Monday, February 4, 2008

St. Josemaria Escriva (1902-1975)

St. Josemaria Escriva (1902-1975)
Monday, Feb. 4, 2008
Behold, we have the people’s modern Saint! I am trying to digest the notes from Saturday’s Conference on the above Saint, the founder of Opus Dei and want at this point only to focus on him. The only book I have read that he authored is The Way. Years ago, I reread the book several times. (877-785-6736)

What is extraordinary for the pro-life movement in America is that here is a Saint of the Ordinary. Pope John Paul II on Oct. 6, 2002 called him that. He was canonized that day. When you think of the pro-life movement, we are made up of ordinary people who are trying to do extra-ordinary things in this secular America.

Joemaria had a sense of poignant identity and humor. Three words in Latin translated into Always like a Donkey. He was God’s donkey, needing little, doing a lot, no airs, no facade, and he struggled like many of us. This Saint had beautiful symbolic language. His portrait of the donkey as a small animal that can carry heavy loads, stubborn at times and refuses to botch: As pro-lifers we will never give up.
You find God in the little things and the unimportant things of life. He had many different mottos. For example, from Latin two words: Today, Now! If you can do it now, do it now instead of tomorrow.

Here we have a Saint of the Ordinary for all time. How Beautiful! Father Paul Donlan recalls the time the Saint blessed the last stone where Opus Dei resides in Rome. We were there for the last time, Jan, 9, 1960 and the Saint had these words inscribed on the brick, The End is Better than the Beginning. The importance of finishing things, to persevere as the Saints: To finish counts most.
And this is also the goal of the U.S. pro-life movement.

On one Jan. 9th, there was a birthday party for the future saint. Everyone was gathered around. When asked why he was so happy? Well, it is because he made a good examination of conscience and many acts of contrition.

He was as he was. Reflecting on the passing things of this world and how we become Saints in the ordinary things of life. God spawned a new spirituality.

At one time there was a viewing of a Blessed Damian film. And with a booming voice he said. There is a great deal of leprosy today, the leprosy of religious ignorance, of the human mind as regards to God, the human mind and the Catholic Church. For pro-life it is the leprosy scandal of Catholic-in-name-only Politicians.

Let’s vote out the CINOP candidates from their high horse; and as they fall to the ground may they come to their senses? May they have a conversion that can even influence our own conversion? Nothing is impossible with God for as we enter the pearly gates of heaven we have Lou Correa and Loretta Sanchez as our brother and sister. This would be in the spirit of St. Jose Maria Escriva.

The leprosy of uninformed voters is our biggest challenge in 2008 and in the country. Can we count on you to participate in that challenge?
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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