Friday, January 15, 2021



    What do you remember for the last four years? The enemy of the Culture of Death was not only President Trump but also us the American people of all persuasion.The News Media, specifically the New York Times had contempt for us and censored anything that was positive in the economy because they hate the President. They also hate each American unless you follow their truth and their political correctness. 
    They hate Conservatives no matter what your political persuasion. They have a double standard. Recall how they promoted whistle blowers. But when it had to do about one person's loss of vote in the presidential election. Well, you must shut up. The news media has selective news reportage.
MY DIARY( 1:06 A.M. - 1:46 A.M. - Friday, Jan. 15, 2021)
    Let's begin with prayer, the Rosary.  We end the "Our Father" with "Deliver us from the evil of abortion, assisted-suicide and the corona virus. We end the "Hail Mary" once each decade with "Pray for the conversion of sinners and the conversion of Russia, China and America," and end "Thy Will Be Done," on earth as it is in Heaven.
1. "Justice is Truth in Action." will be the Motto of all Americans, particularly conservative traditional America. Indirectly, could this not have been the motto of  Our Founding Father Fathers?  Particularly, Alexander Hamilton, the immigrant from the West Indies and me a proud U.S. Citizen [April 2, 1961] from Montreal, Canada. We are not going to put up with this hogwash from the leftist Marxists.[for example: Don Lemon called Republican voters neo-Nazis.]
2. Since that date of April 2, 1962, I have seen shocking and destructive changes in America. The integrity of journalism has been destroyed. Likewise the integrity of the public school teacher [Once a proud member for 23 years] has been prostituted by the signature of Catholic-in-name only politician Gov. Jerry Brown with the Rodda Act in 1973, a destruction unionization law.
3. The once great Democratic Party has been taken over by radicals, leftist and Marxists. They differ from the regular registered Democratic voter. At least 20% of Democrat voters are pro-life. Recall, the term "Culture of Death" was coined by St. John Paul in his encyclical "Gospel of Life."
MY DIARY: (4:20 A.M. - 4:34 A.M. SUNDAY, JAN. 3, 2021)
1. The snapshot of Antifa on New Year's Eve in Portland, Oregon  drove me up the wall. It was in the Wall Street Journal, Sat.-Sun. Jan. 2-3, 2021, opposite page to the editorial page.
2, About 50 to 100 members of the community's ANTiFA had a violent and destructive riot at the New Year's Eve party in Portland. In normal America, these hoodlums would be arrested and jailed. For Democrat Congress Nadler, Antifa is a myth. I feel that FBI director Wray has betrayed his duty to inform all Americans about these anarchists & terrorists. Remember 100 nights in the summer, these hoodlums attacked Fed. Buildings in Portland. The mainstream media deliberately did not inform us. 
MY DIARY: (1:01 A.M. - 1:14 A.M. Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021)
1. Justice is truth in action. We must assert loud and clearly in the public arena. Let it become a rallying cry. Speak it out with signs and songs. It has been hidden from our young who have been drenched with lies and half-truths by Marxist teachers and professors.
2. We want justice and truth not only about the election but also on the life issues, marriage and religious freedoms based on honest science. Also the truths arrived at with reason, common sense and logic. Down with political correctness, outright lies and selected half-truths. Shame on the Elite for cowardice to Our Founding Father principles.
George H. Kubeck

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