Friday, March 18, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - - Friday, March 18, 2016
    There exists a critical Catholic article of Vice President Joe Biden by the The Cardinal Newman Society. Everything possible must be done to inform Catholic and other Christian voters of this shocking truthful article about  V.P. Joe Biden. Why? In case Mrs. Clinton falters, President Obama will push totally unqualified Joe Biden.
    Saint Pope John II would turn over in his grave. Our most modern saint wrote, "Catholic teaching and discipline are to influence all university activities  ... any official action or commitment of the University is to be in accord with its Catholic identity." The same document also prohibits honoring those "who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principals" with awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support of their actions"...
     The Cardinal Newman Society emphatically condemns the awarding of the Laetare Medal to Vice-President Biden. "As vice president, Biden has been a champion of the Obama administration's HHS mandate, which the U.S. bishops have opposed at every turn due to its blatant attack on religious freedom. Biden was even rebuked by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for lying about the nature of the HHS mandate during a Vice Presidential debate in 2012."
    Biden has also been a strong advocate for legalizing the redefinition of marriage, and he disparaged those who opposed same-sex marriage as "homophobes"
March 8, 2016 (CardinalNewmanSociety) - Seven years after the University of Notre Dame received worldwide criticism or its public honor to pro-abortion President Barack Obama - including more than 367,000 signatures to the online petition and public opposition by 83 American Catholic bishops - Notre Dame has once again chosen to betray the Church and its Catholic mission.
   Notre Dame has announced that it will bestow its 2016 Laetare Medal , the "oldest and most prestigious honor accorded to American Catholics," on pro-abortion Vice President Joe Biden. This time, however, the offense is even greater: a pro-abortion Catholic politician is being honored as one "whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, "illustrated the ideals of the Church" [emphasis added] and enriched the heritage of humanity."
    Once again, Notre Dame appeals to political consideration to justify its choice. In 2009, the University claimed that it was simply honoring whomever happened to be the sitting president, as if an arbitrary criterion for public honor should justify public scandal. Now the University has paired Biden with former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner for honor, claiming to celebrate respectful dialogue, compromise and working for the common good" in opposition the toxic political environment of our time - yet again discounting the fact of public scandal.
    For faithful Catholics, ... Catholic Biden has compromised his fidelity to Church teaching on intrinsic evils far too many times in his career in the interest of political compromise.  He has publicly supported Roe v. Wade and legal abortion, legal redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples, taxpayer funding for embryonic stem cell research, and the HHS contraception/sterilization/abortion/abortifacient mandate. ...
    In announcing the award, Fr. Jenkins expressed concern for "public confidence" in our government. Does Notre Dame have such concern for our Church? What effect does the University's administration think it has on the public's confidence in Catholic religious leaders and institutions when they claim fidelity to the Catholic faith, yet bestow prestigious honors on those who publicly attack the faith and potentially lead the faithful away from the Church?...
    In the granting of this award by Notre Dame and the laudatory statements of Fr. Jenkins, the University fosters a perception in the public, and among the students on campus, that one can be a "good" Catholics and unrepentantly contradict Church teaching in one's public life. This scandal critically harms Notre Dame's efforts to fulfill its Catholic mission as an educational institution and its responsibilities as an evangelizing arm of the Church.

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