Monday, August 10, 2020



Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, August, 2020 - Vol. LX11- no. 8, Tel. 314-727-6279
1. "In Portland, Oregon anarchist run wild. The federal building in Portland has been under siege each. Radical; groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa appear to be running the show. Meanwhile, politician both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party hesitate to condemn the violence for fear of being called racist. Major corporations and philanthropic foundation eager to show that they support "racial justice," have been pledging vast sums to Black Lives Matter, a self-proclaimed revolution revolutionary organization. City councils, mayors and leading politicians, mostly Democrats but also a few Republicans, are calling for "defunding the police" and "re-imagining the police."Libertarians and left-wing activists echo the calls for "demilitarization" of city police forces and ending "qualified immunity" from city suits for police officers. 
    For many Americans it seems like nightmare. Suddenly mobs, politicians, corporations, universities and pundits call for the end of "systemic racism" allegedly built into our history, our culture and our institutions.  Every white American stands accused of having "white privilege"and, and if there not conscious of their racism, that showed they really were racists. The concept itself is Orwellian Newspeak. If a white person did not admit he was a racist, then he was. If he admitted that he was racist, then he should kneel before the mob." TO BE CONTINUED
2. I got a response from New York Times to the e-mail sent Aug. 5, 2020, "You will no longer receive New York times newsletter."  (  This e-mail should be sent over & over again.
A. "We know who you are. Stop lying to the American people and striving to destroy our nation's Judeo-Christian Foundation, particularly the family. For the sake of the Truth, our country, natural law, and common sense, please change."
    It is with deep regret, sorrow and sadness that the leadership of my fellow American in the Black Caucus are like Congresswoman Karen Bass. His name is Majority Whip James Clyburn. He may also love the Communist terrorist Castro, but listen to Clyburn's Marxist mindset criticism of those who protect the Federal Building in Portland, Oregon.
     "The use of storm troopers under the guise of law and order is a tactic that is not appropriate to our country in any way." Majority Whip James Clyburn endorsed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi equating to the U.S. law enforcement officers to Ernst Rohm's SA thugs being deployed to do the dirty work of Adolf Hitler.
    "Nobody asked the federal government to come into Portland. Nobody asked them to come to Seattle," ranted Clyburn. This is something that's made up of whole cloth by this administration as an excuse for sending in storm troopers to incite the people."
    Clyburn had earlier compared the U.S. officers sent to Portland to Heinrich Himmler's Nazi secret police: "This president and this attorney general seem to be doing everything they possible can to impose Gestapo activities on local communities, and this is what I've been warning about for a long time."  (July 27, 2020, America 'Stormtroopers' - A Right Shining Lie - by Patrick Buchanan)
    A Marxist mindset is one of hate and self-deception, It is a curse and destructive to any minority to have that kind of leadership. In our life time, Communism has been a historic plague upon ordinary people. It is a tragedy for Majority Whip James Clyburn not to accept ANTIFA as anarchists. Within the last week, they burned the Bible and the American Flag in Portland. ANTIFA men and women hate not only America but God. What are Black Americans going to do about it? 80% want police protection.
When it comes to voting on Nov.3rd, it is likely that 20-25% will vote for President Trump and give him a landslide victory.
George H. Kubeck *Received these Reports monthly for the past 50 years."  U.S. Citizen, Apr. 2, 1962

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