Friday, December 19, 2014


In pursuit of the truth - -Friday, Dec., 19, 2014
Preface: How lucky informed Americans are with Dennis Prager on talk radio KLAC 870 A.M., Bill O'Reilly on Fox News and Richard Thompson , President of Thomas More Law Center.
"Everywhere we look, America is in a deepening crisis. Our nation's religious and moral foundations are disintegrating... A corruptness has taken over our political system. Politicians of both major parties are more interested in appeasing special interests groups to win elections than doing what is in the best interests of the American people and the continued existence of a free and independent nation based on Christian principles. We need to keep our Nation's traditional Judeo-Christian values at the forefront." Richard Thompson
But wait we have Ben Carson for President. His booklet, Ben Carson, On the Issues in His own Words:  will be printed out in future letters. Ben is a breadth of fresh air in the political arena.
Here are excerpts from RUN BEN RUN - Congrats, America: Ben Carson is now your 2016 GOP Front Runner: December 18, 21014.
"It's not only national polls like FOX News that now show Ben Carson as a frontrunner for President of the United States, the Des Moines Register poll in Iowa also has Carson at the top. Remember, the 2015 Iowa Caucus is just one year away.
"That's right, if Ben Carson receives just 17% of the black vote he wins every swing state and marches right into the White House as the first president who is a descendant of slaves. Frankly, I (John Phillip Sousa IV, Chairman, National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee) expect Ben Carson to win much more than just 17% of the black vote ... maybe a majority.
And when you consider the fact that Ben Carson has long been used as a role model for young African Americans by their parents, why shouldn't he receive a majority of the Black vote? Don't forget that virtually all black Americans have seen the full length movie starring Cuba Gooding, Jr., Gifted Hands, that depicts the amazing story of Ben Carson.
But, there is even better data that confirms the power of a respected black candidate for President like Ben Carson.
When Herman Cain ran for President in 2012, his internal polls showed him winning more than 40% of the black vote and nearly 60% of the Hispanic vote. Cain's campaign team was stunned....
They finally concluded that it was because of both black and Hispanic Americans identified with the life experience of Herman Cain. He had escaped poverty to become a successful and prosperous businessman. And because poor blacks and Hispanics want to escape poverty, why not support someone who knows how to do so? ... Ben Carson is an icon in those communities.
Ben Carson grew up in one of the worst areas of Detroit, Michigan to become a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. He became the youngest division chairman in the history of John Hopkins University Hospital, leading that multi-hundred million dollar enterprise to new levels of innovation and success.
Most important, Ben Carson has never lost touch with where he started. He and his wife Candy started the Carson Scholars Fund to help had working and intelligent students escape poverty and succeed in life. The nonprofit the Carson's started now operates in all fifty states, helping thousands of students to follow his path to success.

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