Monday, June 17, 2013

Ben Carson, M.D. - America the Beautiful - 8

 Our Nation is in Hot Water:

 For several decades now, America has basically had a two-party system: Democrats and Republicans. Each of these parties has been engaged in the gradual but consistent growth of the central government and its claim on power. Ever-expanding programs offering benefits to the masses are difficult to resist....

 In early 2009, many throughout America voiced their discontent as they began to worry about the excessive government spending for such programs as TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) and the proposed bail for many Wall Street entities and large companies such as General Motors. The country was already in significant debt...

 Will we once again rebel for positive change?:

 America got off to an auspicious start centuries ago because its citizens were unwilling to herded like sheep by an elite group of "leaders." [Czars] They were driven by a desire to take ownership of their own fate and establish a nation created by them and for them. Their self-determination and celebration of freedom to control their own lives helped birth our great nation.

 Today, however, a fundamental shift has occurred in the role of our nation's government and the role of its people, and so throughout this book,we will determine whether those seeds of independence still remain viable or whether they have been supplanted by passivity and acceptance of the status quo. ... Do we value our freedom enough to pursue it, or have we lost our way without realizing it? Do we benefit from the principles that established this nation without understanding them?

 What will we as America's citizens write in this next chapter of our history? Will we settle for being herded by our leaders' understanding of what is best for us?

 Or will "we the people" once again rally together, educating ourselves as to the best possible solutions for a way forward, communicating to our leaders our collective desires, and demonstrating that we truly are a nation that rebels for positive change...

 George H. Kubeck, In pursuit of the truth, Cinops be gone, Mon. June 17th

 P. S. Can you imagine Ben Carson in the shoes of Vice-President Biden? What a breadth of fresh air and at least one true solution to the weekly killings going on in Chicago, Illinois. 





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