Wednesday, March 25, 2020


JUSTICE IS TRUTH IN ACTION - BLOGGER, George H. Kubeck, WED. March 25, 2020
Dr. Jerome Lajeune, "21 Thoughts" from Columbia, Knights of Columbus, Jan. 2019, Excerpts.
Continued # 11 to 21:
11. "At universities, I have often seen extremely intelligent people holding conferences, nodding as they considered whether their children were some sort of animals when they were very young. But at the zoo, I have yet to see a conference of chimpanzees consider whether their children would grow up to be college professors.
12. "It is not medicine we should fear, but the folly of mankind. Every day, the experience of our predecessors increases our ability to change nature by using its own laws. But using this power wisely is what each generation must learn in its turn. We are certainly more powerful today than ever before, but we are no wiser: Technology is cumulative, wisdom is not."
13. "Fertilization outside the body (making a child without making love) and abortion (the unmaking of a child) are incomparable with natural moral law in varying degrees."
14. "In modern democracies, which no longer refer to a higher moral law, upright citizens have an innate duty to aspire to laws that reflect what they believe to be best for society:  That is the only duty incumbent upon them, and the only freedom they still possess."
15. "People say, "The price of genetic diseases is high. If these individuals could be eliminated early on, the savings would be enormous!" It cannot be denied that the price of these diseases is high - in suffering for the individual and in burdens for society. Not to mention what parents suffer! But we can assign a value to that price: It is precisely what a society must pay to remain fully human."
16. "The enemies of life know that to destroy Christian civilization, they must first destroy the family at its weakest point - the child. And among the weakest, they must choose the least protected of all - the child who has never been seen; the child who is not yet known or loved in the usual meaning of the word: who has not yet seen the light of day; who cannot even cry out in distress."
17. "We need to be clear: The quality of a civilization can be measured by the respect it has for its weakest members. There is no other criterion."
18. "To avoid overheating the debate, I will go much further back - to the Spartans, the only ones to eliminate newborns that they believed they would be unable to bear arms or beget future soldiers. Sparta was the only Greek city to practice this kind of eugenics, this systematic elimination. And nothing remains of it.  It has left us not a single poet, not a single musician, not even a ruin! Sparta is the only Greek city that contributed nothing to humanity! Is that a coincidence or a direct connection?
Geneticists wonder: 'Did they turn stupid because they killed their future thinkers and artists when they killed their less-than-beautiful children?"
19."Ending an inconvenient life is a terrible thing. And age is no protection against this threat: The elderly are as much at risk as our younger children."
20. "The genetic makeup of a human being is complete from the moment of fertilization: Not a single scientist doubts it. What some of them want to debate is the amount of respect due to an individual based on her stage of development. If a human being is half-inch long, does she deserve respect? If she is 20 inches long, does she deserve 40 times more? People who use years and pounds to quantify the respect due to another human being are not well intentioned."
21. "We call on all people of good will to ensure that health protection is grounded in a renewed spirituality: Every patient is my brother."
The Catholic Witch  Within The American Catholic Church and in Congress
    "Since May of 2006, I have fought Catholic-in-name-only politicians like Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. She has been a deep thorn in the side of pro-life, pro-family and the marriage movement. A couple of days ago, she publicly referenced a statement of Pope Francis to reject an emergency agreement by the Republican and Democratic Senators. That's wrong and not Catholic.

    Today, she is promoting the leftist socialist agenda in America which is destroying American and Catholic values deliberately. Justice cries out to heaven.  Pelosi is an enemy of justice for the unborn and the family." ghk         George H. Kubeck       

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