Dear CEO and employees,
Let's finish off with "James Carville's wisdom." Excerpts on him from Vox, 4/27/2021 The only way Democrats can hold power... to include more white rural voters... work to getting 80 to 20%, strive to win by getting 72 to 28...
The Democratic Party is a big coalition and you're always going to have people promote unpopular ideas, right? Whereas the Republican party is more homogeneous and lends itself to a tighter, controlled message.
Talk about Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL) talk about Dennis Hastert, the longest- serving Republican speaker in Congress. If Hastert was a Democrat who we knew had a history of molesting kids and was actually sent to prison in 2016, this would have been all over Fox news every f. night.
Look at Florida. Democrats say it is a lost cause. Really, in 2018 in Florida, giving felons the right to vote got 64 percent. In 2020 the $15 dollars minimum wage got 67%. A special kind of campaign can win for the Democrats.
In Miami Dade, all they talked about was defunding the police and Kamala Harris the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate. Look across the Rio Gande Valley, we lost all kinds of solidly blue voters. The faculty lounge bullshit is a big part of it. We won the House but came within 42,000 votes of losing... There's too much of esoteric and it turns people off.
Democrats can't be more liberal than Senator Machim. Exploit again and again the storming of the Capital. Biden get on the phone and lower their rhetoric.
FOUNDING FATHER ALEXANDER HAMILTON AND PLANNED PARENTHOOD WOULD BE MORTAL ENEMIES IN TODAY'S AMERICA. IT IS A MATTER OF BLACK FETUSES (BABIES) BEING ABORTED, KILLED AT THE ABORTION SITES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. "Nearly 80% of its clinics are located within walking distance of its neighborhoods occupied predominantly by black and predominately by Black and Hispanic residents. While constituting only 13% of the female population, black women represent more than one-third of all abortions in the U.S. each year, and they are five times more likely than white women to obtain an abortion. In recent years in New York City, more black babies were aborted than were born alive." In memory of George Floyd, the influence of Planned Parenthood must be destroyed. To President Joe Biden from Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, "Why are your supporting Project 1619 which is an absolute lie?"
Excerpts from "New Oxford Review" Jan.-Feb. 2021 - "Nowhere Between Life and Death" by Jason M. Morgsn - The Fetus as Homo Sacer - Part 1
Anyone who has followed abortion politics in the United States these past 50-plus years will recognize a resemblance between the King of the Grove and the unborn child. The child is of course, an innocent person, whose life is a gift from God. But unborn children are also in a state of existential limbo: Unlike the rest of us, they have not legal protection from contract killing. Every baby in the room, just like Diana's priests under the golden bough, may be murdered without legal consequences.
... But it is perfectly legal to hire an abortionist to dismember a baby in the womb in the name of personal choice...
The modern state requires that the child in utero have no legal person-hood so his mother may free herself of him at any time during his gestation... When the federal government provides hundreds of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood to cull populations of poor and minority citizens, that too is bio-politics. Bio politics is when the state attempts to control some way, the biological life its citizens.
The fetus is our homo sacer, our King of the Grove, the embodiment of "bare life"upon whom hangs the legal order of the regime. Without the ability to murder the homo sacer at will, there can be no guarantee of rights for anyone. We cannot bring ourselves to overturn Roe v. Wade because we are terrified of losing our modern day homo sacer, the child in the womb...
Though his status is murky in the eyes of the law, the homo sacer is absolutely essential to the law. At a time when we like to think we have overcome our barbarian past, we cannot admit that we treat the fetus as our ancestors once treated the homo sacer , the outlier whom society has "banned."...
Paterfamilias today simply denotes the male head of the household, but in ancient Rome the paterfamilia was a fearsome figure. Sons in any Roman homes were both alive and dead at the same time ... until his sons reached legal manhood, dispose of their lives at will. No questions would be asked of him at law...
Respectfully yours,
George H. Kubeck