Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Narrow Overview of the U.S. 06 Elections # 2 of 2

A Narrow Overview of the U.S. 06 Elections # 2 of 2
A Catholic Analysis of the U.S. Election, Nov. 7/06 (Part 2 of 2)
The Final Campaign Trail Report of Nov. 7/06 # 4

You are reading a duplicate of a letter dated Sunday, October 29, 2006
The Truth in Advertising with No False Catholic Labels

With over forty years of observing social and political change, Author David Carlin in his recent book, Can a Catholic Be a Democrat? How the Party I Loved Became the Enemy of My Religion, comes up with five conclusions.
1) In the U.S. today, there’s a Culture War between secularists & traditional Christians.
2) In this Culture War, the national Democratic Party has teamed up with the secularists and their allies.
3) The Democratic Party, once strongly identified with the common man, is now dominated by upper and upper-middle-class ideologues.
4) Because of these changes, the Democratic Party has slipped to number-two status and will remain there until it rejects or rebuffs the secularist agenda.
5) Until the party does this, it makes little or no sense for Catholics and other traditional Christians to support the Democratic Party. p. 57

Stop It! There is no difference between the Democrats and the Republican

Check this out with Focus on the Family and FRC Action who have scored how lawmakers voted on key bills during the 109th Congress. FRC Action declared 123 House members – 120 Republicans and three Democrats – to be “True Blue Representatives” who voted in favor of pro-family legislation every time. In contrast, 142 House members – 140 are Democrats and two Republicans – did not support a single piece of pro-family legislation. There is no Catholic, Evangelical or Baptist reason to vote for a CINOP in this election

I do have a bias. For the past 12 years, I have been at the local abortion facilities twice weekly for about an hour. I was a Rosary prayer participant at the abortion facility which closed down in Cypress, Feb. 2001. Our presence persuades many of the ladies to change their minds. My experience, over the years, is that in almost all cases, the ones who are getting away with murder are the men. They are the scoundrels and the wimps. The CINOP is also getting away. Hopefully, in the future, it is the Catholic Laity that will step up to the plate and speak up.

Finally, Mission Accomplished: Almost a thousand of the five cultural Informational flyers have been distributed at Catholic Churches, St. Justin and St. Polycarp, and surrounding neighborhoods.

Update: Join and help to distribute 50,000 pieces of informational literature in the Correa and Sanchez district during this 2008 election campaign.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese

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