Tuesday, October 23, 2018


    Will share with you excerpts from the classic article in the "Wall Street Journal," Mon. Oct. 22, 2018 by Mr. Gelernter, computer science professor at Yale. His most recent book is "Tides of Mind."
  Firstly, I jotted down some personal thoughts at 3:35 A.M. Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
1.) The mainstream media has become a diabolical entity with their hatred of President Trump. They really hate the Americans who voted for Trump, and especially those who still support him.
2.) Last year President Trump was hexed by human satanic lovers in New York. Likewise this past week, Justice Kavanaugh was hexed by devil worshipers in New York.

3.) This was not condemned by the mainstream media and which is honestly waging a psychological war against all the American people. For example, they do not report news which will help us to understand what is happening in the world around us.
4.) The role of American billionaires like Soros, Steyer and the head of Progressive Insurance who are at war with traditional America. 

5.) What is happening in Venezuela; besides the silence of the U.S. Catholic Bishops on this matter? 
6.) The Communist party is outlawed in the U.S.A. What is the background of the Anti-fa? How about several other communist/socialist/anarchist groups? Americans need to be informed.

7.) Do you remember their reporting of the war in the Middle East to undercut the support for President Bush? If we had that kind of war reporting during World War Two, we would have lost the war to  Nazis.
8.) As a legal immigrant and proud Alexander Hamilton U.S. Citizen, I have St. John Paul's analysis of the culture of death in America and the mainstream media is the key component of that death culture.
9.) The mainstream media have become the Pravda for the once great Kennedy Democratic Party. Sad!

NOW FOR Mr. Gelenter: "The Democrats have no issues... Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don't seek to be loved, seek to be feared...For future generations the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party's intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says "Empty." The left is beaten... Today, leftists pray that Robert Mueller will put on his Superman outfit and save them again... what the left hates about Trump is precisely what it hates about America... his certainty that America exceptional, his mistrust of intellectuals, his love of simple ideas that work, and his refusal to believe that men and women are interchangeable.

"Worse of all he has no ideology except getting the job done. His goals are to do the task before him, not to be pushed around, and otherwise to enjoy life... Mr. Trump lacks constraints because he is filthy rich... revels in wealth and feels no need to apologize..Sometimes he has treated women disgracefully, for which Americans, left and right, are ashamed of him - as they are  of JFK and Bill Clinton..

"My job as a voter is to choose the candidate who will do best for America... - comes down to the views of the typical American: the farmer, factory hand, auto mechanic, machinist, teamster, shop owner, clerk, software engineer, infantryman, truck driver, housewife. The leftist intellectual I know say they dislike such people insofar as they tend to be conservative Republican.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama know their real sins. They know how appalling such people are, with their stupid guns and loathsome churches...The skip Davos every year and watch Fox news... In truth  they are as dumb as sheep." to be continued 
George H. Kubeck

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