Sunday, March 24, 2019


    With honest journalism dead in the mainstream media, and the integrity of the teaching profession prostituted, our country is living in the twilight zone.  Let's meet the "Useful Idiots" of 16 years ago in 2003.

"Do you remember Jane Fonda, Dan Rather, Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Jesse Jackson, and all the other liberals who were - and are - always willing to blame America first and defend its enemies as simply "misunderstood." These are the liberals who flocked to Castro's Cuba and called it paradise, just as the previous generation of liberals visited the Soviet Union and proclaimed its glorious future.

"They are the liberals who saw Communist Vietnam and Cambodia - in fact, Communism everywhere - as generally a beneficial force, and blamed America as a gross, blind, and blundering giant.
"Now that the Cold War has been won, these liberals, amazingly, are proud to claim credit for the victory - conveniently forgetting their apologies for the Communists and their vicious attacks on Cold Warriors such as Ronald Reagan.

"But nationally syndicated columnist Mona Charen isn't about to let them rewrite history. In her shocking book, "Useful Idiots: How Liberals got it Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First, she exposes:

"1) Prominent liberals who served in the Clinton Administration - such Madeleine Albright, Sidney Blumenthal, and Strobe Talbert - all of whom turned a blind eye to the Soviet "Evil Empire" but now wanted to be counted as Cold Warriors.
2) Media figures who clucked with praise for Communists and smirked with snide disdain for America -0 including Bill Moyers, Phil Donohue, Bryant Gumbel, and Katie Couric.

3) Professor who poisoned the campuses with Anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism at top universities such as Princeton, Brown, Columbia and Georgetown.
4) Entertainers - such as Harry Belafonte, Peter Seeger, Meryl Streep, Martin Sheen, and Ed Asner - who use the megaphones of their fame to blame America first."

All of the above is  in the book cover of Mona Sharon's book.  She holds liberals accountable - and reveals the horrifying crimes that these liberals helped defend and cover up for the Communists. If it wasn't for President Ronald Reagan we would still be in a Cold War or maybe even in a surrender pattern to Communist Russia. Today, these Leftist liberals and socialists are waging psychological warfare against the American people because they hate President Trump. Today, the mainstream media is to the Leftist Controlled Democratic Party what Pravda was to the Communist Party in Stalin's time.

Our Founding Fathers who wrote and came up with our Constitution studied these crazy ideas that are proclaimed today and found them Utopian and destructive to being an American. Any changes today will have to be via the Constitution.                                                                                                                        
 In closing and most shocking to the Catholic American citizens is to find out the true nature of the Catholic-in-name-only politicians and persons within the American Catholic Church. They are in  your next three letters already posted on my blog. How within the Catholic Church, they  promoted early in his days, Barack Obama and radical and atheist Saul Alinsky and they successfully got Obama elected with the duped American Catholic vote. What a historic colossal shame and tragedy! No wonder 10% of Americans are ex-Catholics. The CINOPs are mis-informed and duped liberal and socialist traitors; not only to the U.S. American Catholic Church but to America itself. Serious mistakes were made by the U.S. Catholic Church; have the guts and integrity to say it so. HENCE EDUCATE DUPED VOTERS!  In May of 2019, it will be 12 years in the study of the CINOP phenomena via this blog.                                                          George H. Kubeck

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