Monday, January 18, 2016



In pursuit of the truth - - Sunday,  Jan. 17, 2016
Answer # 1: President Obama's culture of death is at war with American Christian voters and the Constitution:
Answer # 2: Yuval Levin is the Hertog Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and editor of National Affairs. From his article in First Things, Feb. 2016, "The Perils of Religious Liberty."
"In our time, too, a season of intolerance has dawned. Over the fast few years, the Obama administration has actively worked to isolate, vilify, and intimidate opponents of abortion, for instance, making it increasingly difficult for them to run a business or operate in the public square in accordance with their convictions.
The Supreme Court, meanwhile, has declared the traditional understanding of marriage as anathema, [ 50 million had voted for traditional marriage.] and left wide open many vexing questions about the standing of individuals, groups, and institutions who continue to uphold that understanding. [THE DECISION BY ONE CATHOLIC-IN-NAME-ONLY SUPREME COURT JUSTICE.]
Major corporations have launched brazen attacks on communities seeking to carve out spaces on competing views on such questions. The key organs of popular culture have declared dissenting views on sexuality and marriage unfit for polite conversation, setting off occasional high profile witch hunts against dissenters and enabling an environment of intimidation well beyond those.
Prominent academics and civil liberties organizations have raised the prospect of stripping churches of their tax exemptions and pursuing litigation to require private companies to be led and staffed by people who pledge allegiance to the moral creed of the left.
Major newspapers have begun to put the phrase "religious freedom" in scare quotes, as if everybody understood that it is just a cover for bigotry abusing the sacred name of liberty...
Ever since nation's founding, if not since the dawn of the enlightenment, the liberal society has been at war with its own moral foundations, they argue. ...
Religious liberty has therefore become the foremost public priority of social conservatives, and the importance of that first freedom has taken center stage in our case to larger society....
Religious liberty is plainly essential for the endurance of our free society and for the protection of the rights and freedom of the many millions of Americans who dissent from the caustic Gnosticism that increasingly dominates our culture. The cultural revival we yearn for is only imaginable if we fight now against the suppression of dissenting views on moral questions. ...
The legal arena is where the case for religious liberty seems most straightforward and securely rooted. The First Amendment to the Constitution declares that "Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." These sixteen glorious words make for a sword, a shield, and like a banner for today's beleaguered believers. They seem to safeguard the right of every American to live by his convictions. But let us consider what they really demand, an and on what grounds..."
George H. Kubeck,
The culture of death onslaught is a national secular religion which should be brought to the Supreme Court that the establishment of this secular religion is unconstitutional.               
Furthermore, it would be wise for all pro-life, marriage and family supporters take a second look at Ben Carson for the Presidency. He would unify the Republican party and the nation. Ben is an authentic black American, a respected common-sense solution minded conservative. We need a role model.

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