Thursday, August 17, 2017


CAN ALEXANDER HAMILTON SAVE THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY? IN PURSUIT OF THE TRUTH - HTTP://WWW.CINOPSBEGONEBLOGSPOT.COM - THURS. AUG. 17/17 PREFACE: Anonymous has left this comment on my post "The Enemies of Tradition, Common Sense, and Science." NOTE the hatred of President Trump is awesome! "Conservative in Name Only Person. President Trump possesses no beliefs, no religion, no ethics, His moral leadership is nil. His leadership of any kind is nonexistent. He is a hopeless abortion of a President. He is not fit to lead any country. I have heard conservative Catholics decrying the sin of relativism. Isn't it relativism to choose Trump over morals, over anything. Just so you can claim to be winning. And the biggest relativist is Trump himself. Who cares only for Trump. He has no moral center at all. It is heartbreaking and appaling. In the end the Republican Party will lose all claim to the moral high ground. All claim to patriotism will be taken from you. Trump is a disgrace and you should be ashamed." ALEXANDER HAMILTON IS MY FAVORITE FOUNDING FATHER. HIS CONTRIBUTION TO OUR COUNTRY IS VAST AND OUTSTANDING. EVERYTHING POSSIBLE MUST BE DONE TO HAVE ALEXANDER HAMILTON AS THE MENTOR AND ROLE MODEL WITHIN PRESIDENT TRUMP'S WHITE HOUSE. ALEXANDER HAMILTON'S EXPERIENCE AND GOALS AS TREASURY SECRETARY TIES IN WITH TRUMP ECONOMIC GOALS. HERE ARE SEVERAL THINGS THAT I RECALL. ALEX WAS A PRECOCIOUS IMMIGRANT. HE NEVER OWNED ANY SLAVES DURING THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE, HE WAS GEORGE WASHINGTON'S RIGHT HAND MAN. WORKING WITH OUR FRENCH ALLIES, HE WAS ABLE TO SPEAK FRENCH. HE WAS A LAWYER AND THE OPPOSITION COULD NOT MATCH HIS WRITTEN SKILLS OF PERSUASION. HE WROTE PARTS OF THE FEDERALIST PAPERS. HE PERSUADED NEW YORK TO JOIN OUR NATION'S BEGINNINGS. IN GEORGE'S CABINET, ALEX WAS TREASURY SECRETARY AND BUILT THE FOUNDATION OF AMERICA'S FREE-ENTERPRISE SYSTEM. ALEX WAS THE LEADER OF THE FEDERALIST PARTY. HE PREVENTED AARON BURR FROM BECOMING VICE-PRESIDENT AND PERSUADED HIS ASSOCIATES TO VOTE FOR JEFFERSON. ALEXANDER HAMILTON HAS BEEN SIDELINED IN US. HISTORY BECAUSE HE IS A CONSERVATIVE. ALEX WROTE A PART OF GEORGE WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. George H. Kubeck Our country is in an identity and spiritual crisis. After the Union defeat at the Battle of Bull Run in July, 1861, President Lincoln made his appeal for national prayer, setting this day, Aug. 12th aside: "It is fit and becoming in all people, at all time, to acknowledge and revere the Supreme Government of God; to bow in humble submission to His chastisements; to confess and deplore their sins and transgressions in full conviction that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and to pray, wilh all fervency and contrition, for the pardon of their past offences, and for a blessing upon their present and prospective action." Trueblood, Lincoln, 86 ,

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