In pursuit of the truth - http://www.cinopsbegoneblogspot.com - Monday, Oct. 26, 2015
We have excerpts from 4 reports:
1) Oct. 8, 2015 -
It's just as Ben Carson said to Megyn Kelly about his visit to Harlem...
"Many people on the street today in Harlem came up to me and said, 'Man, we love you. We're supporting you.' I was in the airport yesterday on my way here. A woman come up to me. She says, 'I'm a lifelong Democrat. I love you.' The stuff that I am talking about has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats."...
Dr. Carson has been meeting with black pastors all across the nation, and they are getting behind Ben Carson. The black church was the strength of the civil rights movement under Dr. King, and if it gets behind Ben Carson, you and I are truly going to see a revolution take place....
In a head-to-head matchup with Donald Trump, Republican voters choose Carson over Trump 55% to 36%. No other candidate in the race wins a head-to-head matchup with Trump!
On top of that, Ben Carson has a sky high favorable rating of 81% among prospective primary voters and caucus goers. No other candidate is even close and he also has the lowest unfavorable rating at 6%. Again no other candidate is near that number. ... We have solid organizations in every state working hard to nominate and elect Ben Carson. We have 32,000 volunteers beating the street and knocking on doors...
2) Oct. 20, 2015
Even more encouraging is the fact that a full three-quarters of GOP voters say they could see themselves supporting Carson. In addition to this good news, a brand new poll released just this morning has Dr. Carson again in a strong second place (27-22), with no other candidates in double digits. ... We raised over $20 million last quarter, more than any Republican running. This was the result of over 400,000 people making small donations. In fact, our average donation is just $50....
3) Oct. 22, 2015 - Newsmax -
A new Quinnipiac poll released Thursday puts Ben Carson ahead of Donald Trump for the first time in Iowa put Ben Carson ahead of Donald Trump for the first time in Iowa, showing the retired neurosurgeon ahead by 28-20 percent among likely Iowa GOP Caucus participants.
Dear American,
Only one business in America is protected by the Constitution - the press. This is because the press was supposed to an ally of the people, informing them in a nonpartisan way. Sadly the press has been recklessly abusing this privilege. Over the past weeks I've come under relentless attack. Nearly every word I've said has been twisted and spun. In some cases, blatant lies have been told about what I believe.
As a black Republican, I know I don't fit the traditional mold, and I'm a threat to the liberal order. Because of the color of my skin, I'm supposed to think a certain way. Sorry, but that's racism. If we stop allowing politicians to divide us, stop giving away our values in the name of political correctness, and just apply some common sense, I know we can save this nation for our children and our grandchildren. I'm running for President to lead that movement.
4) Oct. 23, 2015
Carson was interviewed by WABC Radio Host Rita Cosby on Thursday afternoon, who noted that his surge in Iowa was heavily linked to women favoring him. When Cosby asked why Carson thinks he is more popular with women in the poll, he replied that he doesn't differentiate groups when he talks, adding, "I think everybody knows I'm going to be totally fair."
Turning to the Benghazi hearings, Carson said he was surprised 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney let the issue go so easily, and Carson vowed to after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the issue if he wins the nomination and faces her in the general election.
AS for his campaign's recent request for Secret Service protection, Carson said people have been telling him for months that he is in "great danger" because he is challenging secular progressive orthodoxy....(Carson America, Inc. P.O. Box 26261, Alexandria, VA 22313)
George H. Kubeck
Everything possible must be done now to obtain Secret Service protection for Ben Carson.