Sunday, March 30, 2008

OP-ed Article by Joe Feuerherd - 2 of 2

OP-ed Article by Joe Feuerherd – 2 of 2

cinops be gone Sunday, March 30, 2008
Dear Joe: (Cont’d from yesterday) (OP-ed Article from ChristiFidelis, That was a cheap remark you made with reference to the fire and brimstone approach of popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. You and I are midgets in comparison to these men. These two popes are outstanding leaders in theology, philosophy and common sense. If you disagree; there is a fable about the Ox and the Bull Frog that you should check into.

Please reread Pope J.P. II’s Gospel of Life. It is he who coined the phrase the culture of death. There is a serious culture war going in America. Pro-life, marriage and family forces are trying to do their best to inform all Christians particularly Catholics. Many of the cafeteria Catholics seem to be blind to this culture war. We want to keep our traditional America and do not want a secular European type of America. We can help the Church and our Faith tremendously if we can vote out of office all Catholic-in-name-only politicians. The CINOPS are the Trojan horses for the culture of death and spiritually sick Catholic role models within the country and within our Catholic Church.

I believe we can learn something from history with the Catholic populations in Germany and Italy during the 1930’s. The national socialist (Nazis) and the Italian fascists had great programs for government jobs and universal health care system. Remember the trains ran on time during Mussolini’s regime. Recall how Catholics were sucked into supporting these regimes by poor Catholic leadership.
Catholic leaders in America can have serious disagreements on prudential issues facing our country. But we can make no exceptions on issues that are inherently evil, contrary to reason, natural law and common sense.

And in America, this will not happen with thinking Catholics, During the 2004 election, Catholics voted for Bush, 52 %. Catholics are swing and discerning voters. In 2006, they voted democratic, 55%. In the 2008 election, pro-life is working hard for a 55 to 60% vote for a pro-life president and pro-life Congress. God willing so be it.

Also, today we have this liberation theology which is misleading cafeteria Catholics like yourself. Obama’s background is with black liberation theology. Pope John Paul II demolished it but it has revived in sections of the Americas. The pope had first hand experience in Poland. You do not work with radicals like communists or Marxist to bring about social change in a country. The reason there are so many thousands of converts to the Pentecostals and Evangelicals weekly is because in the Latin American countries we have a shortage of priests and many priests have been indoctrinated with this liberation theology hogwash.

Let me make a comment on the anti-war and pro-peace movement prior to 9/11. These groups were con-artists for decades. They were for any cause that would weaken America. In the early days they were fellow travelers or useful idiots for communist Russia. They have a hatred for America and its tradition.
Some of this comes from a false education which our children receive in our universities from openly Marxist professors. (I am a retired public school teacher.)
Sincerely yours,
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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