Tuesday, January 26, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - http://www.cinopsbegoneblogspot.com - Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016
    We need someone who can unite the country directly and is a role model for all Americans. In 1980 we had Ronald Reagan an ordinary man who became an extraordinary leader. We have one in 2016.  Let's find out what made Reagan so. The outstanding American-by-choice  Dinesh D'Souza wrote the book, "Ronald Reagan". Here are several excerpts.
"Let me briefly summarize my (Dinesh's) conclusions. Reagan's greatness derives in large part from the fact that he was a visionary - a conceptualizer who was able to see the world differently from the way it was. While others were obsessed and bewildered by the problems of the present, Reagan was focused on the future. This orientation gave Reagan an otherworldly quality that is often characteristic of great men.
"The source of Reagan's vision was his possession of what Edmund Burke termed moral imagination. He saw the world through the clear lens of right and wrong. This kind of knowledge came not from books but from within himself.
"Moreover, Reagan firmly believed that however prolonged the struggle, good eventually would prevail over evil. He was an apostle not so much of blind optimism as of hope. His hope had a religious root. Reagan was not a conventionally religious man, but he had a providential understanding of destiny - both his own and that of his country.
"It wasn't Reagan's philosophy or his ideas that were novel. They were grand ideas, but they were not uniquely his own. He derived them from lived experience of the founding principles of freedom and self-government. Reagan valued ideas to the degree that they were anchored in the firm tether of experience. He understood the moral power of the American ideal and saw how it could be realized most effectively in his time.
"To say, as even his allies do, that Reagan had "a few good ideas" is like calling Lincoln a single-issue politician. It is true that Lincoln focused both is presidential campaigns on one question, slavery, but great leaders view the entire landscape of events and detect which issues among many are absolutely decisive and lay bare the fundamental question of what is to be and American... Like Lincoln, Reagan had an unerring capacity to separate the things that matter from the things that are peripheral.
"Reagan understood Soviet communism with the same moral clarity that Lincoln had in understanding slavery. Both men were fundamentally motivated not by political calculation but by a basic sense of right or wrong. They approached evil with a pure childlike simplicity that sophisticated people take pride in having outgrown. Like Jimmy Steward in the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Reagan never lost his innocence or his capacity to be outraged. Although his country-boy style was often seen as revealing Reagan's naivete, in fact he had a shrewd understanding of human nature, as a sharp political antenna, and he exploited the fact that he was consistently underrated by his adversaries....
"He didn't care what the soi-disant intellectuals at the Aspen Institute or the New York Times editorial page thought of him. He was truly rare in this respect.... Like most other successful leaders, Reagan used his rhetoric and his acting skills as part of his governing strategy.... He was a Great Communicator because he forcefully articulated the principles of liberty and equality that are at the core of what it means to be an American..."
George H. Kubeck,
    "But where truth no longer exists, every standard can be altered; one can in fact, do exactly the opposite; renunciation of the truth is the real source of our present crisis." Cardinal  Jos.  Ratzinger
1) "Abortion Opponents indicted for video" Texas Grand Jury clears Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing. 2) Prager University - Larry Elder - President Barack Obama claims that racism is part of the DNA of being an American. What an insult from this so-called Black American! His mother was white and his father an African Negro. Your policies, Barack, are based on lies and political correctness. 3) The silence of Santorium and Huckabee is deafening. They won the last two times in Iowa. As establishment Republican Presidential candidates they are afraid to support an authentic Black American Ben Carson, the outside candidate. The special interests and the media don't want a Godly man like Ben Carson. God willing, pray for a big surprise in Iowa.

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