Tuesday, May 10, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - HTTP://WWW.CINOPSBEGONEBLOGSPOT.COM - Tuesday, May 10, 2016
The following are almost unbelievable excerpts of LifeSiteNews Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Western delivered the following address at the Rome Life Forum on May 6, 2016. (lifesitenews.com is an absolutely necessity for any Christian source of information.)
May 9, 2016 - (LifeSiteNews) - Under the guise of fighting homophobia, sex education, freedom of choice, LGBT rights, and non-discrimination we are experiencing the imposition of gender ideology... Unlike the Christian faith however, this set of beliefs is imposed rather than proposed.
... It proposes that a person's sex is not biologically determined but that it was historically socially constructed and that individuals should have the choice to determine their own sex - or gender. It is a belief system that denies bodily reality and forbids even the consideration of the risk factors associated with abnormal sexual activity. It employs the education, national legislation, attacks on religion and the Church in an effort to achieve total adherence. ...
You may note that there are that there are now 71 different genders to choose from when you sign up for a Facebook... the ideology has been taken up by governments and is being written into the legal codes all over the western world... the gender ideologues insist that "society must not only tolerate but positively accept any kind of sexual orientation." ...
This ideology, I would posit, is profoundly religious, with profound religious implications. As Pope Francis has said repeatedly, the pushing of "gender theory"  is a type of "ideological colonization" where like the "Hitler youth," they come to impose their "doctrine."
Pope Benedict XVI explained the "profound falsehood" of gender theory and the "anthropological revolution contained within it." He described gender theory as people disputing "the idea that they have a nature given by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being." Rather than acknowledging that God created people male and female, the theory contends that these are societal constructs and we now may decide for ourselves.
"When the freedom to be creative becomes the freedom to create oneself, then necessarily the Maker himself is denied and ultimately man too is stripped of his dignity as a creature of God, as the image of God at the core of his being," Benedict concluded. "The defence of the family is about himself. And it become clear that when God is denied, human dignity also disappears." ...
Satanic origin:
Philosopher Peter Kreeft has observed that almost the whole of the culture war is centered on a deformation of the conjugal union. Abortion, same-sex marriage, contraception, adultery, pornography, promiscuity, sex-education, divorce, homosexuality, in vitro fertilization, embryonic stem cell research are all related to sexuality. ... Sister Lucia to Cardinal Caffara in which she said that Our Lady told her "the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family." ...GEORGE H. KUBECK
I'm extremely fond of Pope Benedict XVI. In this coming presidential election you vote democratic to achieve the above or republican to restore Natural Law as the guide in human relationships.

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