Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hurdles Practicing Catholics Face in America
In pursuit of the truth - http://cinopsbegoneblogspot.com - Tuesday, April 15, 2014
"Never in history have the Church and Her teaching been under attack fro more quarters than right now. Every day the Body of the Church is scourged anew by communists, socialists, Planned Parenthood, radical feminists, atheist authors, "gay" militants, godless academics, worldly reporters and columnists, Hollywood produces, rock starts, occultists, comedians, cartoonists, anti-Catholic fundamentalists, wealthy foundations, "Catholic" dissenters - the list goes on."
From Catholic League - For Religious and Civil Rights (I have been a member for 40 years +)
Catholic Dissidents Oppose the Bishops
January 30, 2014
"Bill Donohue comments on dissident Catholic organizations who are working against the bishops in their defense of religious liberty.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops filed and amicus brief Tuesday in support of a lawsuit brought by a privately owned business, Hobby Lobby, that challenges the constitutionality of the Health and Human Resources mandate that is forcing its pro-abortion, pro-contraception, and pro-sterilization agenda on those who reject these services as immoral.
Also on Tuesday, seven "Catholic" organizations joined with others to oppose Hobby Lobby. Catholics for Choice is a pro-abortion, anti-Catholic entity; CORPUS, Ethics and Ritual reject the Church's teachings on ordination; DignityUSA and New Ways Ministry reject the Church's teachings on homosexuality; and the National Coalition of American Nuns is pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage.
The latter group is particularly interesting. In a Marist poll released last week, it found that 84 percent of the American people favor abortion restrictions. But not the National Coalition of Nuns: in 1989, they signed an amicus brief in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services in favor of unrestricted legal abortion. In 2006, they issued and "open letter" to Catholic voters in support of abortion and gay marriage. The year before, they blasted the selection of Pope Benedict XVI; in 2008, they publicly opposed his papal visit to the U.S. In 2010, when the Catholic League protested the decision by the owner of the Empire State Building not to light the tower in recognition of Mother Teresa's centenary, these nuns signed a letter in support of the owner (so much for the bonds of "sisterhood"). In 1984, this same group opposed formal U.S. diplomatic relations with the Holy See.
Just today, Pope Francis called on Catholic universities to be "uncompromising" in their defense of the Church's "moral teachings." Too bad some nuns are working overtime to subvert his pleas."
Phone: 212-371-3191 - pr@catholicleague.org
We have many enemies within the Church. In every U.S. Diocese we have Catholic-in-name only politicians running for reelection. There are at least three in Orange County. It is a public shame on the Diocese to witness the reelection of Loretta Sanchez for Congress.

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