is focused on four things: RECRUIT, REGISTER, ENERGIZE, MOBILIZE....
I believe in the American people. There's an awful arrogance in the government culture. They think they're smarter than the rest of us and so they act without humility, consideration and an appreciation of our history. ...
I believe personal taxes should be flat and fair. The IRS should be ultimately be eliminated. And corporate taxes must be lowered ... In America, anything is possible. I believe in peace through strength. I believe we must our enemies before they become too strong enough to destroy us. I believe we should seal our borders right away. I believe in charity and private enterprise and school choice. We are a Judeo-Christian nation and I believe we need a spiritual awakening....
George H. Kubeck
In pursuit of the truth - - Friday, July 3, 2015
     Everything possible  must be done to channel the support of million of Democrats and Independents for Ben Carson as our future President of the United States. They can do it by registering as Republicans in all the Republican primaries. After the primary is over they can reregister back to their political party.
For the following report: Thanks to Carson America, P.O. Box 1023, Merrifield, Va 22116
The only way the Republican nominee will win the general election is if we energize the base to vote, and then we must attract Americans who have not voted for Republicans in recent elections.
How do we do that? My plan for Americans is to give each - regardless of circumstance, of color, of social standing - the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. And that doesn't happen when you rely on the government to take care of you.
How do I know? I've lived it. I know what it takes to make the American Dream a reality. My brother and I were raised in a fatherless home. We were poor. I was angry, violent - a lousy student... And in the minds of those on the Left my brother and I were victims ... we weren't capable of overcoming our circumstances ... they told us we would end-up dependent on the government, or in jail, or dead by the time we were 25.
My mother wouldn't hear of it. She was no victim. And neither were her sons. And she wouldn't let us be victimized by liberals who saw us as "less than."
And with work, with faith, with education I achieved ... and I have lived a blessed and successful life. This is the message of hope you'll help me bring to every community. I know you feel just as I do: Our children and grandchildren deserve nothing less than the opportunities that you and I have had. That is why your belief in me -- in my belief in me - in my candidacy means so much to me.
It seems others believe I can win, too:
1) Fred Barnes, highly regarded political commentator, wrote a piece on me in the Weekly Standard. In it he asked, "If nominated, can Carson beat Hillary Clinton or another Democrat?" And then answered: "Yes, he can." ...
2) And in Iowa, our first test, the state's party chairman told the Journal, "He probably has the edge right now." Yes, what you and I can do together is truly historic. "Ben Carson Will Win in a Landslide Because He will Not Only Win Over Traditionally Republican Voters, But Also African Americans and Hispanics."
My campaign is "of the people, by the people, and for the people." I will EARN every dollar I need for this campaign by working 14, 16, 17 hours every single day ... traveling from town-to-town, from bakery-to-small farm, from school gyms-to-town halls ... Listening to, learning from, and leading my fellow Americans.
Right now, my campaign is focused on four things: RECRUIT, REGISTER, ENERGIZE, MOBILIZE....
I believe in the American people. There's an awful arrogance in the government culture. They think they're smarter than the rest of us and so they act without humility, consideration and an appreciation of our history. ...
I believe personal taxes should be flat and fair. The IRS should be ultimately be eliminated. And corporate taxes must be lowered ... In America, anything is possible. I believe in peace through strength. I believe we must our enemies before they become too strong enough to destroy us. I believe we should seal our borders right away. I believe in charity and private enterprise and school choice. We are a Judeo-Christian nation and I believe we need a spiritual awakening....
George H. Kubeck

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