Friday, August 23, 2019


Chapter 8 - The Pacifist Pope -  p. 140-144
"Even the politically liberal Washington Post was appalled the following year by the pope's feel good visit to the brothers Castro in Cuba. In an editorial titled "Pope Francis Appeases the Castros in Repressive Cuba," the Post ripped into his sycophantic diplomacy:

"The pope is spending four days in a country whose Communist dictatorship has remained unrelenting in its repression of free speech, political dissent and other human rights despite a warming of relations with the Vatican and the United States. Yet by the end of the third day, the pope had said or done absolutely nothing that might discomfort his official host.
Pope Francis met with 89-year-old Fidel Castro, who holds no office in Cuba, but not with any members of the dissident community - in or outside of prison. According to the website 14ymedio,com, two opposition activists were invited to greet the pope at Havana's cathedral Sunday, but were arrested on the way. Dozens of other dissidents were detained when they attempted to attend an open Mass. They needn't have bothered. THE POPE SAID NOTHING IN HIS HOMILY ABOUT THEIR CAUSE, OR EVEN POLITICAL FREEDOM MORE GENERALLY."

"Raul Castro's gift to Pope Francis-a crucifix made from the wooden oars of a "migrant's" boat - grated on dissidents, many whom has seen relatives drown after fleeing communist Cuba.
Liberation theologians friendly with the Castro brothers, such as the Brazilian Frei Betto, have met with Pope Francis and received encouragement from him. When Pope Francis gave a copy of Evangelium Gaudium  (an apostolic exhortation in which he condemns "trickle-down" economics) to Raul Castro, he said to him, "There are here some declarations that you will like!"

Raul Castro said to Pope Francis: "If you continue talking like this ... I will return to the Catholic Church. I am not joking. I may convert to Catholicism. even though I am a Communist." O'Grady argues that Pope Francis has been a morale boost for left-wing strongmen like Ecuador's Rafael Correa, who used the pope's visit to his country to highlight the pope's support for socialism.

"This pope is very political and his politics, if we take him at his word, favor statist solutions to poverty. In terms of appearances that puts him on the same side of many policy debates as the region's socialist tyrants," she (O'Grady). "The populist Mr. Correa smells opportunity. In the lead up to the visit, he posted billboards in Guayaquil and Quito featuring his government's  logo encircling a photo of the pontiff next to what appears to be a Francis quote that reads 'one must demand the redistribution of wealth.' State television and radio delivered a similar message.

The pope's support for left-wing Latin American populism has led the Economist to call him the "Peronist pope." He routinely mistakes the Church's insistence on charity toward the poor for and endorsement of socialism.... The pope has said nothing about the plight of the poor under socialism in Latin America, preferring instead to attribute their problems to "unseen forces" that worship a "deified market." The moral causes of poverty, such as rising illegitimacy, don't appear to play any role in his analysis either...

One of the pope's closest advisers, Cardinal Rodriguez, is a loud critic of Israel. He once cast the media's coverage of the sex abuse scandal in the Church as payback for the support that the Vatican has extended to Palestinians: ..

The Pope Appeases Communist China:
In 2015, Pope Francis denied a private audience to the Dalai Lama, out of fear of offending Chinese communists in Bejing.... The Chines communists have long subjected the Catholic Church to brutal persecution and state control, a problem that has worsened under the pontificate of Francis...
Cardinal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong has complained that Pope Francis is kowtowing to the communists...letting the Chinese Communists select bishops for the Church..."

George H. Kubeck
Pray for the enemies of traditional America, including the progressive-leftists, and  sadly, the Vatican.

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