Friday, November 20, 2020



1. 4:38 AM - 4:48 AM - FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 2020:
    "Over and over again, I see the N.Y. Times as a false, subversive, journalist outfit in today's America. Specifically, I see the New York Times as a Marxist/Socialist/Communist, subversive and extremely dangerous newspaper. They will destroy traditional America unless we destroy them first." 
[ From the "Epoch Times Special:" Nov. 24 - 28, 2020 - The 4 - Year-Long War on Trump: - 14 Sections
Media: "Perhaps one of the most powerful forces working against Trump during his presidency has been the news media. Over the past five years, they have relentlessly published skewed and inaccurate information about Trump while minimizing or ignoring his accomplishments, seeking to portray him publicly as an illegitimate president. This type of reporting has created a climate of anger, hate, and instability in America. It has resulted in threats made to the president's life and act of violence against his supporters.]
    "The tentative election of Biden will not stand. We call for the judgment of the U.S. Supreme Court to decide. Telephone your newspaper daily if there is any article by a reporter from N.Y. Times. If there is a repeat of any similar reporter, cancel your newspaper for a month. My viewpoint is from a proud legal American citizen, an immigrant."
2. 12:18 A.M. - 12:39 A.M. - Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020.
"Prior to Midnight and ever after my computer lit up many times. Why does this happen? I watch the Big Five almost daily on Fox News 2-3 PM.  Jesse mentioned about the Bell Weather Counties. They predicted the presidency since Nixon. Well all of the twenty counties except one voted for Trump. And Trump won by a margin of 16 points. [Checked in "Epoch Times Special.]
    As of today they are going to recount two large counties in Wisconsin. The Democrats in charge want to change the rules for the recounting of the vote. Another great headline which the seditious  N.Y. Times and mainstream media does not want to report on is the role of the Libertarian candidate and their votes. I believe that in all of the contested state votes the vote for the Libertarians that state went to Biden.
    The HATE VOTE that Biden received was 51% of those who voted for Biden hated Trump. The LOVE VOTE was 78% for Trump. The threat to our democracy is the mainstream media. They divided deliberately us into hate and love groups with hate predominating. They are checking out many news stories relating to the election, and what occurred during the last 5 years in dividing our country and depicting Trump as a Hitler type. There is something rotten in the state of Denmark. Henceforth, the new motto: there is something rotten in the state of  U.S.A. All of the above and what is written below will most likely bring this election to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Justice Alioto and associates need to hear President Trump's  legal presentation
[The "EPOCH TIMES SPECIAL:" - The Trump-Russia Shadow: This falsehood is believed by one-half of the Democratic voters. The Mueller Special Counsel Investigation: FBI under Comey and McCabe: Manufactured Narratives:The Permanent Government Employees:Foreign China Interference: Impeachment: etc.]
George H. Kubeck

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