Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Padre Pio, The True Story by C. Bernard Ruffin
Chapter 4 - Heavenly Secrets - 65 -70
    "Padre Agostino was barely five feet tall, but as great in girth as he was in height, prompting some friars to call him, behind his back, "Big Daddy." His enormous forked beard was then brown, and he had rosy cheeks and a booming bass voice. He seems to have been, with Pio, more intimate and approachable than Benedetto. In fact, since Agostino was only sligthtly older than Pio, the "Dear Professor" became the best friend and lifelong confidante of the friar from Pietrelcina. Fra Pio poured out his heart on paper to Padre Agostino, instructing him to forward the letter to Padre Benedetto, who would, upon receiving it, proffers his advice. In this sense Benedetto and Agostino formed a team in their direction of Pio.
    Padre Agostino was not a mystic, however, and there were certain things he could not understand as clearly as Benedetto did. In 1946, Padre Pio told one of his cohorts who asked him if everyone should have a spiritual director, "It is usually sufficient to have a confessor. If the confessor is incapable of understanding certain spiritual matters, you should simply trust in the goodness of God. "Don't you have a spiritual director?" Giovanni asked Pio. "I had one," Pio answered, "and he was Padre Bendetto, but since they took him away from me, I have been without one."When asked, "You have Padre Agostino for your confesssor, don't you?" Pio allowed, "Yes, but he doesn't understand me and I have to carry on confiding in God." ....
    The year was 1905. Fra Pio was then studying at Sant'Ella a Pianisi. He had the presence of mind to write down his experience  within three weeks of its occurrence and consign it to his superiors. ....
    "Several days ago, I had an extraordinary experience.Around 11 P.M. on January 8, 1905, Fra Anastasio were in the choir when suddenly I found myself far away in a wealthy home where the father was dying while a child was being born. Then there appeared to me the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, who said to me: "I am entrusting this child to you. Now she is a diamond in the rough, but I want to work with her, polish her, and make her as shining as possible, because one day I wish to adorn myself with her." I answered, "How is this possible, since I am still mere divinity student and do not yet know whether I will one day have the fortune and joy of being a priest? And even when I become a priest, how can I take care of this child, since I am so far away?"
    The Madonna said, "Do not doubt. She will come to you, but first you will meet her at St. Peter's in Rome." After that, I found myself again in the choir." ....
       Later, when she heard Giovanna's story, Leonildre Rizzin came to see Padre Pio, who told her: "Madame, that little monk whom you saw walking towards the gallery of your mansion in Udine when your husband was dying was I. I can assure you that your husband is saved. The Madonna, who appeared to me in the mansion and who bade me pray for your dying husband, told me that Jesus had pardoned all his sins and that he was saved through her maternal intercession. Both Giovanna and her mother were utterly convinced. One will notice that the words both women remember Padre Pio speaking to them in 1923 wre almost identical with the account that Fra Pio had written a few days after the occurrence in 1905.
    Despite Fra Pio's plump, rosy-cheeked appearance, he was plagued by a variety of ill-defined physical problems from the very beginning of his novitiate. He suffered from intestinal irritability, as well as attacks of vomiting so intense that he was sometimes unable to retain solid food for weeks on end. Once, for a space of six months, he was forced to subsist largely on milk. He suffered from spasms of violent coughing, was tormented by headaches, and frequently ran high temperatures. Without warning, Fra Pio would seem to be reduced almost to the point of death, only to recover as suddenly. His superiors, through medical consultation, tried unsuccessfully to pinpoint the cause of his physical troubles....  they declared that he was suffering from an active case of tuberculosis...  Pio's parents, however, were not satisfied with the diagnosis.... George H. Kubeck

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