Saturday, June 29, 2013

         The Wisdom of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI - 1

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - St. Peter and Paul Solemnity - Sun. June 29, 2013 

The following is a judgement which I wish is wrong.

Preface:  "You call yourself a Catholic yet you are not in union with the pope or the Universal Magisterium. Who are you? You do nothing when the American culture of death attacks your Catholic beliefs and faith. You are not only silent but cooperate with the political party that does this evil. Why don't we call a spade a spade? You are a hypocrite when you use the word Catholic when you run for office. You promote the dictatorship of moral relativism. You are a CINOP, a Catholic-in-name-only- person -politician.

 You are like Nancy Pelosi, V.P. Biden, Governors Brown and  Cuomo.They should be shamed out of the Catholic community. They are responsible for same-sex marriage in America. They are enemies  of traditional America and the American Catholic Church. By their fruits you shall know them."

 Excerpts from Benedict's book, Co-Workers of the Truth - June 18th Meditation 

Teach them everything I have commanded you" (Mt 28:20). Faith requires instruction and an ethical approach, not a vague sense of transcendent and inexpressible reality.

 Granted, it leaves its mark first on the human heart, but from the depths of the heart it leaves its mark also on intellect and will.

 Faith requires a constant training of the whole personality and a readiness to keep on learning for the rest of one's life, to remain a pupil in the school of Christ. Teaching is a Christian calling, a work of mercy, for the lack of truth, the lack of knowledge, is a more dire form of poverty than any purely material form. You cannot teach if you do not give instruction about the nature of man, if you do not transmit a comprehensive history of human culture.

 On the other hand, every instruction must also serve as an affirmation of the art of being human and an assurance that the nucleus of this art is faith. At the present time, a purely intellectual understanding of instruction has emerged in many places.

 Every attempt to offer an instruction based on the truth of our being is consequently interpreted as an attack against freedom and the self-determination of the individual. Such an attitude would be appropriate if there were no truth engraved on our life from the beginning. But in such a case the autonomous self-determination of the individual would be absurd and would end in nothingness.

 But there is a truth already engraved in us, if our existence is the realization of a thought of the Eternal Truth, then the proclamation of this truth and assistance in living our lives in the way of this truth are the definitive steps in the liberation of humanity - in the liberation from the absurd and from nothingness into the fullness of its destiny.




Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Communist and the Politically Correct Secular Progressive
What's the Difference?
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Feast of St. Thomas More - Saturday, June 22, 2013 - Thomas is the patron of this blog.  (Catholic-in-name-only politicians = cinops)
You can  start making your own list. They both have a supreme arrogance. They know what is best for us. They have a contempt for ordinary American folks and promulgate the myth that what they propose is inevitable. Which it is not. True communism is already in the ash pin of history.
One has a party line and the other a political correctness line. Did you notice how powerful political correctness was with that food lady? So if you believe that the definition of marriage should not be changed, well watch out for a national persecution and brainwash on this matter.
We are already experiencing it with the public expression of our Christian religious beliefs. Keep your religion to yourself!  You have no right to express it in the public arena. We are going to enforce the HHS mandate. They will reinterpret the First Amendment to the Constitution where so-called civil equality rights will over rule religious freedom of expression. Natural law, biology, science and common sense have nothing to do with same-sex marriage.
Also, did you know that American Catholic education and any other religious education is divisive? It divides a nation. So do government lies and the difference between good and evil.  Big brother government will blur that division with political correctness in America.
Academia, the news elite and others in America have betrayed American values, transparency and the truth. They do not want to focus on the pursuit of the truth. We live in the twilight zone where the expert Czar bureaucrats will make up false beliefs and brainwash us into their belief.  
Both the communist and the secular progressive promote basically a secular atheistic religion. But a government sponsored secular religion is unconstitutional according to the first amendment of our Constitution and legal action needs to be taken in this matter.
One of the most dangerous group in America are the Catholic-in-name-only politicians and their followers within the Catholic Church. They are subversive to Catholic beliefs. Bishops who can't stand up for the Catholic Faith should resign.
George H. Kubeck
P.S. Dennis Prager calls their secular progressive religion -  leftism. He has published a classic book which Americans need to read. It is "Still the Best Hope: Why the World Need American Values to Triumph," published by Harper Collins.) We lack true leaders in the public arena. Also, our founding father Alexander Hamilton would make mince meat of secular progressivism.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Ben Carson, M.D. - America the Beautiful - 8

 Our Nation is in Hot Water:

 For several decades now, America has basically had a two-party system: Democrats and Republicans. Each of these parties has been engaged in the gradual but consistent growth of the central government and its claim on power. Ever-expanding programs offering benefits to the masses are difficult to resist....

 In early 2009, many throughout America voiced their discontent as they began to worry about the excessive government spending for such programs as TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) and the proposed bail for many Wall Street entities and large companies such as General Motors. The country was already in significant debt...

 Will we once again rebel for positive change?:

 America got off to an auspicious start centuries ago because its citizens were unwilling to herded like sheep by an elite group of "leaders." [Czars] They were driven by a desire to take ownership of their own fate and establish a nation created by them and for them. Their self-determination and celebration of freedom to control their own lives helped birth our great nation.

 Today, however, a fundamental shift has occurred in the role of our nation's government and the role of its people, and so throughout this book,we will determine whether those seeds of independence still remain viable or whether they have been supplanted by passivity and acceptance of the status quo. ... Do we value our freedom enough to pursue it, or have we lost our way without realizing it? Do we benefit from the principles that established this nation without understanding them?

 What will we as America's citizens write in this next chapter of our history? Will we settle for being herded by our leaders' understanding of what is best for us?

 Or will "we the people" once again rally together, educating ourselves as to the best possible solutions for a way forward, communicating to our leaders our collective desires, and demonstrating that we truly are a nation that rebels for positive change...

 George H. Kubeck, In pursuit of the truth, Cinops be gone, Mon. June 17th

 P. S. Can you imagine Ben Carson in the shoes of Vice-President Biden? What a breadth of fresh air and at least one true solution to the weekly killings going on in Chicago, Illinois. 





Sunday, June 16, 2013

Understanding a Subversive Alinskyite Presidency - 1
Excerpts from David Horowitz, Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution, The Alinsky Model: 2009
The Alinsky Strategy: Boring From Within:
Conservatives think of war as a metaphor when applied to politics. For radicals, the war is real. That is why when partisans of the left go into battle, they set out to destroy their opponents by stigmatizing them as "racists," "sexists," "homophobes" and "Islamophobes."
It is why they so often pretend to be what they are not ("liberals" for example) and rarely say what they mean. Deception for them is a military tactic in a war that is designed to eliminate the enemy.
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is first of all a comradely critique of the sixties' New Left. What bothers Alinsky about these radicals is their honesty - which may have been their only redeeming feature.
While the Communist Left pretended to be Jeffersonian Democrats and "progressives" and formed "popular fronts" with liberals, the New Left radicals disdained these deceptions, regarding them as display of weakness. To distinguish themselves from such popular front politics, sixties radicals said they were revolutionaries and proud of it. ...
The most basic principle of Alinsky's advice to radicals is to lie to their opponents and disarm them by pretending to be moderates and liberals. Deception is the radical's most important weapon, and it has been a prominent one since the end of the sixties.
Racial arsonists such as Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright pose as civil rights activists; anti-American radicals such as Bill Ayers pose as patriotic progressives; socialist pose as liberals. The mark of their success is reflected in the fact that conservatives collude in the deception and call them liberals as well....
Alinsky chides New Lefties for being "rhetorical radicals" rather than "realistic." New Lefties scared people but didn't have the power to back up their threats. The most important thing for radicals, according to Alinsky, is to deal with the world as it is, and not as they might want to be.
"An an organizer I start from the world as it is, as it is, not as I would like it to be.... That means working in the system."
This is the passage from which Michelle Obama selected lines to sum up her husband's vision at the Democratic convention that nominated him for president in August 2008. Referring to a visit  he made to Chicago neighborhoods, she said, "And Barack stood up that day and he spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about 'world as it is' and 'the world as it should be.' And he said that all too often, we accept the distance between the two and we settle for the world as it is even when it doesn't reflect our values and aspirations." She concluded: "All of us are driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won't do - that we have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be."
George H. Kubeck - In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday,June 16, 2013
P.S.  Mrs. Barack Obama: Abortion on Demand and Same Sex marriage are not American Values.
"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Barack Obama , election eve, 2008

Ben Carson, M.D. - America the Beautiful - 7
Flag Day - 2013
The New Tea Party: DIRECTing America Today:
The old Tea Party would probably never have been birthed if large segments of the colonial population had not felt oppressed and betrayed by the very government that was supposed to be taking care of their needs. If one were to make an acrostic of the first letters of each of these phases - denial, ignore, resistance, exempt, conforming, and transformation one gets the word DIRECT, and that is what basically happened....
Now let's look at the same DIRECT acrostic with respect to the new Tea Party. Late in 2008 and early 2009, a number of things happened that caused great concern to a large number of Americans. Among these were the passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the bailout of several major financial agencies, and talk about dramatic reform of the nation's health care system. Scattered small protests about these things were seen around the nation, but the entrenched powers of government and most of the media denied the significance.
Then on February 19, 2009, a business news editor on CNBC by the name of Rick Santelli in a national broadcast from the floor of the Chicago Exchange severely criticized government plans to refinance "underwater mortgages," those mortgages whose values are less than the balance owed because of the collapse of the housing prices. Many of the derivative traders in the background applauded, and the hosts of the show were bewildered.
The video of Santelli's outburst went viral, with special emphasis on the part where he called for another tea party,... The entrenched political establishment and most of the media ignored how fast these protests were growing just as the British regarded the colonial protests during the American Revolution.... The passage of the new health care legislation in December of 2009, contrary to what the majority of Americans wanted, was like pouring gasoline on a fire, and it dramatically increased the strength of the Tea Party movement....
The attacks from much of the media, from several members of Obama's administration, and from the Democratic Party were relentless and mean-spirited.... During the 2010 midterm primaries, Tea Party membership had grown to the point that it was able to significantly influence the outcome of the primaries... It became increasingly clear that the Tea Party was not simply an arm of the Republican Party, but rather a significant force for real change. Its constituents recognized that both the Democrats and the Republicans were responsible for excessive spending, incessant pork barrel projects to benefit special constituent groups, and intrusion into private lives of citizens....

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ben Carson, M.D. - America the Beautiful - 6
Tea Parties - Then and Now:
The rebellion of the Boston Tea Party has many similarities with the political movement today known as the Tea Party. For the sake of simplicity, let's call the colonial protesters the old Tea Party movement and call the political movement established in 2009 the new Tea Party movement.
In the days of the old Tea Party, the British government and the American Loyalists attempted to establish and maintain control of the colonies. When the Patriots Ben C to resist such efforts, those in power tended to deny that there was any real resistance from anyone except extremist, fringe individuals.
Let's call this the denial phase. But as the protests became more prolific, denial was no longer tenable, and the powers that be decided to ignore the movement.... Let's call this the denial phase. Unfortunately for those in control, ignoring the movement did nothing to lessen its intensity and, in fact, gave it time to grow even more powerful.... Many of the regulations subsequently imposed were part of this punitive resistance phase....
The British had a long and successful history in colonizing many parts of the world, which had brought them great power and wealth, but America and the Americans were different than any of the other groups they had ruled. Perhaps, they considered, America should be exempt from the sovereign dictates of the throne....
During this exemption phase, it became increasingly easy for the Loyalists to desert the throne and align themselves with the Patriots who were gaining power and the admiration of the populace. Many of those formerly in power - the American Loyalist, dedicated to the British crown, for example - began to believe and act on the very things that they once railed against, conforming to the ideology and actions of their previous enemies, This we shall call the conforming phase.
The final phase is the transformation phase, in which the ideology of the resistance movement becomes the mainstream philosophy governing a now changed society. And in the case of the American Revolution, the ideas of the old Tea Party - less central government, more local rule, and more personal responsibility - became the basis for a new society that rapidly rose to the pinnacle of the world.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ben Carson, M.D. - America the Beautiful - 5

 It wasn't long, however, before the taxation monster raised its ugly head again, for in 1767 the Townshend Act was passed. This famously included taxes on tea, which the colonist had grown increasingly very fond of. Through trickery and parliamentary procedures, the Townshend Act allowed the British's almost bankrupt East India Company to gain a virtual monopoly on tea sales, exacerbating tensions between the colonists and England....

 In December of 1773, some of the colonists were so outraged with the taxes on tea that they disguised themselves as  Native Americans, boarded British ships in Boston Harbor, and destroyed the tea by tossing it all into the harbor. This, of course, was the famous Boston Tea Party. ... More taxes and regulations followed, many of which were quite punitive and became known as the "Intolerable Acts."...

 The tensions between Great Britain and America continued to build and numerous skirmishes, some of which are well documented by historians, broke out. One of the most famous fights took place on June 17, 1775, at Breed' Hill, where approximately 2,500 British troops attacked an American installation defended by only 1,400 troops. It was an intense battle and the British lost approximately 40 percent of their troops, while the Americans lost less than a third of theirs. Even though the British eventually won, it was a Pyrrhic victory....

 Waking Up To Some "Common Sense":

An unlikely figure emerged in the form of Thomas Paine.... And editor of a Philadelphia magazine, Paine published a fifty-page political pamphlet, Common Sense, in January of 1776, which began with one of the most memorable lines in American history: "These are the times that try men's souls."  [Like the times we live in today.]

 The pamphlet resonated so well with the colonists' feelings about independence that over 120,000 copies of the pamphlet were sold within the first three months, and half a million copies were sold in the first year.... Spurred on by the message of Common Sense, enthusiasm for independence grew dramatically, even among former Loyalists. Paine donated the profits from the sale of Common Sense to George Washington's army saying, ....

 George H. Kubeck, In pursuit of the truth, cinops be gone, Sunday, June 9, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Ben Carson, M.D. - America the Beautiful - 4

In retrospect, I realize that all these teachers and some of the students were simply products of their environment, but they triggered in me a strong desire to start my own personal civil rights movement to show everyone that I was just as good as they were by doing better than they did in school...
In April of 1968, on the day after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, a major riot broke out at my high school in inner-city Detroit. Most of the black students were so outraged that they were trying physically harm anyone who was white. Some very serious beatings took place, and I saw many of my white friends being harassed.... So during the riot, I used that key [to the greenhouse] to open the greenhouse and hid several white students during the melee.... It mattered not what color your skin was on the outside, but rather what condition was of your heart and mind inside....

While many nations lean on their past to give them a sense of accomplishment, the United States has a history of redefining itself and moving forward to ensure that there is indeed liberty and justice for all.

A New World Springs Forth:

The question is whether we have lost our capacity to endure hardship and sacrifice for future generations. We face a national budgetary crisis that threatens to rip our country apart and destroy our way of life.... America has always had a rich and diverse ethnic background. Our nation began that way and we continue to expand that way. All kinds of people are responsible for our nation's rapid development, and great accomplishments, and at the same token, we share blame for many of the atrocities that have occurred on American soil....

 It was Amerigo Vespucci, an acquaintance of Columbus, who is credited with America's discovery in 1497, five years after Columbus landed in the Caribbean Islands while searching for a new route to the spice-rich Far East....

 The final nail in the coffin of Spanish domination of the oceans took place in 1588, when the Spanish Armada was sunk in a battle with the English and, more importantly, by a ferocious storm, which decimated their mighty fleet. Because the English dominated the seas in the early 1600s, they decided that it was their right to begin colonizing America, and the first of the permanent

English colonies, Jamestown, was established in 1607.... Many of the settlers were English gentlemen who had no idea how to work in wild environment. They quickly ran out of food while battling the Algonquin and enduring very harsh winter conditions. You don't have to have much of an imagination to visualize how desperate those early settlers must have been. The vast majority of early settlers succumbed to starvation and violence, and there even credible reports of cannibalism. They suffered extreme hardship and personal sacrifice, all to create a more stable and prosperous future for subsequent generations....

 Although many movies portray the Europeans as vastly superior to the Native Americans in warfare, their most effective weapons were the diseases they brought, against which the Native Americans had no immunological resistance.... In an attempt at self-rule, they constructed an agreement of behavior known as the Mayflower Compact, the first formal constitution in North

America. In this contact they agreed to the fair and equal treatment of everyone for the good of the colony. Unfortunately, "everyone" did not include women, those who were not land owners, slaves and indentured servants, or the region's natives..... These were immature baby steps toward a more noble goal, but they were steps in the right direction....

Many in Europe saw an opportunity to escape the repressive and overbearing governmental system under which they languished, and these people emigrated in droves. bringing with them a strong determination to make a better life for themselves and their offsprings, unfettered by oppressive overseers disguised as government.

 Throughout the mid- and late seventeenth century, immigrants flooded in not only from England, but also from France, Germany, and other parts of Europe. Migrating into the area that was to become Pennsylvania, a large influx of Quakers provided for the abolitionist movement that was to come.... During the rapid expansion of colonial life in America, England jealously guarded it sovereignty over America... the king felt that the massive expenditures to protect American colonies during the

French and Indian War should be repaid in part by those who benefited - namely the colonies.

 Growing Resentment Over Out-Of-Control Taxation:

The British Parliament had imposed many taxes on the colonists under the revenue acts, but still were not satisfied with the amount of money collected. So in 1765, the Stamp Act was passed, which imposed a levy on just about every type of legal document imaginable, including marriage licenses, college degrees - even such ordinary items as newspapers and playing cards.... Needless to say the colonist were not pleased about this, even though British citizens in England were already paying not only this tax, but many other exorbitant taxes.... Finally, in 1766, the British Parliament repealed many of the taxes, including the Stamp Act. The colonists celebrated the repeal, even erecting a statue of King George in New York.



Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ben Carson, M.D. - America the Beautiful - 3

Memorial Day

 "Dr. Ben Carson has turned a spotlight on an unstable society that seeks to destroy the foundation upon which America was built. He has peered in to the microscope lens that reveals the deception of those trying to rewrite the history of our country.

He stirs up our national pride with historical accounts that reveal why America has been blessed of God and how close we are to the brink of losing freedoms won long ago through sacrifice and bloodshed. The heart of the nation has been severed from the lifeline of God's truth. As one of the world's leading surgeons, Ben Carson's gifted hands have been blessed of God in saving countless lives. From these gifted hands comes America the Beautiful that gives a prescription that can cause the heart of our nation to beat once again with hope for the future ."

Franklin Graham, President & CEO Billy Graham Evangelistic Association,  Samaritan's Purse

 Chapter 1 - America's History of Rebelling for Change:

 There is no country I'd rather be a citizen of and call home than America. Where else but in this land of opportunity are people given so much freedom to  pursue their dreams, with the potential to bring out the best in everyone? I have been fortunate enough to visit forty-nine of America's fifty states, and I never cease to be amazed by the tremendous diversity one finds here - from big metropolitan cities to small countryside town, from tropical islands to forested mountain ranges....

 Does America have its flaws? Absolutely.... we have responded time and time again to work toward "liberty and justice for all." One of America's most respected legacies is indeed that of rebelling for change. I grew up in inner-city Detroit and Boston at the tail end of one those dark periods in America's history. Slavery had long been abolished but widespread racism remained...;

 Growing up we faced constant reminders of how we were less important than white people.... One day my uncle William was giving me a haircut in the kitchen while we watched the news on television when I saw white police unleashing ferocious dogs on groups of young black people and mowing them down with powerful water hoses. Even little children were being brutalized....

 My brother Curtis and I were very fond of our older cousins, who always made us laugh. But both of them were constantly in trouble with the police, which resulted in their brutal, racially motivated beatings, ... Ultimately both of my cousins were killed because of their association with the wrong people....

 It wasn't just our inner-city neighborhood where racism flourished; I found it at school as well... That class was band, which was going to be an easy A since I was an excellent clarinetist. That last A would make me a shoo-in for the highest academic achievement ward in eight-grade that year. I was beaming as I gave Mr. Mann my report card, buy my joy quickly turned to sorrow when I saw he had given me a grade of C in order to ruin my chances of receiving the highest academic award... my winning of the award  would have been an eye opening experience for many people at Wilson Junior High School, since I was the only black student in the class. Much to Mr. Mann's chagrin and to my delight, band was not considered an academic subject and did not count; therefore, I received the highest academic award after all...

 One of the other teachers was so upset about this that she literally chastised all the white students at the ward ceremony in front of the entire school for allowing a black student to outperform them academically. The scene is depicted in the movie about my life, Gifted Hands....

George H. Kubeck - In pursuit of the truth, Cinops be gone - Sunday, June 2, 2013