Friday, January 3, 2020


What's At Stake in the Coming Year by Franklin Graham in "Decision" Dec. 2019
     "During the 2016 election year, I traveled to the capitals of all 50 states, calling on people to pray for our troubled country, asking God to heal our land and encouraging people to vote for candidates at local, state and national levels who were best aligned with Biblical values.
      I believe the Lord heard our prayers, and under the current administration, we have seen amazing progress in many areas of moral concern. We have a president who has signed executive orders protecting religious liberty, advocated for pro-life causes and seen 158 of his judicial nominees confirmed to federal courts.
  Never have I seen such hatred for a sitting president. I think most of the vitriol comes from the progressive left, whose position on key moral issues are diametrically opposed to a biblical worldview. Their lockstep with mainstream media outlets amplifies their animosity toward President Trump and his policies.

   As we head to another election year, Christians need to understand that the opportunities for reinforcing religious liberty that we have enjoyed under President Trump aren't guaranteed to continue. Virtually the entire field of presidential challenges is openly hostile to biblical values.

   This is why I am calling 2020 our "Year of Decision," you will read in detail some of the crucial challenges that our nation faces. "Can we sustain the advances we have made in the culture battle of the last few year." "Can we continue to have an administration that has greatly helped the cause of religious liberty, not only here in America, but also around the world."
 "Will Christian business, churches and schools continue to enjoy the protection of their first amendment rights, or might we see increasing persecution under a different administration." Much is at stake and I will continue to do all that I can in speaking out on those issues that the bible is very clear on -same sex marriageabortion and gender confusion. Already a number of countries consider the preaching of Scriptural truth on these issues hate speech, and anyone who stands firm on Biblical values is labeled intolerant and bigoted.
 When I visit Florida and other states in 2020 for our ongoing Decision America Tour, I will keep asking everyone to pray for God's providential upon our country and challenge Christians to vote on Election Day. God hears the prayers of his people as we come humbly before Him, repenting of our own sins and interceding for our nation"...

George H. Kubeck, "Thank God for Franklin Graham's 50 State Prayer Tour in 2016! & again in 2020."

P.S. Now let's check slowly my blog letters # 1 and 2  titled "U.S. Catholic Bishops Warnings on Equality Act. HR 5, dated Thurs. Sept. 26 and Tues. Oct. 1, 2019.                                                                              When you reread the 13 effects of this Act, it's anti-Christian and a direct assault on Catholic beliefs and "The Catechism of the Catholic Church." All 74 fraud Catholic-in-name-only-politicians (Democrats), including Lou Correa voted for this Act. Thus far, the U.S. Catholic bishops have been silent on this matter. Could Catholics and most other Christians contact the U.S. Catholic bishops and tell them what's on your mind? The leftists need the duped Catholic vote in order to win in 2020.

P.P.S. "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral during a moral crisis? Evangelist Franklin Graham implored Cardinal O'Connor to excommunicate Governor Cuomo for the abortion holocaust he did in New York. Cardinal O'Connor refused. He forgot the once Pope Benedict's message to all bishops, 'Therefore, anyone who seeks an office in the Church thereby declares himself ready for a greater share of the cross.'"

P.P.P.S. We are today dealing with the four Axis of Evil within the leadership of the progressive socialist once  Democratic Party in which John F. Kennedy is dead. The evil Axis of Pelosi, Biden, Cuomo and Newson and the 74 CINOPs in the new socialist party. When you play political games with atheist Alinsky and globalist Obama it influences American Catholic thinking. "The Catechism of the Catholic Church" doesn't expect its leadership and members romancing with Socialism/Communism or Nazism. 

George H. Kubeck 

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