Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Church's Great Temptation - # 2 of 2

The Church’s Great Temptation - 2 of 2 ,Thursday, March 6, 2008

The author Phil Lawler believes that American Catholicism is facing a crisis with what I called the 30 million ex-Catholic American Lost Souls. He notes that 10.1 % of the U.S. population had left the Catholic faith. Thus for every new convert, the Church is losing roughly four cradle Catholics. This is another most serious challenge to our Catholic Church. And again in my mind the role models for fallen away Catholics are the Catholic in name only politicians.

There is no doubt in my mind that the defeat of Catholic-in-name only politicians and their removal from office ought to be the top priority for the pro-life and marriage movement in 2008. The hours you work on the phone and in the precincts will secure the defeat of a few in each diocese.

Many Catholics have such an attachment to one political party that they are willing to go to hell with it. That is too bad. It is time to face the reality. Our religious community understands hell. They can also be role models. It is time for all to reregister and register to decline to state. Also to see that Catholics who go to Mass on Sundays are all registered to vote for 2008.

In the presidential elections we are going to focus on the life issues. Each bishop is faced with different choices: immigration, health care, and the life and marriage issues? They are all important. The first two are prudential issues; the second two are absolute and inherently evil issues. We know that the National Conference of Bishops has stated that the most important political issue in America is the life issue. But will that message get out to the voters. I am looking forward to the message of Pope Benedict XVI when he arrives in April 15-20th. Particularly, to his talk with the presidents of the Catholic Colleges & Universities.

There is no moral dilemma with the pro-life movement.

To sell out your Catholic Faith to a group that advocates the two A’s, the two E’s and the two SS’s is evil. These are five absolute evils promoted directly and indirectly by the CINOPS who are the role models for one of the largest religious group in the U.S.A. the thirty million ex-Catholic American Lost Souls.

There is a shock page coming up this Saturday which I will quote from Philip F. Lawler’s book: The Faithful Departed - The Collapse of Boston’s Catholic Culture, Encounter Books, 2008.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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