Saturday, May 8, 2021



1. Founding Father Alexander Hamilton would be deeply disappointed with the subversive ideology "Critical Race Theory,"that you are listening to and acting on in moving the MBA to Colorado. First of all, you are benefiting from the Free Enterprise System that Hamilton left you. Your actions tell me how ignorant you are of the founding principles of our nation. As Americans we don't need a Marxist/Communist interpretation of American history. That is an absolute insult to our country. We can solve our race problems through our laws and American founding principles and not Karl Marx.
Secondly, may I explain this subversive ideology.  Communists are masters of deceit, deception and diabolical. Hamilton did not have Karl Marx around when they were forming our nation. Marxism is an ideology that is not based on human nature, common sense, logic or reason. It is based on a hatred for the Christian-Judeo origin of our country. It is a secular, humanistic, atheistic interpretation of the writings of our Founding Fathers. Instead of Class warfare, it uses racism to divide and destroy our nation. They are an evil bunch of people, dressed to kill you, and your family and your business, sooner or later. That's the history of communism. 
    Furthermore, think of Vladimir Putin. He hates America because we won the Cold War which ended in 1989. "Critical Race Theory" is Putin's and the KGB's revenge on America.
Thirdly, we are a nation of many religious beliefs. We all believe in the existence of God. We get our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from that God. For the subversive atheistic ideologues our rights are given to us by government and our freedoms are subverted and destroyed.
Fourthly, here is the perspective from me: We are legal immigrants who are now proud U.S. citizens from every other country of the world. We love America. We will never, never accept "Critical Race Theory"  in our Public Schools. We have a Constitution. There is treason in the air. It needs to be captured and brought to the Supreme Court. Everything possible must be done to bring this legal matter to the Supreme Court.
Fifthly, keep a record of the monies that you have contributed to the Culture of Death to America ideologues. (Black Lives Matter) One day you will contribute the same amount to the Culture of Life organizations:
"Alliance Defending Freedom," American Family Organization, "Concerned Women for America," Claremont Institute, "Eternal Word Foundation," Faith and Freedom Coalition, "Federalist Society," Liberty Counsel, "Live Action," National Review Foundation,  "National Association of Scholars," Pacific Legal Foundation, "Reagan Ranch," Tea Party, "Thomas More Society, "U.S. English." etc.
    Now let's get to James Carville. He is a Democrat-Catholic-in-name-only- Person. a Catholic Fraud. His wife is a practicing Catholic. Excerpts and Commentary from VOX, 4/27/2021
"Wokeness is a problem and we all know it" James Carville on the state of Democratic politics,  by Sean Illing 
1. Thoughts on President Biden's first 100 days... why the Democrats might be poised to squander their political advantage against a damaged GOP. ... pleased with Biden "but it's where much of the party seems to be going that has him worried... narrowly defeated Donald Trump, a world-historical buffoon," lost congressional seats and failed to pick up state legislatures. The reason is simple! They've got a messaging problem."
2. Avoid the liberal elite faculty lounge talking points like "Latinx" and "communities of color." ... This is not how voters talk.... We have to talk about race. We should talk about racial injustice.
4. If Democrats want power, they have to win in a country where 18 percent of the population controls 52 percent of the Senate seats... Wokeness is a problem everyone knows it. It's hard to talk to anybody today -- and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party - who doesn't say this. But they don't want to say it out loud.  ... We have to speak the way regular people speak, the way voters speak...
5. Marjorie Taylor Greene, ... And yet, for some reason, the Democrats pay a bigger political price AOC than the Republican party.... I think it's because large parts of the country view us as an urban, coastal, arrogant party... [which you are. ghk] ... "Republicans are going to call us socialists... tweeting that we should abolish the police isn't the smartest thing to do because almost f.... no one wants to do that.
George H. Kubeck

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