Sunday, December 22, 2019


Excerpts and commentary from Taki Theodoracopulos article in "Chronicles" Dec. 2019 titled:
"Time for a More Militant Church" 50
1. The following was recently but ecstatically pronounced by the malignant, anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-male New York Times: "Perhaps for the first time since the United States was established a majority of young adults here do not identify as Christian."

Pray for Honest Journalism and for the Intercession of St. Padre Pio in Our Country's Election: R
2. Yes, you can read it right: the Sulzburger gang that owns the paper celebrates this sorry state of Christianity with a bold headline in its editorial pages. The columnist Nicholas Kristoff tries to underplay his joy by throwing the faithful a few crumbs, but one can sense his delight and his belief that Christianity is getting its just rewards. R
3. Another Times writer, the Irish Catholic Maureen Dowd, has gone one better. She's called the Catholic Church "a rotten institution," and never fails to flail the Church and to insult Christian believers. The newspaper's focus on the sexual scandals of the Catholic Church would be justified if it had investigated with equal vigor the reports of sexual abuse and drug running within the city's Hasidic religious community dating back to 1990s, including the bust of ultra-Orthodox rabbis for laundering drug money. R

4. No wonder the war against Christianity is being won by the secular left  - we Christians are sitting on our fannies and doing nothing about it. "What if Christians acted like Muslims do when their religion is being attacked?" I consider myself to be a devout Christian, so I wont go so far as those Muslims in Paris who murdered Charlie Hebdo journalists for making fun of Muhammad, but one has to admit they were effective: the French Media has not featured any satire of the prophet since.
5. Jews, too, are allowed to defend their religion to such a extent, that they can turn to the slighted hint of insult against a Jew into anti-Semitism. Perhaps Christians need to do the same. ...

6. As I write, a hatchet job on a man called Ralph Drollinger is spread over ten pages of The New York Times Magazine. His crime is that he teaches the gospel, holds bible meetings, and he is a devout Christian who has befriended Donald Trump. ... The writer could not pinpoint anything against Drollinger except his teaching the Bible and supporting the 45th President...
7. If faith is to provide moral guidance, I can not think of a better one then Christianity. Christians donate generously to all sorts of charities, and donate more by far than do secular Americans. Christian Churches across America provide a crucial safety net by providing food and shelter for the downtrodden.

8. Yet, because many church leaders have rightly resisted cheering for same-sex marriage and LGBTQ uni-bathrooms, and have shown support for the Donald, many bien pensant elites try to associate Christianity with hate rather than love. The war against Christianity did not come about by happenstance. Christianiaty preaches morality, and morality stands in the way of big business profit, especially for industries of fashion, filmaking, porn, gambling and the media.
9. Media outlets directed at the youth, such as Teen Vogue, have promoted homosexuality, transsexuality, and gender transition. At the same time, they have attacked relentlessly businesses that have any moral standards, as America's third largest restaurant chain recently discovered. The family owners of Chick-fil-A run their franchise as a Christian business, paying workers twice the national average, remaining closed on Sundays, and donating a share of their profits to Christian causes. [This may have changed.] This has outraged people who do not share their religious beliefs. In Britain, where the Church of England made sure God died long ago, Chick-Fil-A has been refused a lease in the city of Reading because of protests by gay-rights activists....

10. Here are my orders for a more militant Christianity: Don't be afraid to fight to defend our faith; don't hesitate to give your business to Chick-fil-A any time you crave chicken; and have a very Merry Christmas." Likewise!

George H. Kubeck "We vote politicians out of office. The time has come to turn the lights off for today's Pravda, "The New York Times."

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