Preface: (F.Y.I. - For Your Information:) - Veritas - Natural Law -Common Sense
The Jesuit Order was banished at least once in Catholic Church history. Both St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI had most serious problems with them. The Arrupe Jesuits of today are not the same Loyola Jesuits of the Reformation. In today's world we are in need of Loyola Jesuits. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit that we have as Pope. He is a Jesuit first and secondly, elected Pope of the Universal Roman Catholic Church.
In the past week, I received an e-mail from a worthy Protestant Pro-Life group called You may have received one from Catholic sources.
Contact Governor Edmund G. Brown to Veto SB 320: Phone: (916)-445-2841
SB 320: would mandate that chemical abortions be provided at all California university and college student health centers. The chemical used, RU 486, has a history of inducing serious medical complications, including death. The procedure uses one chemical to starve the baby to death and another chemical to expel the dead child. Chemical abortion is a do-it-yourself procedure, which makes the woman a novice self-abortionist. SB 320 shifts the cost and liability of surgical abortions from the abortion industry to the taxpaying public. SB 320 perverts our youth and kills their unwanted child for financial gain of the abortion trade.
First of all, the above bill was passed directly or indirectly by the elected CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only-Democratic-Politicians in California legislature. If they were Republicans they would have been exposed years ago. Back to Governor Brown who is a notorious Catholic-in-name-only politician. He had some Jesuit educational background. And in my perspective, he was also the one that destroyed public school teacher's independence by signing the Rodda Act in 1975 for forced unionization.
Call! Governor Brown may veto Veto SB 320.
A Champion of the Spirit of Vatican II: 64-67 - George Neumayr, "The Political Pope"
"Flattering the liberalism of the Jesuit editors of La Civilta Cattolica, Pope Francis scolded traditionalists for their "pastoral" incompetence, a laughable claim in light of his own order's disintegration. "There is no going back," he said, "Whoever goes back is mistaken." Such confident talk would imply that his own order is moving forward briskly. It isn't. To take just one measure of the Jesuit order's failure, the vast majority of graduates from Jesuit universities in the U.S. in the U.S. Congress vote for gay marriage and abortion rights.
In the book Passionate Uncertainty the sociologists Peter McDonough and Eugene Bianchi, despite approving of the liberal direction of the Jesuit order, still conclude that its "soft-boiled" spirituality and embrace of radical left-wing politics hastened its crack-up. Limiting their study to American Jesuits, they noted that the number of Jesuits who quit the priesthood and abandoned the order after Vatican II outnumbered the ones who stayed. Far from energizing the order, the liberal spirit-of-Vatican-II approach, which Bergoglio as pope has sought to renew, wiped it out....
"Vocations to the priesthood have been falling in Buenos Aires on {Bergoglio's} watch, despite the fact they're up in some other dioceses. Last year the archdiocese ordained just 12 new priests, as opposed to 40-50 per year when Bergoglio took over....
Jesuitical Situation Ethics:
The popularity of Jesuitical situation ethics diminished under Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, as they battled the "culture of death" and the "dictatorship of relativism." But under the pontificate of Francis, it has been revived, even the magisterium of the Church has repeatedly condemned.... Pope Pius XII condemned situation ethics by name, saying that no "situation" justifies the suspension of moral norms rooted in the moral law....
He (Pope Francis) has never questioned the damaging liberal fashions within the Jesuit order, reserving his scorn instead for "bankrupt" Thomists and other traditionalists whom he deemed insufficiently progressive for failing to "understand how human beings understand themselves today."...
"Situation ethics is back," says Thomas Pauken, author of The Thirty Year War, in an interview for this book. "Francis was infected by the virus of 1960s liberalism.".... George H. Kubeck