Sunday, May 1, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - - Monday, May 2, 2016
Judicial Watch,                                 
425 Third Street SW, Suite 800,
Washington, DC 20024, (202) 646-5172 - -
Ref: 2016 - Critical Election Integrity Issues Survey
 Dear Patriotic American,
    I believe the integrity of America's election is under sustained assault by the corrupt Hillary Clinton gang, Chicago-corruption Obama, billionaire George Soros an the rest of the radical Left and open-borders political machine.
    Their objective ... to permanently weaken our nation's commonsense integrity safeguards ... is clear. Safeguards like photo ID laws and other election integrity laws helping ensure that only U.S. citizens are allowed to vote.
    Clearly, all the evidence points to the Left working to dismantle these safeguards, steal elections, and consolidate its power through voter fraud --- and not only for the 2016 elections - but for generations  or more. ...
    For twenty-two years we've served as America's true "independent counsel," fighting for transparency in government and holding corrupt politicians in both parties accountable under the law and to the American people for their crimes....
    (A Washington Post poll showed that 74% of Americans believe that people should have to show photo identification to vote ... just like we do to drive legally or, in many states, to collect welfare benefits.)  ... Recently, the highly respected, non-partisan Pew Charitable Trust found that "Approximately 2.75 million people have active [voter] registrations in more than one state": that "24 million ... active voter registrations in the U.S. are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate: and "more than 1.8 million deceased voters are listed as active voters." ....
    The New York Times story confirms that George Soros "... has already agreed to put up as much as $5 million into the litigation effort, which Democrats hope will erode restrictions on voter-access  that they say could prove decisive in a close election.
    Clearly, what George Soros, Hillary Clinton, radical Hispanic groups like La Raza, and radical Obama administration  have in common is an absolute determination to use the courts to overturn laws that limit voting to American citizens; along with easing any laws or regulations designed to prevent voter fraud.
D. James Kennedy Ministries,                                                                 December 29, 2016
P.O. Box 7009,
Albert Lea, MN 56007-8009 - 1-800-988-7884 -
Dear Friend,
    The threat posed by radical Islamic terrorism, perpetrated by groups like ISIS and Boko Haram, is growing and advancing. And yet President Obama continues to stubbornly understate the danger, focusing his wrath more on his fellow Americans who are concerned about terrorism than the terrorists themselves... Why does this president refuse to acknowledge the truth?...
    In the immediate aftermath of the November attacks in Paris, everyone in the world knew instantly who was behind those acts of violence. The attackers yelled "Allahu ackbar!" while shooting people in a Paris theater, as simultaneous attacks took place at restaurants, ...
    Shortly after the attacks, French President Francois Hollande said, "It's an act of war, committed by a terrorist army Daesh [ISIS], an army of jihadist ... our fight will be merciless."
    Yet the evening of the attacks, Obama faced reporters at the White House to say, " I don't want to speculate at this point in terms of who was responsible for this." His response is virtually unimaginable! This is the same president who goes on television to call for gun control moments after school shootings....
    Obama's own former Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, challenged his approach saying, "It isn't about containment. It's about defeating ISIS." ... Obama refuses to identify "radical Islam" as the source of such attacks at all! ... Ignorance on this issue constitutes a clear and present danger to the United States of America. 


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