Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why Did Loretta Sanchez Win?

Why Did Loretta Sanchez Win?
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, November 20, 2010

Preface: “The courage to recognize the truth and the joy we take in it are fundamental marks of the Christian Faith. It is through them that we come to understand once more the missionary mandate of the Church… The truth that is bestowed on us does not come from ourselves. We cannot take any credit for it, but neither are we allowed to conceal it out of a false humility… our speech must not cause us to lapse into a relativism that rejects truth… God wills the salvation of all; he wants us to become ministers of salvation by bringing the light of truth into the world…as messengers of truth we can be co-workers for the redemption of the world.” Pope Benedict XVI, Meditation entry, Nov. 17th

It would be wise for all dioceses to have indirectly a panel discussion on this CINOP matter so that the truth can be arrived at. Otherwise, we will have e-mails like the following truths but maybe not the whole truth on the CINOP [Catholic-in-name-only politician.]

1.How close is the Catholic Church in California to the Democratic Party? They are too close. They are so close that they have been blindsided by non-Catholic liberal progressive ideas and principles. For example, if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was a Republican, she would have been excommunicated by the California Catholic bishops many months ago. But she is a D.!

2.What is the difference between Pro-Life and Peace and Justice. Pro-life focuses on absolute evils, like abortion, abortion on demand, partial-birth abortions, infanticide, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem-cell research etc. They are not negotiable and there is no compromise. Peace and Justice focuses on prudential and negotionable issues, particularly the option for the poor. It could be war, wages, housing, jobs, immigration etc.

3. Until 2005, I was on the task force with six others created by Bishop Jaime Soto. Our work was to establish a pro-life representative in each parish of the Diocese. We succeeded. The focus was to be on pro-life issues. Two years ago, It was a mistake to combine it with the prudential issues of peace and justice. It is called the Catholic Legislative Network. It failed to inform Catholic voters on the Calif. CINOP. [Jim Costa was defeated on political not values issues.]

4.If Christianity was outlawed, what evidence could be brought against you to prove you are a Christian? In California, my accusers would be CINO Governor Jerry Brown and Lieutenant Governor, the Mayor Newsom of San Francisco. Why? They know that I am an enemy of same-sex marriage. In fact, all of my accusers would be California’s CINO politicians including Pelosi, Sanchez, Correa and Solorio. “All of this is a badge of honor.”

5.Except for California, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut etc., the rest of the nation was victorious on pro-life. Thanks to the tremendous work of National Right to Life, Catholic Advocate, Susan B. Anthony List, Students for Life, Americans United for Life, Priests for Life,, Focus on the Family, Coral Ridge Ministries etc. I believe more than 30 CINO politicians were defeated on Nov. 2nd. Well done! Please help California in 2012!

George H. Kubeck

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